News - New Season 2 Update Warzone 2. New Weapons, Maps, Modes & More Coming Soon


Today we got a brand new article for you guys, so the road map and all of the information for season 2 here in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 were just released on screen right now. I'm going to go ahead and break down everything that's here to do with Modern Warfare 3 and multiplayer. Okay, I'm not interested in zombies, and I'm not interested in war zones.

If you want to watch war zone content or information on war zones, go watch War Zone Creator. If you want zombie information, go watch a zombie YouTuber. Four brand new 6v6 maps now. This is amazing because this is just like the season passes that we used to get back in the day where we would get four maps and one zombie map.

That's something that needs to happen from here on out, every single season. We need four base multiplayer maps. I don't care if two come immediately and two come in the you know later in the season, but we definitely need four. The very first one is going to be called departures. We're going to get this one immediately as the new season releases, and I'm not going to lie to you guys; this says medium-large size map.

lgnd army

Let's just say this is humongous. Map, it reminds me a lot of Detour from Black Ops 2 just the way that it looks. It looks very good now. I'm not a big fan of larger to medium-sized maps because they slow down the pacing of the game way too much, so this is probably going to be one of the maps that I just literally skip.

Now the second map I'm super excited for as you guys can see how small it is here it is going to be called Stash House this map looks even smaller than shipment, and looks smaller than nuk town I'm really excited about this map because, honestly, this looks like a map that should have been in the game from the very beginning it's really super small, and it looks like a lot of fun I'm hoping we could drop a lot of MGB rockets on this could potentially be like a Penta m map or at least a 300 plus map with how small it is super excited for this map so the third map we're getting we're getting Vista which is going to be on launch as well and to be honest it it's pretty mediumsized.


I would say that's probably the size of most of the average maps that we have now, like Rio, that we just got here recently, kind of fit that same theme, and honestly. I'll probably play it quite a bit. It's not as big as the detour map, but this one hopefully plays just as well with the pacing. I hope it is not terrible now.

One of the maps that a lot of people have been wanting back is Dos House. I'm pretty sure I pronounced that incorrectly, but who cares? This is one of the smaller maps, and honestly, I'm super excited. This was in Vanguard, if I'm not mistaken, and shotguns absolutely destroyed this map. Let's hope it doesn't do the same thing here in Modern Warfare 3.

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I really look forward to this map. This is going to be midseason. So we're not going to see this until about season 2 reloaded, and then we're also going to be getting some variants of maps. As we scroll through here, right here, we're going to be getting Airborne, which is going to come in season 2 reloaded.

modern warfare 3 new update

It's going to be a map variant of Terminal; without reading too much, it looks like it's just infected with like alien stuff; there's like slime all over the place, and to be honest. I'm not a big fan of these remade maps that they're just adding stuff to; instead. I feel like they could be doing a lot more stuff with their time instead of adding this stuff.

Again, one of those maps is going to come in the mid-season update, and honestly, I don't see any reason why Skid Road needs to have an alternative. They gave us three alternatives, I think, at the beginning of last season, and those are completely gone. The winter shipment is gone, like you're bringing in these variants, but then you don't replace the actual map with them in full rotation, so it really doesn't make any sense to me, man.

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Honestly, it's just the same exact map with the different reskin, which should have been the skin that they use for the remastered version of Modern Warfare 3. Anyway, in my personal opinion should have never looked exactly the same every single base 16 map should have been completely remade to have vegetation.

modern warfare 3 season 2

New Lanes like the base 16 multiplayer maps in this game from the original Modern Warfare 2 absolutely blow I'm just going to be honest, so War mode is going to be getting a very large siiz map it's going to be on the map yuran, or whatever the hell it's called I don't play War Zone but it's going to take place in downtown and the city and it looks like it's do house on top of the building so hopefully you guys enjoy that I do not play ground war or Invasion whatsoever just not my you know bread and butter but hopefully you guys enjoy that because that looks pretty cool all right not only are we getting four brand new multiplayer maps but we're also going to be getting five brand new game modes, here in Modern Warfare 3 so the very first one is going to be team gun game honestly.

I'm tired of 2v2. I'm tired of the gunfights. I feel like they waste all these assets and all this time on 2v2 gunfight stuff, and nobody really plays it. I don't understand why they feel like all the 2v2 maps could be made into 6v6 maps, and that way we would have a better multiplayer experience.

modern warfare 3 season 2 update

Get rid of the 2V2. I'm not a big fan of it. Another one of the game modes that they're going to be doing is snipers only, and to be completely honest with you, I'm not going to be playing it. So the next one of the game modes that I'm absolutely going to be playing is going to be an LTM. This is all Juggernaut combat all the time, with matches of kill, confirm domination, and hardpoint, so yeah, this is pretty much just going to be a juggernaut.

mw3 new maps

Multiplayer mode in third person so this honestly looks really cool and I'm really EXC decided to drop a nuke hopefully you can drop a nuke in a jug suit it'd be really dope but really looking forward to this mode and seeing what they have to offer this one's different it's Unique it's something that we've never seen before and I want more of that quick bringing crap that we've already seen or game modes unless they're good unless they're good for the fourth and final game mode that they're going to be bringing obviously it comes in midseason, this is going to be called Bounty it says eliminate enemy players until the score limit is reached to win each player has unlimited lives match play exactly like Team Deathmatch the player with the most kills from each team will be marked as an hvt high value Target the hvt, alternates between teams on a time interval and extra points are awarded when the hvt is slain.

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