News - Why Your Aim Sucks Warzone 2

That seems like a good sweet spot for me, but you're going to want to find the sweet spot for you. I just want to let you know why I put it where I put it, and another major issue is that you need to get in control with your controller. You need to learn how to control it, no more than being Mr. No thumbs, my Johnny.

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What the hell are you doing just because most people run around their thumbs and are just doing like this and don't really know what's going on? They have no control over it when you're trying to clutch a 1v3, Search and Destroy, and all your friends are watching. Being in control of your controller means a lot of things, but most importantly, it's a continuous action you're performing while playing from the start of the round to the end of the round.

You are in control of where your crosshair is, and that starts right here. You can work on your aim without even aiming at an enemy in front of you. When you're running, you should be controlling your crosshair and placing it in a position that you believe the enemy will be coming from. Having it placed in that corner is actively working on your aim.

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Keeping it in that corner while you were moving is actively working on your aim. Place down the head glutch or the corner and never let your cross circle floating across the ground or the sky. This is the number one issue I see with players who struggle with good aim, and this is why I don't think having good aim is that big of a skill.

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It's just something that you have to be smart with, and once you are able to fully control where your crosshair is, it's just something that you have to remember. It's a skill, but it's not necessarily. A flashy, crazy skill that is so hard to do it's really easy. Once you learn the basic fundamentals of aiming, half the battle is being able to keep control of your joysticks if you actively work on this every time you spawn and make sure your crosshair is in the best possible spot as you run through hallways, slide downstairs, etc.

Actively be reusing your crosshair, and you'll master this one in no time. Our major thing is centering; this is the most obvious one of them all but the hardest to perfect. Why do players fail with good centering? They can't control where their crosshair is necessarily; it's really hard, so this is why you need to be in control of your crosshair.

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This is why actively working on being in control of the joysticks is so key. If you find that you cannot place your crosshair in the correct spot quickly, then you really need to revisit the last step. Centering is making sure your crosshair is about chest level with where you believe the enemy will be coming from, and this can be used for going downstairs holding a head glitch or even sliding around corners.

Good standing will help you out a lot and allow you to receive many quick and easy kills, but what if the enemy comes from behind you? Then it doesn't matter how good your stats are because yes, learning spawns and having good awareness do correlate back to having good aim because, in the end, having good aim means you want to get more kills, so this is something that's going to allow you to get more kills.

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Actually, you need to learn the maps, and most importantly, you need to learn the spawn system. The basic principle of spawns is that they spawn where you're not. This is very obvious now, but most of the time in objective-based game modes, when your team has the objective, there is a certain position where the enemy will spawn.

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As long as your team has control of the area and there's a certain position where you will spawn, this does require looking at the mini map and understanding where your teammates are and how that influences the spawn. Have you ever heard somebody yell, Don't push because you'll fill up the spawns?

Well, they are definitely right if you have players in a spawn trap on, let's say, high-rise domination. You can usually get away with one player up in the other team's building, but once the second is up there, the odds of the enemy spawning out in a random spot behind you are super high. This is knowledge you need to actively be looking for, but what better way to learn the spawns than when you spawn up, where you were killed, and where your team is?

There is so much information at your fingertips that you can gather and use for the rest of your life for every game you play. If you made it this far, be sure to use the information and the resources around you. The stuff is just everywhere, and you can always just play a game and you can be learning something about the map.

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Some good ways to warm up your aim before you hop into, let's say, a private match or ranked play are to hop into the private match, and you can actually add bots to the lobby. You go up to where your player is and you can click Square, I believe, and you know you can add as many boxes as you like to put them on recruit, and then you can run around and you can shoot them.

Set it to like 100 points for a free-for-all. And just go around and get 100 kills; maybe do two or 300; you know, warm up your aim, get it really going, and make sure you disable aim assist because disabling aim assist will allow you to fully aim on the target, and you will not be relying on aim assist again, so once you have aim assist again, it will seem super easy.


Then I would run a few shipment games and start working on your flashy snaps and really start getting mixed up with them, and that will allow you to really warm up and get your movement going, and then pair your movement with your aim. And if you made it this far, this final tip is the biggest one, and sometimes it's a very hard one to hear, but just because you have learned the spawns and you've learned how to shoot incredibly straight, that does not mean you will be good at the game; you need to learn how to move perfectly, and what I mean by that is not only flashy movement but good position positioning with good movement.

You don't have to watch this article, but it might have all the secrets that you are looking for.

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