News - You Completely Nailed Season 2 Sledgehammer. Warzone 2 Season 2 First Impressions


I hope you're all having a fantastic day. Now, ladies and gentlemen, yes, indeed, I finally gave season 2 a go. We ran it up, and we got a lot of stuff done. Of course, thank you to everybody who tuned into the live stream. I am going to be streaming again today, probably around 1 to 2 p.m. I am actually impressed, and I see enough content here that will last me in decent ways.

Of course, I can't really determine that just yet, but I'm going to give that a little bit of time because, you know, obviously. A week could go by depending on how much we play the game, and the maps could already be getting stale, but I'll be real: the variety between the three maps that we have gotten within this update is really solid.

You know, I am disappointed that, of course, they do Stash House 24/7. I like it. I really enjoy Stash House. I think it's a better version of the shipment. That's what I would say about it. I still think meat is still far superior out of all the small maps I've ever played, and I'm not a small map fan, so I guess my opinion isn't as important as someone else's opinion who literally only wants to play.

modern warfare 3 season 2

You know, for maps like this, I prefer medium to large, but when it comes to small-styled maps, it's a cool concept, it's interesting, it's fun, and it's definitely claustro. The big one got up into the building, but if you'll learn the routes and understand how to play, it actually becomes quite addicting, but, you know, I just want to play all the maps.

I hate having to go into the quickplay, you know, browser, and Lobby surf. I don't like lobster surfing. I like to just literally get into the match. It doesn't matter. It's all about time, you know, speed, getting into the game, and obviously prioritizing connection. I don't really Lobby surf.

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I don't look for different enemies or maps. I just take what I get and run with it, and we see how the game goes, obviously prioritizing connection. I don't really Lobby surf; I don't look for different enemies or look for maps; I just take what I get and run with it, and we see how the game goes, you know.

But man, all the maps are just fantastic, and I'm hoping that they put them in a little bit later. I'll be real with you guys, even though I think the majority of you guys are going to say Stash House is the best because, you know, like I said, the Call of Duty community loves their small map designs.

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I think the departure is phenomenal. I think that map design in particular is so freaking good, and I love the atmosphere of it as well. I want to continue to learn it, but again, it's not a 24/7 playlist, so it's a little rough to get it sometimes. That map is just gorgeous; it's a little bit tougher to learn, though it gives me.

What's it again? Greek vibes from Modern Warfare 3 season 1, where it's a lot of you know flank routes into the middle of the map. You know a Call of Duty game, or not just any Call of Duty game, but Modern Warfare 3 here. I always say it just makes me wonder what this game would be like if we got all original maps at launch and they, you know, slowly trickled through the Modern Warfare 2 content because I love, love the style of maps that they have been introducing into this game.

modern warfare 3 season 2 content

you know, pretty much all play styles are welcome SMGs. ARS snipers lmgs a lot of them take a lot of learning. You know, it's not just going to be a map that you hop into, and you automatically know everything. That's what I hate about maps. You know, when I play a map, I want it to be fun and have a lot of variety, so when you know I come back and play it, it'll be different every single time.

I guess a better choice of word should have been, you know, replayability. Right, you want a better replayability factor to these maps, and when there's a lot of different ways, routes, and play styles involved, you can literally hop on that map so many different times, and it always feels like a unique experience, and that's what I look for.

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You know, I know a lot of people like the three-lane basic maps. You know, hold one lane, all three, and just, you know, mow people down, and it's fun. It's definitely fun, but I like the variety that they have here, and I hope that they keep continuing to push these styles of maps out. I know Dos House is coming midseason, but you know it is what it is.

modern warfare 3 season 2 info

I still haven't tried the weapons yet, but the weapons are in the battle pass. I'm going to be grinding that out a little bit further, like I said, and hopefully today in stream I'll be able to unlock them, but the war map, ladies and gentlemen, my goodness, I am in love. I'm going to have a whole separate article diving deep into this, but the way they combined zombies and just all that stuff into the flow of the actual war experience is a banger.

It's a banger; it honestly puts the first map kind of to the test. Shame it really does, but again, like I said, we'll talk a little bit deeper about that. You know, in another article. Hordo was definitely enjoyable as a brand new game mod being introduced, and you know, zombie fans kind of got screwed over this time around, so to have something like that is kind of nice, so if you do enjoy zombies mixed with a little bit of multiplayer, you know that could be a lot of fun for you guys.

modern warfare 3 season 2 maps

I think you would probably enjoy that and the weapons, man. Again, they didn't really touch too much on the AR SMGs. Besides, the striker really caught a buff, and it was actually really good, but the side winder, ladies and gentlemen the side Winder, it is really freaking fun. It's still not very dominant.

I'll be real, you know. Even though I'm saying it's really fun, I have to say this regardless. It's not going to be beaming, you know, like your baz or your MCWS. Kind of do play their game; you know what I'm saying; they understand because they are using the weapon itself; it's not like they're just, you know, on the side; it's like the whole community is complaining about this.

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Let's look into the stats of it and just figure something out and then throw out a random update. No, it feels like this team is legitimately playing the game; they're using the weapons in actual public matches, seeing how it feels against other competitive players and casual players, and working on the weapons accordingly because every single weapon update has been a banger, an absolute banger.

modern warfare 3 season 2 meta

I see people complaining about it all the time, but I literally don't see where the complaints could possibly come from, not even a single bit. The first assault rifle update was phenomenal; it instantly fixed all the burst weapons and added a bit more variety to the mix. The second update for SMGs was also phenomenally good; it was a little bit underwhelming, though of course you know the striker and then obviously the AMR.

You Completely Nailed Season 2 Sledgehammer. MW3 Season 2 First Impressions.
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