News - The New Most Broken "vaznev-9k" Setup Warzone 2. Best Class Setup - Warzone 2

best mw2 vaznev 9k class

If you're looking for an extremely fast-paced class setup that also has no recoil and high damage, then you're in luck because my new and improved Vasnav class setup checks all those boxes. I went ahead and adjusted the tuning and attachments from my last class setup in order to make an even better VAS developer class setup.

As you can see, the strafing speed is insane, and the recoil control is on point. So, like I said, there is high mobility, no recoil, and plenty of damage. So I definitely recommend sticking around for the entire article because you really do want to copy down this class setup. But first, let's go ahead and hop into a match and destroy some casual players with this build just to show you how good it actually is.

We're out of ammunition. My teammate, help! Someone save me! no, all right, well, we definitely failed that first MTB. We were like three kills away from it, and we ran out of ammo, though my scavenger just doesn't do it for me sometimes, man. I'm telling you, I ran over like five scavenger packs and got like 12 bullets total.

best vaznev 9k class

It was just crazy, man. Show yourself don't run from me, God forbid. I must be on drugs because I hit my shots right there. We're going to start things off with the True Tech grip because you get a boost to your sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed with this attachment on. As I mentioned before and as you saw in the gameplay, this class setup not only has a ton of mobility but also no recoil and high damage, so we're going to be throwing in a lot of mobility attachments and a lot of recoil-controlling attachments, but for the first couple of attachments here.

I am going to be focusing on mobility because that is the hardest attribute to gain with attachments in Modern Warfare 2. So yeah, go ahead and throw on the true attack grip for your rear grip for that extra sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed, and we can actually tune this attachment as well, so let's go ahead and do that.

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We're going to keep the left slider at zero and go to the bottom slider and slide that all the way to the left to sprint to fire speed, so we get a huge boost to our sprints at fire speed now too. Our next Mobility Base attachment is going to be the Actors at Stock, which will give us a boost in aim locking speed and sprint speed.

best vaznev 9k class mw2

I've seen a lot of people trying to use the VLK, stockless attachment on this weapon, but the recoil goes through the roof so I really wouldn't recommend that, but I really do want something a little bit different than you can also use the R7 stock because you do get a cross movement speed boost at Sprint speed and an aim down sight speed boost with this attachment on, but I really do feel like the ultrasat, stock is more impactful in your gunfights because you do get a huge boost to your strafing speed and Sprint speed so you can run around the map very quickly and kind of finesse your way through gunfights.

Once again, we can tune this attachment, so on our left side, we're going to drop that all the way down to aim down sight speed, and on the bottom slider, we're going to move that all the way to the left to aim walking speed. This is going to give us another huge boost to our strafing speed, and we're going to look like we're sprinting around the map while aiming.

best vaznev 9k class setup mw2

It's going to be crazy. I really do like this class setup because of the strafing speed you can, just like I said before, finesse out of your gunfights easily, and now we're going to take a look at our last mobility base attachment. This is going to be the FSS, OV, and laser for booster aim, downside speed, aiming stability, and sprint to fire speed.

It just gives you a huge advantage in those close-to-midrange gunfights. So I always like to use this laser, and I think you should too. So now we're going to go ahead and get into the more recoil- and damage-based attachments. Here for our last couple of attachments. I am going to be using over-pressured ammunition as our ammunition attachment, not because you get Target flange but because you can tune this attachment, and as you can see with the tuning.

best vaznev 9k loadout

I did give us a huge boost to our damage range and bullet velocity, so now our mid- to long-range gunfights are going to be way easier to win. You're going to be melting people with this attachment on, and it's going to feel like you're using an M4 or a scar. Is my slider moving? Please head over to the right again.

Having that extra damage and bullet velocity is great, but you can't really do anything with it if you can't control your recoil at those ranges, so we need a good repo patrol muzzle, so I'm going to be putting on the T90, comp for our muzzle, that we're getting a boost in horizontal and vertical recoil control with.

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This attachment and that horizontal recoil are really important to have for your class setups it's pretty easy to control your own vertical recoil, because you could just pull down on your right stick or Mouse while shooting and you can pretty much remove all vertical recoil on your gun but it's almost impossible to get rid of that horizontal recoil, so this attachment is going to be very important for doing that plus we can tune this attachment as well to get a huge boost to our gun kit control on the bottom slider while leaving the left slider at zero because we don't want to touch that.

best vaznev 9k loadout mw2

So yeah, once you put this attachment on and tune it the way I'm showing you, you're going to have basically no recoil on your build, and that, combined with our last attachment, is going to help you so much at your mid- to long-range gunfights. And that's going to be it for this class setup. If you do want to take a screenshot, then go ahead and do so now, but if you skipped to this part in the article.

I do recommend going back and getting the weapon tuning because that is very important for this class setup.

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