News - Warzone Just Broke This Close Range Meta Loadout. Use This Before It's Fixed. Warzone Meta

New broken close range meta in warzone after update!

New broken close range meta in warzone after update!

ladies and gentlemen. Within war zone right now, we obviously have seen a couple of meta updates go out over the course of the past couple of days, and with it, we've seen some interesting changes specifically to one close range meta option that, in a way, the gun itself is not crazy overpowered, super dominant, but it is technically broken, and it's broken in a way that's actually benefiting players right now for whatever reason, and so today we are breaking down what exactly this new broken close-range meta is and if it's actually worth running.

New wardens buff in warzone somehow broke the gun

You may recall that earlier this week we saw this one-off weapons update specifically to address the Lockwood MK2. But with the aftermarket part, the warden's conversion kit, aka, the model 1887s, And they made some really interesting adjustments. With this, they ended up actually buffing its near to Mid damage and then also its near to Mid damage range as well, which is pretty important.

modern warfare 3 warzone

Its mid-damage range was also buffed, but they did end up actually nerfing some of the hip fires, so this is obviously a hip-fire only shotgun, but they made the damage better at certain ranges but made the hip fire worse, and so this got people thinking okay, it was already a decent shotgun. How exactly is this going to impact it?

Well, there are some very weird things going on with this in-game, so we are here on Go's Twitter if you guys are unfamiliar. Shout out to go. This guy is the shotgun guru for War Zone. He's got all the shotgun stats, so if that's your play style, that's what you enjoy using to lose. He's the channel to go to and check out because he's always covering this stuff, and he's got the damage stats here, which are really interesting, so he goes.

mw3 warzone

Here's what the Jack wardens are capable now in war zone capable of now in War Zone. They didn't mention the other damage ranges getting buffed, but holy moly, they sure buffed it. Keep in mind the spread was nerfed; these numbers are very unlikely at anything past 8 MERS, but 8 MERS is prime headshot territory.

Headshots are also extremely unlikely and probably won't happen in the vast majority of engagements, but there is a crazy thing going on with the headshot, but here's the damage stats that we have for it just in general, like Gom says 8.1 M and closer is really all we care about. Anything beyond that is irrelevant information for a shotgun if you're fighting at 20 M with a shoty.

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I hope you enjoy watching kill cams because that's what you're going to be spending most of your time doing, but with this 240 health. I'll even go ahead and hide the face cam so you can see the general ttk stats because those are important to note, but with the first damage range of 4 M, you can deal anywhere between 120 and 240 Max.


Technically, when you're hitting the vast majority of your pellets on the body in various different locations, obviously, with the spread, you could hit a little bit of limb, a little bit of torso, some neck, maybe some head in there to out to 8.1 M. That damage only drops off a very minor amount, and technically, the ttk is still going to be roughly 631.

And that's the number that we really want to pay attention to, just outright. However, like I said, things are a little bit weird, and that's where we go into Goom's newest tweet from today, which is actually very conveniently timed because I was already kind of planning on talking about this and saying.

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Okay, is this actually a close-range meta? Is it more of a placebo because maybe you got some head shots in a gunfight? But here's what Gom says as of this morning, so after more digging to confirm and talking with some folks, it seems like to me that these numbers are actually bugged, so technically yes, this gun is broken.

warzone 3

Sim is showing what the numbers should be, but in the game there is something causing the numbers to be even higher, so the gun is actually better than what it should be, but we don't really know why, and what Sim keeps in mind is data mining the direct stats from the files. These numbers are accurate in the game, at least in plunder, so they are likely to get fixed at some point, so if you're looking to use it technically, now is the go-to time that you're going to want to be using it, but for now.

I guess enjoy it. It's not super consistent, but it should make it better until it's fixed, so these numbers that we just talked about for the 631 and the damage ranges here are technically correct. Not fully accurate, it's actually broken in some way we don't really know as mentions, but it's broken to be slightly better, so comparing that 631, ttk, or what could be slightly better, let's say anywhere between 600 and 631, just as you know more, broad.

I guess comparison, let's see how this would work against other subs, so if we go to true game data, we put in a handful of our top tier SMGs, mainly being the striker 9, the swasp N9 obviously the base striker, so if we go through and look at the stats for this 300 health, obviously combination shot ttk.

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If we pay attention to the first damage range here you're going to see that at 6 M right in the area where this is going to be the most primed to use obviously with the wardens you can see we're looking at a 630. TT K with the striker 9 basically right on par, with the wardens here 651, at the Bas Striker 654, keep in mind this is not going to be the exact number every single time you're fighting because this is combination shots you might get an extra head shot and that makes the ttk crazy fast on one of these you might get an extra limb shot which is going to slow it down with pretty much everything but the striker here but with that even you know out to their initial damage ranges of 12 for a lot of these Subs 630 651, 654. So that Warden setup and with the just general way that it feels right now and it plays is actually right there, exactly on par with the other true meta close range options now, but there's.

The most unique ␜broken␝ meta loadout in warzone

The most unique ␜broken␝ meta loadout in warzone

So obviously, for our load out here, yes, we are initially starting with the Lockwood MK2, which is obviously very weird, but switching it over into the conversion kit here with the Jack Warden's is what step one of this general setup is, and as you can see, it's completely changing the gun in entirely now.

You'll notice I threw this on. And boy, we don't have many options, so we cannot use a stock just behind the face cam here. You cannot use a comb, you cannot use a lever on this, you cannot use a guard, you cannot use an underbarrel, and you cannot use a basic barrel. You would be able to use an optic here, like, what if we threw on the 2.5-time Eagle Eye you go in and out?

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