News - Warzone: Top 5 Most Broken Loadouts You Need To Use. Warzone Meta Weapons

If you want to pick up anything at all from the G-field sites, be sure to go ahead and throw in a code. Now, this one kind of surprised me a bit, but the new Ram 7 with season 1 is actually pretty broken if you're using this as like a mid-range-based weapon exclusively. Long range, not as effective here even though it's ttk, is actually phenomenal for the long range.

broken loadout

By the way. I'll be putting up the ttk stats; it's pretty much going to be the same graph comparing all these guns, showing how they are the clear standouts and super competitive in this broken sort of meta that we've got going on courtesy of true game data. Shout out to Tony for putting in the work there.

It could be used as sniper support; it could be used more aggressively because the ad penalty is not all that bad and this thing melts if you're fighting within like the first 40 m or so. Again, I got the 2.5 times, but if you're going for more sniper support here, you absolutely could drop down to a slate reflector, or, you know, a nidar or an ELO side if you wanted to there.

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I'm still going for the 60-round drum. The fire rate's pretty fast here, so this definitely helps out with the added safety net of not having to reload in the middle of fights. I go for the brewing, and heavy support under Barrel hurts your ad speed a little bit, but you're getting a lot of control back out of this, especially horizontal, which there's a lot of on the ram here, which helps make this pattern a lot more predictable.

mw3 best loadout

I've also got the Cormac heavy barrel on here mainly because I'm looking for more control, more velocity, and more range, and for mid-range, this does help out a lot and extends that lethal damage range a little bit there too, although directly for Sniper support it is going to slow you down some, so this is something you might want to change out for a more aggressive stock or a laser or something like that, and then I go for a compensator, here over a suppressor again just for control purposes.

That side-to-side bounce could be pretty obnoxious in some fights, so the sky The fury compensator here does really help limit that and decrease that bounce a lot with that horizontal and vertical control added on there, but this thing is definitely versatile. You know how versatile it could be built in a lot of different ways, and it's going to be a very dominant gun, which in and of itself makes it kind of broken because of its versatility.

Warzone broken bas-b loadout

Warzone broken bas-b loadout

Just straight up, and then, to no one's surprise, we've got the best gun in the game, the bass B. I saw a lot of you guys going, Zach. Where was the bass B in our top five article the other day? This thing is so broken that it deserves this whole broken article, almost dedicated to it. If I'm being honest, there is nothing if you are landing your shots at this thing; there is simply nothing that can compete.

The drawback here is the control and sometimes the velocity over range. There is more noticeable recoil on this than the other weapons on this list, the other weapons in the top five, and whatnot. There is a slightly larger control skill. Gap with this gun, but there's also pretty low visual recoil in general in this game, so by comparison, it's not that difficult; it's just not the easiest like some other choices, and if you land your shot with this thing, it's GG, and you could be fighting at 5 MERS.

mw3 meta

If you get your sights up with this thing at 5 m, it's going to outgun SMGs. At 20 M, it's going to outgun SMGs and other rifles; at 100 M, it's going to outgun LMGs and rifles. This thing is utterly insane, so again. I got the Eagle Eye scope on there; I got the 45-round mag, which is the max in this case; and of course, with this fire rate, that's not going to be, you know, too troublesome whatsoever; ruin heavy support on here as well; it does hurt that vertical control, but it says it's doing minus 2%.

Even though it's a con listed, it's obviously not entirely accurate as always. I got the Venom long barrel here, which helps out with velocity range and control. Of course, three in one, and then I go for the GH50, Compensator. Here, this helps out a ton with recoil gun kick and then also horizontal and vertical.


Now that said, there's a lot of good compensators you could switch out for depending on how exactly you want the gun to feel the taii. Lr8: This does a lot more for horizontal, so if you want that more than vertical, you can change to that. If you want the lock shot, you can change to that if the leveler is really good as well.

Even the Cassis break solely focuses on horizontal, and having faster ads is a good option too. I've tried this build of suppressors, and I just didn't like the feel of the control over range. Using a compensator while you are showing up on the map means you're going to land more shots, and those players who are red dot chasing you are going to meet their maker because this thing is going to fry them right away, 100%.

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A nerf is coming for Bass B. Use it while it's this broken; otherwise, it's going to be a lot more balanced in the coming days and weeks, which I would imagine and certainly hope for because this is going to be the cause of the vast majority of your deaths. That being said, those are the top five most broken guns in the war zone right now.

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They definitely stand out in terms of their ttk and their overall stats; they're all pretty nuts. Until next time, take it easy, have an awesome rest of your day, and I'll catch you

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