News - Warzone 2: 11 Secret Changes Sledgehammer Didn't Mention. Season 2 Stealth Changes

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Season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone seems to be going pretty well for the most part, but as with every single update, there's bound to be some hidden and secret changes made to the game. That's got to be the case, of course. Of course they were. Today we're diving into these and letting you know what you may have missed out on with this update.

We'll be streaming a lot more, but for now, let's jump into it first. Let's talk about a bigger one here. We know Season 2 is embracing that zombie collaboration. The Walking Dead zombie-themed skins zombies thematic reskins of maps upcoming, even things like Operation Tin Man That new war map's entire premise is infiltrating a lab that's doing experiments with perhaps even crafting up zombies, but to go a step further, we actually have a new secret bunker that was opened up in Ukhan for war zone one that was previously locked off if you go to the edge of Oldtown overlooking Ersan.

Cargo in Grid Sector E5. There's that area that's the dock that's carved into the hillside—the sort of underbelly of that hillside. Previously, there was a locked vault there, but now if you go over to it, that's actually opened up. You'll initially be met with this sort of long tunnel hallway that goes downstairs and then into what is a lab with a bunch of stasis.


Chambers it opens up a bit on the left and right where there's a bit wider of a room there at that point it's not just the width of that hallway, and then there's two side rooms that connect to it that you can see walking down that hallway, as a whole there's also a bit of a ventilation tunnel or sort of hatch you can end up going from the upper portion of that staircase, down into it or vice versa and alongside all of that you have a couple of chests with some highle loot it's a decent landing spot perhaps if it is uncontested, but might be a little bit contested here at the beginning.

There's also another vault at the back end of this bunker here, which may lead to something in the future, but right now it's still a little unclear. There's a couple of cool things in regards to it, like Easter eggs and the air quote lure of it all. It's not really that in-depth, but it's something that is something that is still pretty cool to see, and it offers up a nice little way to get some bonus loot if that is something that suits your fancy.

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If you need a quick regain, you might be able to grab some stuff down here, but the ironic part about all of this, of course, is that we have a sort of bunker and a little bit of a lab here underneath Ersan, creating zombies, but this lab's actually not open in Zombies. If you go to zombies and try this out, go to the exact same spot where the vault in that bunker will be closed off from the outside, so granted, it would be in Tier 3, and it would be a one-way entry that was a sort of dead end, and it would be insanely dangerous to go into, but still, it's just further, almost comical examples of zombie stuff everywhere in Season 2.

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Except for actually in Zombies, another stealth change that was introduced here was one that was overall. This being a new addition to the slide and dive behavior options and how your controls are bound, previously these slide and dive behavior options because you had both you had the ability to tap to slide tap to dive slide only and dive only tap to slide would prioritize slide and if you held it in a dive and vice versa with tap to dive slide only was only sliding and dive only was only diving.

This was a big thing that was introduced because whenever you had those slight milliseconds, there were delays where the game had to register. Well, they kind of made a bug of a feature with this update; realistically, it was probably just one of those quality of life things that has been planned for quite some time that bled through a little bit too early, kind of like the Precision Air Strike and the UAV updates in War Zone after season 1 reloaded.

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Raven came out a little bit after that and said. Hey, no, this was planned for the future, just went live a little early, and that's why it broke stuff, probably the same thing that happened here with this, but I like to think of it in a more comical and Whimsical manner, taking something that was a bug and then making it a feature that worked out for the better, but you now have that option in your inputs and control.

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Check it out if you're at all interested. Truth be told, that's actually like the bulk of the interesting stealth changes. You had some smaller stuff, like the fov on vehicles, which is now punched out entirely. Whereas that was just a bug where it would happen randomly beforehand, that seems to happen in both multiplayer and zombies, as well as in war zones.

Then you had things like in War Zone, the UI that was upper right and text showing you the amount of kills teams left, any sort of streak you're on for squad wipes. The UI text has changed that font. The mortar strike really seems to have gotten a stealth buff here with this. I could not tell you the last time I died to a mortar strike before this update, like I'm talking all the way back to War Zone 1, maybe half a dozen times ever, because it was usually something that the mortar strike would just break your armor.


You could end up taking one hit and then getting out of the vicinity of where it was landing. Now I've been hit down twice by the mortar strike in the first day after the update in those first 24 hours. Yeah, I got by that thing twice, probably as many times as I had the last 2 years combined with a mortar strike.

So I definitely think that was a stealth buff, but again, nothing to definitively say on that one that it's just my feels. However, that's where we can kind of transfer over and talk about some inadvertent bugs here that were stealth changes because there's actually a few that are kind of cool, some that are kind of useful to know about, and things that, of course, if you've seen them and you're like.

modern warfare 3

That's wrong, they are going to be fixed, so inadvertent stealth changes that are maybe negative or again positive depending on who you ask. First, stuns actually make you faster now than this, whereas previously they would stop you in place; you couldn't move any of your camera angles, but right now you can actually run full speed while stunned; it just limits that horizontal camera movement so you can't look side to side, but you can still run in a straight line and look up and down with no problem at all.

So I'm assuming that's going to be fixed here in the near future, but something you should know about at the moment is the BP50, the new weapon. The original state of that weapon is actually visible in the mastery items; it was previously going to be named the FTAC BP 2K. So slight name change there; we see that happen from time to time, but those mastery items of the calling card and then the weapon charm haven't really caught up to that just yet.

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