News - What's Going On With Warzone 2. Is It Already Stale



is a foreign language. I definitely expected I would be missing out on something during my week away from this game, but I came back and it turns out I missed nothing. Don't get me wrong. I fully expect that the devs take some time over the holidays to have a little break, especially after I'm sure they had a crazy crunch leading up to launch, but we're now mid-January at this point and we still haven't really gotten anything meaningful.

Now, we did have a small update yesterday that addressed some technical issues, some bugs, and things like that, but nothing that really directly impacts the gameplay. It just fixed a few minor issues here and there, and I had a look, and it turns out we haven't seen a meaningful update, like an update that actually changes the gameplay, or any sort of meaningful way in.

It's been over a month now, and it really seems like this season is dragging on. We still have over two weeks left in this season.

Lack of communication

Lack of communication

Yet all we've really been seeing are updates to their Trello board that basically just track a small handful of the technical issues that they're working on with no real sense of direction for the future. I realize tweets can get really toxic and horrible. I totally understand that, and I don't condone that toxicity, but to disable that completely and just eliminate sort of that discussion around whatever they're tweeting out is a bit frustrating because sometimes it is good to see what the general consensus and reaction is from the community on that, and you no longer really get to see that, which I guess is their goal, but it kind of feels like they're eliminating a lot of the community aspect of it. and it seems like they've been doing that for years now, so there are just a lot of frustrations surrounding the communication regarding.

Disclaimer (i don't hate mwii)

Disclaimer (i don't hate mwii)

this game, and I guess at this point I just want to make it clear since this may come off as a bit ranty and negative. I don't hate Modern Warfare 2. I'm still having a good time playing the game overall, but I do feel like it's still not really finished and polished.

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State I feel like it's lacking in a lot of areas as well, and it isn't even close to reaching its full potential, and I just want what's best for the game; I want the game to be the best it can be, and that's why I do like making articles like this at least from time to time, just sort of touching base on the current state of things and with this game and the things that I still feel need work with it and the things that I'd love to see them do.

modern warfare 2

Target and the areas where I feel like there is room for improvement Keeping in mind that this is going to be almost entirely focused on just these 6v6 experiences in the game's regular multiplayer. I don't play Warzone at all, and I have no interest in ever playing it again, and I barely dabble with DMZ.

I think DMZ is an interesting mode.

Lack of 6v6 map content

It just hasn't really hooked me completely, so I mainly just stick to multiplayer , and the big thing with regular multiplayer is that I feel like there's still not nearly enough 6v6. content, primarily referring to maps with In season one, it was really lackluster.

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The only two maps we got are two remade ones, and they're shooting house and shipment. I feel like before they even launch these, we've just recently played these to death, so it didn't really feel like it added a ton to the game, although it's nice that we can grind things a lot faster with shoot house and shipment, but it didn't really feel like anything new or fresh, and it didn't feel like it added a lot to the experience at least in my opinion.

I'm really hoping that this isn't the new standard, where we're only going to get two maps for an entire 11-week season in a game, which isn't nearly enough in my opinion. I think the absolute minimum should be three maps, and even that doesn't seem like enough; four seems like it should be the standard, but I could at least accept three at this point, and yet we only got two this time around, and they were both remakes.

Where did the museum go? I'd love to hear some communication on that. I'm sure it was some kind of legal issue since they used a real-life location, but I'd love to hear what's going on with that. Are they making some adjustments to the map to get around those potential legal issues? Maybe you know to change a few things here or there so it's different enough from the real-life location that it's not an issue. In either case, I'm sure many of us just want to know what happened to that map and if we can ever expect it to return in the future [on.

Modes are lacking

Modes are lacking

On top of this, when talking about content in 6v6, I feel like the modes are still pretty limited and lackluster. As well, we've There are no party game modes, and there's no gunfight either.

That's something that they have promised will be coming at some point within this game's life cycle, but we don't know exactly when that's going to be coming. It also seems like the limited time modes aren't particularly interesting; we still don't have any hardcore modes; we do have tier one, but that's more similar to the realism mode for Modern Warfare 2019 than actual hardcore game modes, and I know there's a ton of players out there that are dedicated hardcore players with Cod; they've left the game entirely because they don't like tier one and hardcore, which don't exist.

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There's also still no ranked play, although that's heavily rumored to be coming at some point in season two. Another thing is talking about modes, which I think would go a really long way with this game and would actually bring quite a few players back to the game that I've already left. would be a traditional ground war mode.

I'm not talking about a Modern Warfare 2019-style ground war instead; I'm talking about the ground war where you're playing on the regular 6 versus 6 maps, but instead of 6 versus 6, it's now 9 versus 9 or 8 versus 8, whatever number they want to choose, where it just has a slightly increased player count on the regular maps.

That's something that I think could really freshen things up with Modern Warfare 2, especially with a lot of the maps in this game that just tend to play really slowly, and it's not just the maps that cause them to play slowly; it's a lot of the gameplay mechanics as well, but if they were just to add some more players on the map, at least in a separate dedicated mode. I think that would really liven things up for a lot of players and potentially even get players out of that shipment grind that can really burn a lot of people out quickly.

Gameplay improvements needed

Gameplay improvements needed

On top of that, when it comes to the actual gameplay in 6 vs. 6, it would be nice to see some improvements and some changes, some updates to liven things up a little bit, freshen things up, and maybe just improve overall variety and balance.

I just made it back from my vacation and expected to have some catching up to do with Modern Warfare II content but it turns out, nothing happened while I was gone so today I wanted to touch base and share my thoughts on the current state of MWII.
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