News - Is The Scratch 20-l The Best Suppressor Warzone 2. E. C. S. Requieter Nerf

call of duty

This is the scratch 20 L, and this one is basically the answer to the ECS request suppressor that was added at the beginning of season 3, but that suppressor can only be used on SMGs, whereas a scratch 20 can be used on assault rifles, battle rifles, marksman rifles, and lmgs.

Ecs requieter suppressor nerf

Ecs requieter suppressor nerf

Now before we get into that, just a quick note about the ECS requirement suppressor.

call of duty modern warfare iii

They've actually nerfed this in the Season 3 Reloaded update as well, so it now aligns properly with the description. If you guys remember when this first came out, it stated in the cons that this laser is visible when ads. However pre patched the laser beam itself was not visible you could only see the dot where the person was aiming which you're almost never realistically going to be seeing in an in-game situation, and then the other thing is if they were aiming directly at you and you were looking at them there would be a little blue glow from them but the beam itself was not visible, despite the fact that the con stated it was visible, after the season 3 update though they fixed this so it now aligns and as you can see here that laser beam on the ECS suppressor is visible but it's pretty muted it's definitely not a super bright laser beam like some of the other lasers in the game but it's definitely there now and you may want to reconsider using that suppressor on SMGs from now on In either case, let's get back to the main topic of the article, which is the new scratch 20L suppressor, and with this one, just like with the ECS request.

Scratch 20-l basics

Not only does this keep you off the radar, it also helps with firing aim stability, and as you can see, we've got two little arrows indicating that this helps quite a bit with firing aim stability. However, unfortunately, when it comes to firing aim stability, it's not displayed anywhere in the advanced stats, so we don't really know exactly how much it's helping, but it appears to be helping a fair amount at least, and the only downside to this is that it harms our aim-down sight speed.

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Initially, I was thinking, Why would I do that when I can just stick to the shadow strike suppressor? until I looked at the advanced stats, and you can see it only harms our aim-down sight speed by 1%. So we're looking at about 3 milliseconds for most of the guns in the game, which is a negligible difference, and as a result, effectively speaking, there are no cons attached to this.

Also, this one doesn't have an attached laser like we have with the ECS requirement, and it's available on far more weapons than the ECS requirement is. At least based on what we're seeing here, this now seems like the obvious choice over the shadow strike suppressor, which just keeps you off the radar with no additional upsides but also no downsides attached to it because you may as well squeeze out some firing aim stability.

"firing aim stability" recoil comparisons

"firing aim stability" recoil comparisons

But let's have a look at exactly how much this firing aim stability is helping keeping in mind this is quite a subtle stat that definitely helps more on some guns than others but I just took essentially just a random selection of a few guns so we can look at with and without this suppressor, and let's start off with the bp50, as we can see here on the right hand side with this suppressor, it's looking like it's got a bit of a straighter line upward with less side to side deviation, off of that line which is typically what firing aim stability is going to do for you, and while I definitely wouldn't say that there's a significant difference between these recoil patterns if you made me choose between them I would definitely be leaning toward the right hand side next for a different style of recoil with an assault rifle I chose the MTZ 556.

call of duty mwiii

And with this one I'd say the difference is less obvious but if you look at those initial shots fired on the right hand side they tend to be much more in a vertical line compared to the left hand side where there's more of that side to side bounce especially on those initial shots fired, again not a huge difference but maybe a slight one there then in the battle rifle category I chose my personal favorite at the moment which is the S SOA subverter, and again maybe a very slight difference here with slightly less side to side deviation with our recoil pattern when using this suppressor compared to not using the suppressor, and then finally I pulled out my current favorite lmg after the season 3 Reloaded update which I will be doing a full-on revisit in the not too distant future this is the dg58.

LSW and this one does have quite a bit of gun kick, so there's a lot of side-to-side bounce both with and without the suppressor. Honestly. I'm not even really seeing much of an improvement with a suppressor on this one; maybe some of those gaps are slightly reduced, but it's kind of hard to tell with just four recoil plots here, and this is just meant to be a quick look, not a super scientific study or anything, just a quick comparison side by side.

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Essentially, what I found out with these recoil tests is that it's not like using the suppressor is going to make an inaccurate gun suddenly super accurate; you aren't going to notice a massive difference in your recoil. With or without this, it appears in most cases there's at least a slight improvement here, and when you consider the fact that once again that downside is negligible on this, if you're planning on using a suppressor anyway, there's really no reason to not use the scratch 20l suppressor over the typical alternative, which was the shadow strike suppressor , and as a result.

Is the scratch 20-l worth using?

Is the scratch 20-l worth using?

I'm definitely switching to this as my substitute for the shadow strike suppressor in any of the previous builds that I did use with that shadow strike. I'm now going to be using the scratch 20 L because there's really no good reason not to now. First off, how are you guys feeling about this new suppressor, the Scratch 20 L?

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Is this something you're going to be switching to on a lot of your class setups, or will you just stick with your previous stealth builds? So it's now in line with what the description states. A like rating is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more. If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys next time.

With the addition of the BAL-27 in Season 3 Reloaded of Modern Warfare III, we got a brand new suppressor called the Scratch 10-L and today, I wanted to break down the pros and cons to see if it's the new best suppressor to use.
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