News - Everything We Know About Warzone 2 Ranked Play


Here's everything we know about Modern Warfare 3 rank play, including maps, game modes, guns, and more. First of all, mod Warfare 3 rank play is set to release with season 1 reloaded, which is coming on January 17th. Like last year, there's going to be three game modes in rank play: search and destroy, hardpoint, and control.

So for the maps, first of all, we have highrise for search and destroy hardpoints and control, so in all three game modes, we have invasion. Again, for all three games, mod hardpoint control and Search and Destroy, we have Karachi for Search and Destroy hardpoint and control, followed by Gidro for hardpoint and Search and Destroy.

Now there might be control on this map as well when rank play comes out, but I still haven't seen professionals play control on this map. I'm not sure if they're just banning it, but I'm not going to include it for this article because I haven't seen anyone play it on here, so next we have subbase for hardpoint only because that's the only game mode I've seen professionals play on this map, so I'm going to assume that that's the way it's going to be in rank play as well.


Next, we have terminals for all three game modes: control hardpoint, search and destroy, and destroy, and finally, we have dropyard. Now. I'm not sure if this map is actually going to be in rank play because I haven't seen professionals play for the CDL, but it's available to play on some competitive game websites like game battles and CMG.

For 3v3 and 2v2 game modes, it might be ranked. But I'm not sure, so don't hold your breath for this one. Next, let's move on to weapons. The professionals right now are using only two weapons for long ranges; we have the MCW, which is this gun over here. There are a few different class setups that you can use for it.

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Here's my class setup; it's the one that I find most comfortable, and I'm pretty sure it's the one that Skies from New York Subliners uses, but again, there are many different class setups that you can use, and this thing has zero recoil. As you can see, you can basically shoot as you want with minimal recoil, and this isn't even a recoil build; this is mostly like a movement and strife build, so you can move around pretty quickly with the gun, but it has so little recoil.

cod mw3

Next for submachine guns, we have this gun over here, the Rival 9. This is a very good gun, and it also doesn't have a lot of recoil when you go to long ranges. Even though it's a submachine gun, you can beam people from pretty far away. It has pretty good movement speed, and again, this one has many different class setups that you can use.

modern warfare 3

Here's mine most people are going to be using the purify muzzle and the clear sh-barrel, but for the other three attachments, it's mostly up to choice. Again this doesn't have a lot of recoil, but if you're going to try to beam someone who's using an MCW from range you're going to lose a gunfight, nine times out of 10 and as you can see most of the maps in Modern Warfare 3 have very long lines of side and have so many headies where you can just sit and pre- aim and wait for people to arrive so I think thing in many matches what you're going to see is you're going to see many people having three assault rifles and one submachine gun or even four assault rifles during the game instead of having two submachine guns and two assort rifles like we're used to in most Call of Duty games for the secondary, most people are going to be using this pistol over here the retti because it's a verse pistol and it has pretty good damage.

I'm only using a slate reflector and an extended mag on it. I'm not sure if there's any other class setup that you can use for it, but it's a very good gun to have as a secondary for snipers. Right now, they're banned in the CDL, so I don't know if we're going to be allowed to use them in ranked, but I don't think they're going to ban them from ranked as well.

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We're probably going to be allowed one or two snipers, maybe without attachments. And I think your best bet with a sniper rifle is going to be this one over here, the cut AMR, because this sniper gets zero hit markers, you can shoot someone on the toe, and it's going to be a one-shot kill for field upgrades right now.

modern warfare 3 update

Professionals only use two trophy systems: dead silence, but dead silence might be a bit useless if you have cover sneakers on because they do exactly the same job. The next thing we know about ranked is that with season one reloaded, which is when ranked is going to come out, all the spawns for control and hardpoint are going to change, and why is that?

modern warfare iii

Well, it's because spawns right now are awful in respawn game modes, so for control, if I'm defending the point, this is where I spawn, so let's see how long it takes me to get to the point. Okay and now let's say I'm attacking, this is where I spawn when I'm attacking let's see how long it's going to take me to get to the point do you see what the issue is now and this is the same for the B Point as well it's so easy for the attackers to get to the point, that the Defenders almost have no choice many times on some maps and hardpoint has his own Fair few issues as well for example, this is P2 for hard point on this map this room right here say I rotate early over here and I'm holding the spawns and my teammate kills an enemy on the other side of the map well if this Hardo has already started then it's very likely that the enemy just spawns behind me right next to the hill and shoots me in the back, and this happens a lot in many Hills in many Maps so the spawns are all over the place and it's a very good thing that they're planning to fix them but I hope they do a good job with that tacticals and lethals were going to be allowed stunts and Sexes, like last year, and like last year you're also allowed frags.

And then in the top 250 for iridescent, the colors are going to be the same as last year, from what I understand, but seeing the pictures for the Crimson skins on Twitter, they seem more orange than red, so they might actually change Crimson to a crimson color, which is closer to the sunset orange color.

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But that's about it for this article. Thank you, and peace.

MW3 Ranked Play is coming with season 1 reloaded, on January 17th, 2024. We know which maps are gonna be in it, because the CDL has already started and we know which maps the pros play. These include terminal , high rise, invasion, karachi and more. Control, Hardpoint and SnD are the gamemodes.
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