News - Pro Highrise Ctrl Tips. Ranked Play For Dummies (warzone 2)

control ranked play

Here we go another episode of rank play for dumbies, my rank play series where I walk you guys through the decisions I'm making while I'm making them in real time to help you guys get better at ranking. Today we have a CDL control on Highrise. This map is probably the most self-explanatory control because there's pretty much only two main spawn points, which are the building I just spawned in and the building on the opposite side.

So when it comes to spawns, I don't really need to teach you much in that regard, but I will still walk you guys through why I'm doing certain things that guy just does. I'm going to try to treat this guy. I have no idea where he is now. I do clean him up. See you, buddy. I have no idea where that guy is.

I'm going to bring up the map real quick and see where he's at. I think he's on the mid-generator; he's not going to CH me like that. I know that I don't know where I was just getting shot from. I think our teammate got off. Or no, I mean their player. My goal here is to push through right; just hold this right window.

ctrl ranked play

I get that kill, but I think I did it from top hel one more time, right? Top P is obviously one of the best Power SP power spots you can ask for on this map. You can pretty much pick up every single lane from Top Heli. These guys have right streak control right now, so my goal is to get kills from like the midside of the map and then work my way to the right as soon as we have the correct numbers to do so, so risky biscuits pick me from the outer elevator, which is fair play.

I like jumping in that car like he just did. Hopefully they don't have a trophy down and I can utilize my attack here this guy is in our spawn so this guy is prob number one, kill this guy in our base to make sure he can't continue trapping us 13 v13 lives a minute 20 to work with, at this point it just mitigating pressure and gravitating towards pressure, and.

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Keeping the live loss to a minimum. I would have liked to win that one, but my teammates playing that well stun him, so I'm immediately going to Chow this guy because I'm better. But he is hiding from me. Okay, this guy should be trapped. Now, notice how I just use my stun and my n SW to bait him out and preim the right way.

curse cod

This guy pinches our right. Windows, not going to lie, guys, this is probably one of the more boring rank-playing games for dummies. Maybe not boring, but. I guess, self-explanatory, in the sense that they're going to continuously spawn in that back building, and it's just fighting to regain control and making sure they don't get pushed up in our.

Spike and Tra are in the right corner. Look at that beautiful team. Nade, I think I have three lives remaining. Make sure you lie about this. That glitch is probably one of the best slight LS on this map, and now that the last two are back, this is going to be a beautiful round-robin. We get an offensive win.

This is pretty much, for the most part, self-explanatory, but I don't want to die here because we only have four lives left, so I still have to be careful. This could fall apart quickly. I'm just watching the right side push to the right. I feel like my teammates are heavily stacked on the left.


And now I'm going to try to angle my screen so I can watch our underground push and our base hop. That way, I can't get cut off guard from anywhere. Our goal here is to bait them to the point that way we know exactly where they are with that 4v1 falling. That's going to be round one defense, so I guess if I have a few like points I want to get across.

I think getting top heavy control is most important that way you can pretty much pick up every single Lane depending on where your teammates are watching so if I have a teammate pushed out far right elevator watching right windows I can play for info on left windows and mid Windows, here on offense my break off typically is I like to go to the left Street and use my attacks and throw my trophy down and I think I can for the most part usually especially when I have a trophy I can slide to the outer elevator without dying pretty consistently.

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But it also depends on how many people stack over here, so priority number one is to get that down. My teammates are on the right side of the map, and I'm going to go top propane. Get an angle on the sky. And now my goal is to just hold the street so they're just on that left street. I'm going to play from a deep angle, so I can't see him from the right side of the window.


Just like that is, now I'm going to reposition again. I do want to get B first; I feel like B is probably the easier point to capture first. But that guy left Street going to die. He hit him with a stun gun and a grenade. Playing for an angle here on top heli, nothing's peeing me yet; this guy's low, so now I got to play my life because I want this guy to kill me for free.

I'm going to kill this guy left Street, and now I'm actually going to CH their side and get an on their, and now I'm at a spot where I can spawn trap their entire base right now. I'm going back and forth; I have their mid-window and their left-window. That guy just spawned right side windows, I think, which is surprising because I don't feel like that one made sense there; they should have been spawning back left or back right still.

mcw ranked

And now, hopefully, my teammates are good enough to get us out. I'll see that guy in the street later. I'm going to grenade top heli slide across for info and see if this guy pitches our street real quick, and now I'm hoping my teammates can get her ASAP. Those guys are probably going to check the left corner first, so that's why we switch corners ASAP.

If I'm that weak. I get that kill and maybe even two, but luckily my teammates get two last guys on the point, so we kind of have to be quick, and hopefully my teammate wins that one, and hopefully I don't grenade him either. If he watches the left streak, we should be good to hold. Our mid no we got to get on we got to get on.

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This isn't good, okay, 2v3, I need to get this kill and jump underground ASAP because I need to just play my life for a second. I'm going to reposition here. I'm going to 1. V3, so these guys are probably thinking I'm pushing through to their base right now. Right, and I kind of just want to square up with him.


I don't really want to hop the point then, because if I hop the point ASAP. I'm just ass Sitting Duck, and he can sort of triangulate me from wherever without me having any information, but unfortunately. I don't really have a choice here. I'm trying to bait him, and out, I feel like he's going to go top heli, but I don't really have a way to know right now.

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