News - Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts Warzone. Warzone Best Class Setups - Warzone 2


This is the top five meta loadouts in War Zone 3. All these class setups are going to be very easy to use, honestly, have very little recoil, and get the job done exceptionally well. So we're going to start out with the best SMG in the game right now, which is the AM-9. Dra the Nimbus 6 integrated suppressor for being undetectable by the radar and bullet velocity and range at the cost of sprint of fire speed and aim down sight speed.

Now I know there are some other choices, like using a tectonic or micro-integral suppressor, and some people actually use AR9. Enforcer long barrel for bu velocity and range recoil control and gun kick control if you want to use that completely up to you and then throw on a suppressor, but I just like this because there's already a suppressor in there and you get the benefits next.

I throw in the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop for Sprint to fire speed, aim down sight speed, vertical recoil, and gun kick control at the cost of HIIT fire attack stand spread and horizontal recoil, which is not a big deal, then I put on the Slate reflector. This is my personal preference. If you think you can handle the iron sight, then be my guess, but I personally can't handle the iron sight, and the slight reflector is kind of the easiest thing to use, so this is why I chose attachment right here.

3 best loadouts

Next is the 50-round mag. Now some people use the 100-round drum. I just can't do it. I think the penalties are way too severe. The last thing I use is the Wolfhound carbon stock for gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of aim-down sight speed. This thing is incredibly easy to use both in War Zone and multiplayer; now I see it as optimal in War Zone.

But if you do use it in multiplayer, as you guys see, it's going to be incredibly easy to use; in fact, there are no plates. Just look at this; it's ridiculous. It's way too good, way too easy to use as an SMG; it's actually just like an AR; in fact. I don't know if you guys have played Call of Duty Ghost, but this gun really reminds me of the vector with how amazing it is at all ranges; it's lethal at close range, lethal at medium range, and lethal at long range, especially if you have the recoil control on point.

best loadouts

If you have the recoil control on point, it's just absolutely insane. So that's why I say that this is probably one of the best overall weapons to use in the game right now, just like an SMG that can do it all, so make sure you guys have this class on there. I'm at Meta, and I'm going to give some of you guys some C points.

Next is the RAM 7even, and this is amazing: an assault rifle. Despite any nerfs that it's gotten, it's still absolutely meta. I do have some other ones for you, but I do want to give this one to you specifically for the VT7 SP fire suppressor for being undetectable. The radar recoil controls bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim-out sight speed, aim walk sadness, and sprint to fire speed.

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Next, on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control, aiming out way horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and vertical recoil, which doesn't really matter throwing on a 60-round drum unless you're playing duos or solos. If you're playing duos or solos, throw on the 40-round mag just because it's actually much better in regards to the cons.


If you are playing trios or quads, then you need the 60-round drum just because you're going to be killing way more people, but 40 is more than enough for one or two people. Retort 90 grip tape for firing aim stability, gun kick control, and reco control at the cost of aiming out sway. Now this is an absolute, optimal rear grip.

If you're going to just use iron sight now, if you're going to use an optic, just throw on the Coro Eagle Eye instead of the retort 90, and last but not least, the HPS 3.4 pad for guny control. Recoil controls the cost. Sprint to fire speed. Sprint speed and movement speed This weapon right here is absolutely beautiful.

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It has very little recoil. The beautiful thing is that not many people know I actually don't play at 120 fov, so for the people that play at 120 fov, it's just going to look like an absolute laser, but for me, somebody who plays at a lower fov for it to not move like this just shows how amazing this thing absolutely is, so this is something you absolutely have to give a try if you haven't tried it out for yourself yet and just see how you do with it.


I think that you'll do absolutely amazing with it. Here's the entire class setup for the RAM 7, and I think you're going to have a really good time, like I said. Next is the MTZ, 762. This reminds me of the EM2 from War Zone 1. This thing is absolutely busted. It's very easy to use, and in my opinion, it's actually one of the best long-range weapons overall.

The VT7 Spirit fire suppressor L is unable by the radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim-down sight speed, aim-walking steadiness, and sprint-to-fire speed. Next, on the MTZ Precision black dor for bullet velocity and range aiming out of s and firing aim stability at the cost of hit-fire attack stance spread and aim walking speed, which is not a big deal.

cod 3 best loadout

This is, honestly, the best choice. I don't really see any alternative that would be better. This seems decent, but it's just not worth it, in my opinion. I think that this is the best overall choice now. If you guys want some more reco control, then feel free to use the MTZ. Clinch Pro Barrel, but I just like what I chose: throw on the Brun pivot vertical grip for Gunk control vertical recoil aiming out sway firing aim stability that CS horizontal recoil aim downside speed and sprint to fire speed 30 round mag just because you can't have any more than that; unfortunately, the glitch doesn't work.

10 is just not worth it. It's just ridiculous that they even put 10; they might as well just put the 40-round mag on there and, you know, give it some more cons or whatever because I honestly don't think 30 is enough, but it is what we have, so it is what it is. The last thing is the coral ey 2.5 time now.


This is my personal preference. You can use whatever you want to, but this is just what I like to use. This weapon is honestly one of the best in the game; it doesn't take much effort to use, and truth be told, if I'm running into somebody with it. I'm just going to be terrified if they have it, and I don't just because I see how fast it kills, especially with head shots, like it's just something you don't want to mess with.

This thing is actually amazing, I would say for solos or duos. Now it can be used in trios and quads, but specifically, this build is going to be for solos or duos, specifically solos, because you're most likely going to win every one-on-one engagement throw on the VT7 Spirit fire suppressor for being undetectable by radar recall control.

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