News - Warzone: Update Your Meta Loadouts. This Is Ruining Your Best Weapons & Meta Builds

meta loadouts

Or the aiming idle sway; there is no graph here that represents that sway, which is a seriously lacking part of the advanced stats now. Who knows if that's going to be updated in the future if it is awesome if it's not; it's just something that's going to continue to confuse players who are not watching articles like this, so this is, you know, pretty vital information to know, but for instance, you know this precision barrel on the SVA is one of these that's going to help out with your aiming idle sway, and that's a huge deal because it's going to make this sbaa a lot more predictable and accurate, and if someone's using an SVA but says they're not using this barrel, they're using a laser instead.

You're probably going to end up winning that fight if you're landing the same shots because yours are going to be a bit more accurate and less random; they could miss a stray left or a stray right here and there, and that costs the fight right then and there. Straight up, you guys know that we oftentimes spam under barrels, like, for instance, Brewing Heavy Support.

modern warfare 3

This is something that I'm using across the board on a lot of weapons because, objectively, this is one of the best things in the game. You'll notice it helps out with your horizontal control and your gun kit control, which is obviously expressed in the general Advanced stats. 12% to horizontal, although this does vary a little bit from weapon to weapon, but it's always focusing heavy on horizontal.

A little bit of a gun kick hurts your vertical control; it hurts your ad speed a little bit just behind the face cam, but the two other pros on here give you better aiming Idol Sway and better firing aim stability, so this is something you could throw on an MW3 gun and it would instantly. It becomes way more efficient, way more accurate, and especially on MW2 guns because underbarrels are universal; you could use this on those and significantly reduce that as well, unfortunately.

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Again, there's no mention of this on the advanced stats, so someone could look at this and say, Okay, it's hurting my vertical control. I don't want that, but that's not even a huge deal. This is helping you so much more than it's doing anything negative to your gun that it's an obvious choice for something you want to be using just across the board to make your weapon significantly better, but then you can't just say.


Okay. I'm going to look at these stats. I'm going to look at the aiming U Pro, and anything that has that, I'm going to go for it because let's go to the rear grips. This is something that you'll see on a ton of weapons, like the demo 650 rear grip, firing aim stability, and gun kick control. Minus aiming idle sway, so this helps out with the bounciness and the shakiness, but that weapon sway just became a lot worse, which, as Sledge alluded to it starts when you aim down your sights and then that becomes a problem that becomes something that's going to make you a lot less accurate over time but if you were to look at the advanced stats here you'd go in and say okay hey I want to use this rear grip there's no negatives here there's no cons unfortunately it not being translated, which results in this now that said this in specific with the aiming Idol sway in a weapon like this is really relevant for mid- to long-range fights.


You'll notice that on a lot of my different SMG builds that we've covered in my top 10s and whatnot or different meta break-downs. I'll use grips like this on you know SMGs that might need an extra bit of control because only hurting idle sway when you're fighting at you know 5 to 10 met where player models are much larger.

Those random, you know, elements of the Recoil pattern that sway, is not going to be a huge deal when your target is that much larger it's going to be easy to hit Center Mass and your aim's not going to be deviating beyond their shoulders or beyond their hips or something like that but you get out to 20 30 40 50 60 M and Beyond the player models shrink it's going to be a lot harder to precisely hit those if your weapon does have any bit of sway like that so it's something you really have to watch for depending on the style of weapon You're building; it could just completely help the setup and have very minimal effect, or it could drastically reduce your overall efficiency.


Especially if you end up stacking things that might end up hurting this if you're using, you know, a barrel that ends up hurting, your aiming idle Suave for whatever reason, which there are several of, like, for instance, if you're going for a speed build here, even if you're using this in the mid-range, it could, you know, have a negative impact on that, and if you were to stack this with something like a rear grip, okay, hey.

I'm losing control here because I'm using this fast barrel. I'm going to go ahead and throw in this rear grip and regain control. Well, now you're severely impacting ad Sway, and it's going to cause you to lose more fights because of that outright, so it's nice that we've got the clarification on this from Sledge directly, but it's really something that now more than ever is being highlighted as one of, if not the most important, aspects of a setup, to make it meta and to make it consistent and reliable so that regardless of what the ttk says, stats say you're actually hitting your shots because that's step one in having fast ttks, or efficient weapons.

warzone 3

To begin with, but that being said, that is going to wrap things up for this one. Drop a like on it, and of course, if you're new here, you want to guarantee that every single day you are up to date with all things going on in COD.

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