News - Pro Hardpoint Tips. Ranked Play For Dummies (warzone 2)

curse cod

Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to our first rank play for dummies of 2024. Skidrow CDL Hardpoint rank play has just dropped rank play for dummies. This is the series in which I walk you guys through the decisions I'm making in game while I'm making them in real time to help you guys become better at rank play.

It is officially time for a break here. I'm going to go toward the middle map. I'm going to stun Nade through Top Fire because, essentially, the team spawning on that side's goal right now is to jump up through box hop and try to get Hill time immediately, so I'm going to have these stuns. I'm going to immediately hit the garage because playing for P2 is pretty important.

First put on ranked this guy's back P2. I'm going to try to help my teammate get this kill because this guy is—hold on, it seems he disappeared. He might have gotten him. Let me see where my teammates are right now. Some players could start spawning tunnels, but for the most part, they're going to be spawning towards those back right double doors.


So I'm going to go try to cut right now. I'm going to turn around soon and try to get the tunnel to push through. I just got slammed there. It's a fight I have to win. The stage is hot. The stage is big. I'm spawning out here. My goal is to rotate to P2 immediately. They could already beat us here.

They are spawning blue doors, but it doesn't look like they're going to rotate. There's one; see you, buddy; he's a stun grenade. Reow, he's just holding that corn. They're probably going to keep trying to flood the tunnel, and if not. I can just turn and help my teammates and watch deep right, but these guys should be spawning in front of me in the tunnel, but to be fair, spawns have changed.

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I'm just losing fights. Man, I'm losing fights. Don't blame me yet. I'm not warm. It's my literal first game; these guys could be tunneled down; no one's watching it. I'm going to stun they tunnel hold garage pinch they are garage going to pick this up going to see your buddy another guy having a good one last guy's far right I'm going to start rotating right now.


This guy is, for some reason, playing short, right? Now, but I'm spawning here; obviously, it rotates to this tunnel, or, sorry, this is not a tunnel. This alley Lane, I'm going to cut top mid right now because no one's watching it. This guy's going to rap my crosshair in a sec. This guy's Deepa.

This guy's going to be in the green room, so I kind of have to play him. That's the first order of business, top mid-fire. I'm weak, and I'm going to play an off-angle on him; he's probably my close mid, so I already went to left. Honestly, See you, buddy. They could be spawning. I think they're spawning ticket side right now, so I'm going to be jumping up this hop-up and trying to flood through ticket.

I'm going to pinch this guy in time real quick and hopefully catch him this time. He went double doors, so I need my teammates to get that kill while I TR out. I'm probably going to die here. See you, buddy; that's too. And now, with 20 seconds left, it rotates to my right. I'm going to rotate these guys; they're getting old.


I'm going to try to get the God steps. The only problem is that if they had rotated, they could have beat me here. Let me pinch this guy real quick for my teammates. He gets me using a new AR class so much while I get used to it, but spawning out here is very standard. They have one guy at all; we just killed one, so we're looking for two.

One could be God here. Hopefully, my teammate gets that trade. Unfortunately, there is none, so now we have lost time. I'm just going to play for a pick here. Use my teammate as bait; he can sniff out that there's going to be a guy to our left. Yep, get instant sh-front, get traded. Unfortunately, this class is a little slower.

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I'm still testing; there was just a new patch, so all the guns have changed, but unfortunately, we really don't have map control. I'm probably just going to rotate here in a second because these guys are going to be getting straddled in front of me. Ching out of time could scam, I'm probably here, and I'm toes got to rotate do, the enemy's the lead I'll also update you guys if I change my class.

methodz and scump

I was using this yesterday in BPL, and it was pretty good, but I'll keep you guys updated. I'm going to cut a tunnel, and hopefully my teammates are all right in the garage. This guy is off in a tunnel. Are there two there? Am I just losing fights? These are fights I don't lose; I'm simply losing them.

I'm spawning out here, so my goal is to pinch tickets; they should be coming in front of me from the garage. Yep, no, there's two tickets, one garage, so my teammates luckily get the kills, and now that I'm spawning here, I need to help my teammate immediately; they're going to be crossing a ticket on him.

This guy runs into my Tak, the lead; they're all going to be sick in the garage here, so I'm just going to try to get an angle on the cross. My teammates have garages, and one guy could spawn tunnel attention here in a second, so I'm going to pick it up. I kind of need to watch both now that I'm trying to watch Garage and my ticket cross.

methodz ranked

I need my teammates to come get Garage, and I think one just crossed me. I couldn't stop him. Unfortunately, it is not ideal, nor is it confirming. Stand by i'm just going to play for this guy. I'm going to rotate to new. This guy is shooting okay. Then see you, buddy. This guy's garage was cut for some.

Sak, this guy, see, now all the rest is going to be top-flinging through this God Steps area. I'm just going to Ego CH. I want to get this. One's behind me; plat seems there, so they're spawning double doors as well. I think my teammate might have a spawn tunnel. So basically, there's two spawn points on this: they're going to spawn right where I'm going to spawn and then flood these top steps, or they're going to spawn blue double doors and flood top m from there, so my goal now is to just rotate over.

methodz ranked play

St garage, P2, is the money hill on this map, so you want to make sure you rotate to it early, as I just did when I spawned tunnel side. My teammates are getting kills, which is good depending on where my teammate spawns. These guys are spawning tunnel now, so I'm going to reposition and throw some shoulders, but yeah, these guys are spawning tunnel now; they're now these guys are spawning back right here again, so basically base the info off where your teammates are spawning, and you'll know where to look.

My teammate's lying down on the ticket, able to get killed. I'm playing off angles up here; it's pretty much my job to stay alive by all means necessary. This guy is still CR P5, but because I'm weak once again, I'm staying down. I don't want to overcrowd Chow, because if I die, my teammates are forced to get and things get.

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