News - Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone 3 Best Loadouts - Warzone 2


is the best possible choice. It would be nice if there were more, but the 30 is just not the best choice; you want to have as many bullets as possible in your AR, and the 45 is the best overall choice. The last thing is that my personal preference is the Coro Eagle Eye 2.5. Now, if you want to use anything else, feel free, but I can't guarantee you the same amount of results that I'm about to show you in the firing range.

This is my personal preference, and I think it works exceptionally well for the bass B. So for somebody that's just hopping on the war zone trying to just get some easy kills, and you know, once something with very little recoil is done, this is definitely the easiest weapon to get the job done. It doesn't take much work to actually use this weapon.

The short and medium ranges are absolutely phenomenal, and the only hard one is the long range, where it does get a little bit more recoil, but if you can actually control the recoil, it's an incredibly easy weapon to use, and I highly recommend having this in your AR. So I'm going to show you guys the entire class setup if you guys made it this far into the article.

3 best loadouts

All I ask you guys to do is comment. I want to give some of you guys some cod points, and this is kind of the best way to do it just for the loyal subscribers who actually watch the entire article, but you guys can screenshot this, take a picture, or just build the class right now. This is the first weapon in the top five, and it is the BBY for long-range gameplay.

Next is the WASP swarm. This thing is absolutely incredible, and it is the king of close range right now. You're on the L4R flashhider for muzzle flash concealment, recoil control, and gun kick control at the cost of aim on S speed. I think this is the best possible choice. I mean, some people like using suppressors, so if you guys actually want to use a suppressor, there's only two I recommend: either the saddle strike suppressor or the monolithic suppressor.

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These are the two best choices. Everything else is kind of not really ideal for me. I mean, it's really whatever you want to choose, but, in my opinion, the best possible choice is just L forr flash hider, next throw on the WASP Reckless 90 long barrel for bullet velocity and range aiming out of sway gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of aim down sight speed, hit fire, and TX St sprad aim walking speed and sprint of fire speed.

best loadouts

I know that sounds bad, but trust me, this is the one you want to use. next throw on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control, aiming out of sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down side speed and vertical recoil. The 100-round drum is the best possible choice.

Now you do get a reduction in movement speed, downside speed, reload quickness, and sprint of fire speed, but if you look at the 50-round mag, the cons are basically similar. I am going to be honest with you; you do get slightly less movement and slightly fewer ads. But everything else being essentially the same, I just don't really recommend having 50 when you can have twice as much and not really suffer as many cons.


The last thing is the FSS Rampage 7 tactical for aim-down sight speed, aiming out of sway, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed and movement speed. This weapon doesn't take much effort to use either; it's a very low-pre-oil weapon. I would just avoid long-range engagements because you're most likely going to use them.

Well, most likely, you're going to lose. Now stick to the short-range engagements, and you'll be good to go. Tell me what I said. This wasps form is the best close range weapon; it gets the job done incredibly easily and essentially takes no effort, like this weapon right here. This class setup is going to be incredibly easy to use.

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Next is another long-range meta weapon, this time the pmot, 762. This is an LMG, and I think that it's potentially better than the bass B, and I think it actually has as much mobility as well, so throw on the T7 spear fire suppressor L for being undetectable or radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim downside speed, aim walking sadness, and sprint to fire speed.


Make sure you guys have the aftermarkets part, and the only way to get this is to level a gun up all the way. It's the Jack Annihilator Bullpup kit for mobility and handling rate of fire hip fire attack stand spread and aim down sight speed. Now you guys see the cons, don't worry about them, because everything is going to get taken care of with this class setup on the jack Annihilator long for bullet velocity and range at the cost of sprint to fire speed and aiming at sway thr on the Brun heavy support grip for get control aiming out sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and vertical recoil.

This gun goes side to side, not up and down, so you need to have the Brun heavy support grip. The last thing is my personal preference: the Coro Eagles eY 2.5 times now. There's technically a zoom glitch on this, so if you guys want to use anything else, you can, but I just think that the Coro Eagles eY gives the best result.

cod 3 best loadout

They're just showing you what it looks like in the game. The mobility is actually pretty amazing, I'm not going to lie, and you guys see The recoil is essentially non-existent. And this is why I say that it compares with the bass B; it probably is better, so if you guys want to try it out for yourself, feel free to do so.

It has a pretty decent fire rate; it might actually be slightly slower than the bass B, but you guys see how many times I actually took out the target for running out of bullets. This thing is absolutely insane. If you guys want to copy this down, feel free to take a screenshot of whatever you guys want to do.

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This build right here is absolutely insane, and I highly recommend anybody that's going to play War Zone to have this in their arsenal. Now here's another meta-battle rifle, and it is the MTZ. 762 a lot of people have actually been saying that it's stronger than the bass B, so I wanted to give you guys a class on the VT7 spier suppressor L for being undetectable by radar.


Reco control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim-down sight speed, aim-walking speed, and sprint-to-fire speed. Next is the MTZ Precision Black Thorn barrel for bullet velocity, range aiming out sway, firing aim stability at the cost of hit-fire attack stand spread, which is not a big deal, and aim walking speed.

This one is special: the Brun pivot vertical grip for gun kick control; vertical recoil aiming; aim firing; aim stability at the cost of horizontal recoil; aim down sight speed; and sprint to fire speed. On this one, you do not need the Brun heavy support grip just because it's not a side-to-side type recoil; it's an up-and-down type recoil, and although the cura seems like the best option.

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