News - Top 5 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 3 Reloaded - Warzone 2


After I recorded this entire article, the absolute meta came out, so I had to give this to you first before anything else. It is the dg58. LSW conversion kit, so make sure you guys have the Jack conversion kit for the dg58. LSW it's a Jack Nightshade rifle kit for mobility and handling. Tech stand spread and rate of fire: you lose bullet velocity, range damage, and magazine ammo capacity, but trust me, this beats literally everything, like every single SMG and every single AR.

This is the best build. I'm about to show you everything else. The cast this break for the horizontal recoil and firing aim stability now you lose some aim down sight speed Some people choose the ZON 35 compensated flash hider. I didn't choose it because you lose 5% bullet velocity. If you don't mind the 5% and you like it better than the cass's break, then be my guess.

I just think that it kind of has the same effect as the cass's break, but you lose bullet velocity. My personal preference for the optic is the Nider model 2023. This thing is absolutely amazing. I did initially use the Jack Glasses optic, but I found myself way more accurate with the ner. Now some people choose not to use the optic.

3 best loadouts

If you want to use that, then Cool 40-round mag is absolutely amazing. I don't recommend 20 because this is not multiplayer, and the last thing I put on is a 5.8 by 42 high grain round for the bullet velocity and damage ranges, which help by 15%. You lose recoil overall, but the thing is, you're not even going to notice it, and I can't wait to show you what it does.

This thing is absolutely hectic; it's an absolute freak. Nature, even long range, is amazing, which I'm absolutely surprised about. Like, something like this, you would expect to sort of have a flaw, but it really doesn't have a flaw. So here's the entire class setup right here. Have fun using this gun because it is absolutely meta in every way, shape, and form.

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So War Zone season 3 Rel Loaded is out now, and I have to give you guys the top five best meta loadouts. These are going to be everything that you guys are going to need after the buff and updates. The first thing I want to show you guys is a striker, because I just got a massive buff, but before we do any of that, I want to give a huge shout out to the sponsor of today's article.

best loadouts

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Join the Discord below and get your nuke today. Start out with the Zon 35, compensated flash hider, This shortens the radar pings and helps with vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and aim stability. You do lose some aim down sight speed and bullet velocity, but those are things we're going to take care of later on in the class setup, but on the DR6, hand stop for aim down sight speed and aim walking speed.


Sprint to fire speed and movement speed. You do lose some hitfire attack stand spread, which really doesn't matter that much, and you lose some aim walking steadiness, but I don't think that's a big deal. Look at the pros you actually receive with mobility and handling; definitely worth it. Put on the 0–45 Auto High-Grain rounds for no enemy skulls; bullet velocity and damage range just give a huge buff in the range category for all 15 percenters.

And the recoil is reduced, but with the zon 35, you won't even notice a reduction, and this thing gives it no recoil with incredible range. Give it the 48-round mag. I was considering the 60, but it just slows you down way too much. Literally, it's twice the amount of the 48-round mag, so the 48 is just the best possible.

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Choice overall, and last but not least, put on the Lockman Recon series stock for gun kick control, aiming out of range, and recoil control. Now with everything that we had as a benefit, all the cons are basically going to get counteracted, and this thing is actually incredible. This is actually something you can use in multiplayer too; just in case you actually wanted to try it out, look at this basic.


There's no recoil, and it's incredibly powerful and goes incredibly fast, so this is definitely a class setup that I highly recommend. It's actually considered the meta SMG right now, so if you guys want to try it out, feel free, especially with the massive buff it has. The damage is just absolutely insane; if the fire rate were even faster, this thing would be unstoppable.

But if that SMG is not your cup of tea. I have the WASP 9 for you guys, and I think you guys will absolutely love this one throwing on the z35, compensating flash harder for the shorter radar pings, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed and bullet velocity.

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We're going to take care of that thow on the Dr6 hand stop for aim downside speed and aim walking speed. Sprint to fire speed and movement speed at the cost of HIIT fire attack stance spread and aim walking steadiness, 9 mm High grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of recoil control, which you will not notice in 40-round mag I just don't think 50 is worth it; you're going to lose too much, and I think 40 is more than enough for this gun and the Nider Model 2023.

cod 3 best loadout

This is just my personal preference. If you guys want to use something else, feel free, but this is what I like to use. This gun is super easy to use, and honestly, it gets the job done very quickly, so here's the entire class: right here, this is something that I highly recommend using. I think you guys will absolutely love it.

Next is the Sosa averter. This thing is still meta for long range, so you guys have to have the best class setup for It Go on the cast is break L for the horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed. Put on the Dozer 90-long barrel for bullet velocity and range firing aim stability, gun kick control, and recoil control at the cost of aim walking speed.


Sprint to fire speed, aim for walking steadiness, and aim for sight speed. Put on the 50-round drum. just because there's no reason to use 30 when you have 50 bullets. Trust me, you want to have as many as possible with this put on a jack glassless. Optic for the precis, sight, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim-down sight speed, and finally put on the motion V2 heavy stock for recoil control and gun kit control at the cost of aim-down sight speed and sprint-to-fire speed.

Warzone 3 Best Loadout Warzone 3 Meta Loadout Warzone 3 Best Class Setup - Modern Warfare 3. Discord. ggnukesquad.
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