News - Warzone: The Top 10 Best Loadouts To Use For Season 1 (warzone Warzone 2 Best Weapons)

General notes on loadouts & formatting

General notes on loadouts & formatting

All that on war zone and Modern Warfare 3 with 60% of viewers not subscribed I'd love to have in the community if you'd like to join and finally check out my friends over at gfuel for 30% off your entire order with code espresso to fuel your Cod ground in Moder Warfare 3 in war zone or for some killer stocking stuffers this year anyways let's jump into it firstly a sort of little disclaimer, this is my base b line while I played a ton since the launch already of war zone and season 1 and have found that these builds work for me maybe they're not exactly your cup of tea maybe my goals in terms of what I want to prioritize a weapon for doesn't exactly match yours which totally fine but build off that if my logic and reasoning for what I use for my builds doesn't fit your play style feel free to tweak them secondly The Meta is ever evolving, balance passes, shifts and focus for goals of builds it's ever changing so maybe come mid-season I'll have a different list that looks drastically.

3 best loadouts

The best bas-b loadout in warzone season 1 (modern warfare 3)

Different, but for now, this is what I'd recommend: jumping in with firstly my top and favorite picks here kind of all over the board in regards to distances in meta before breaking into the long medium and close range metas. First, my favorites: I want to start with bass B. That's probably one that's pretty self-explanatory.

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If you've played war zone you've probably seen this already, this is the go-to for me right now in my mind it's insanely, easy to use it has recoil so you're going to want to mitigate that as much as possible, and it very well may be one of those sort of mouse and keyboard favorite weapons because it's way easier to control there but even still this thing shreds even on controllers Close Quarters medium to long range you'll get it done doesn't matter the situation really my big concern for the weapon pre-war Zone launch was the lack of ammunition 300 HP and only 45 rounds to work with wasn't a whole ton but you can take out three enemies in a single mag the way this things breaks down if you're accurate for this I'd recommend the Coro Eagle eyee 2.5, times optic the breu and Venom long barrel the vt7.

Spitfire suppressor, the Ravage 20 heavy stock, and the 45-round magazine. Now for this build, you're prioritizing control bullet velocity. You sacrifice a bit in movement speed and other mobility attributes, but with the properties that it affords in damage and ttk, you're looking at a weapon that is sub 600 ttk outwards of 35 M.

That's not long-range meta, but it's long enough range meta that it is an insane ttk by comparison to a lot of the stuff you'll use for most engagements. The next best ttk is the dg58 burst, which can hold just under a 700 millisecond ttk out to that same 35ish. Metter, but again, you're getting just that much faster with something that is strange because on paper, it's 666.

The best dg-58 loadout in warzone season 1 (modern warfare 3)

The best dg-58 loadout in warzone season 1 (modern warfare 3)

RPM fire rate doesn't seem too prominent but man that thing just packs a punch now next we talked about the dg58, so may as well jump into it the burst meta is back for now I don't know how long this will live on maybe it is something that lives the entire year maybe it lasts just until season 1 were loaded in the next weapon balancing pass but it is something that's absolutely there and while there are other options that maybe are either viable or perhaps even outclass, in some instance is I'd be lying if I said the dg58 burst wasn't one of the best weapons right now to use in war zone it just absolutely melts players if you're accurate, honestly I don't think this is much of a surprise right now the dg58, is an absolute machine in mp and while sometimes we get those Oddball weapons that don't perform nearly as well as they do in mp.

best class

This is not one of those cases where you want to knock it out for recoil mitigation, because that's basically the only thing that will really hinder this weapon. Another good factor to have is gun kit control for Flinch, but this thing can shred. For this build, I'd recommend the Coro Eagles Eye 2.5 times as much as the DG 56 LS18.

Barrel the vt7 Spitfire suppressor with the 60-round mag, or you can get away with the 40-round mag if you want a bit more mobility and a little faster ad speed with that kind of nominal difference here with this because you're down to straight-up milliseconds in terms of differences but also offering you enough for like five more bursts if you were to take another engagement like your ad speed only changes by 17 milliseconds, your sprint to fire speed only changes by 2 milliseconds. And the magazine reload again is only a fourth a second for regular reload and a tenth of a second for the empty reload so realistically again you're not losing a whole ton but if you want that little bit faster in terms of Mobility the 40 round might be the better option but then I'd run the soldier Pro padded buttstock, as the final attachment here with this that last bit on the stock that one felt a bit odd to neglect an under Barrel but when you compare the best option of the brew and heavy to the butt stock the stock wins in the head-to-head for recoil control and mitigation so would highly recommend that but whenever you end up getting this thing out it is one that barely moves and again you end up having that ability to just absolutely, fry through enemies if you are accurate that's the big part here you want to make sure you're accurate of course but try it out you won't be disappointed, next the dg58.

The best dg-58 lsw loadout in warzone season 1 (modern warfare 3)

The best dg-58 lsw loadout in warzone season 1 (modern warfare 3)

LSW, the same family but in the LMG category right now, is probably the most versatile and deadly of weapon classes after the integration. Right now, there really isn't a bad lmg; some I like more than others, some statistically better than others, but truly, if you pick up an lmg, you can do well with it.

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I do hate that, to be honest. I can't put them all in here; I mean. I could, but also, it wouldn't be super fair to anyone not wanting to use an LMG, so while we'll make mental note of it, we'll come back to it later on in the article. Not every lmg will have a build here at this one, but the dg58.

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