News - Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone 3 Best Loadouts - Warzone 2


So we're going to start out with the bass B throw on the VT7, spear fire suppressor L for being undetectable by the radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down sight speed, aim walking steadiness, and sprint of fire speed. Now there are some alternatives, and you can't really handle the recoil, but I honestly do believe this is the best possible choice.

If you can't handle the recoil, then you kind of have to go all the way over here. This does buff a three on the recoil control. The other ones you can also use like this, but you guys see, the cons just aren't really worth it. This is why I think that the VT7 spe fire suppressor L is the best possible choice.

You get the most bang for your buck, and you are also silenced from the radar next to the Brun Venom long barrel for bullet velocity and range recoil control, aiming idle sway, and gun kick control at the cost of sprint to fire speed, movement speed, and sprint speed. I don't think there's really any other alternative; I mean, you could use the wyvern.

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Rite long barrel, and it does help with bullet velocity and range and aim walking sadness, but I just think that this is better overall; it helps with recoil control and gun kick control, while this just helps with aim walking, say, aim walking speed and movement speed, which you don't really need for an AR.

3 best loadouts

Now, it just completely depends on what you want to use it for, but these are the only two I would really suggest, and because this is AR. I would use the broom Venom long barrel next on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kit control aiming out of sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and vertical recoil.

There are some other alternatives to this, but I think this is the best possible choice. Now, some people like to use the Camaro Ren 03 vertical grip if you can't handle the vertical aspect, and some people like using the Brun tactical vertical grip as well. But I still do think the Brun heavy support grip is the best possible choice, so if you guys are using any of the other ones, switch to this one, and you'll do much better next.

best loadouts

I use the 45-round mag. This thing is absolutely disgusting, and because we can't get any more, this is the best possible Choice Last but not least is the Coro eagle's eye, 2.5 times. I have seen some people use the nider and some other attachments, but because of how I'm going to be using this weapon, I think the coro's eil ey 2.5 times is the best possible choice.

She'll be able to actually take people out of long range. I mean, you can take them out at all ranges, but this helps the best for long-range engagements and shows you guys how deadly this thing is. It doesn't take much effort to actually use this gun. It's very easy to use, and you can take an enemy out without even wasting your entire mag, so that's something I would definitely consider, and if you made it this far in the article.

I want you guys to comment that bass B is cool now. I mean, it's a really simple thing, but I'm going to shout some of you guys out that actually do that, and this is the entire first-class set for the bass. Be sure you screenshot it or copy it down right now, whether you want to pause the article or whatever.


This thing is the best. Battle rifle, In War Zone 3 right now, I know some people are going to attack me for saying it's an assault rifle, but it's the best battle rifle, so it's in the battle rifle category. Make sure you guys copy that down. Next is the Wasps form now. I absolutely love this SMG despite people trying to nerf it, trying to make it weaker, and trying to make it obsolete in this game.

On the LR flash hider, muzzle flash concealment, recoil control, and gun kit control at the cost of aim-down sight speed, if you don't want to use this, there are some alternatives you can actually throw on there, like the Spyro v3.5. Flash hider, I just don't think it's worth it. I think that the LR flash hider is better, plus you get fewer cons, so I mean, why would you sacrifice?


A pro and get an extra con if you want to like silence? If you want to stay completely off the radar, then you can either use the shadow strike suppressor, or you can use the monolithic suppressor if you want some more recoil control, or you can use one of these, but if you do use one of these, then you're going to get a con that's not really worth it, so make sure that you're sticking to it.

What I showed you guys is the L4R flash hider next to the WASP Reckless 90-long Barr for Bel of velocity and range aiming out of sway gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of aim down side speed to hit fire attack stand spread aim walking speed and sprint to fire speed. Now there is one other alternative, but you don't get gun kick control and recoil control, and that is the WASP ruthless L Barrel.

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Now you have bullet velocity, range, and aiming out of sway, but you do get a reduction in sprint to fire speed more than the Reckless 90-long barrel, so you have to weigh your pros and cons. Can you handle the recoil, and is it worth it to actually lose more sprint to fire speed just to have it? I guess less pros; I don't really think that's worth it.

cod 3 best loadout

I think you might as well have the Reckless 90-long barrel; take the cons on the chin, and you'll most likely do well. Next is the Brun heavy support grip; now this is the best possible choice for the WASP swarm. I'm not even going to give you guys any alternatives just because it's not worth it, but you throw on this for gun kick control, aiming out way horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed and vertical recoil, and I know I just said I'm not going to give you guys any alternative, but I'm actually going to show you guys one, so the one alternative I actually will give you guys is if we get to the beginning, it is the x10.

Phantom 5 hand stop for Sprint fire speed aim downside speed vertical recoil and gun kick control, or the dr6 hand stop. I mean. I would rather go with the XM Phantom 5, if you guys want some more speed to fire speed and aim down sight speed, but you're not going to get as much vertical and recoil control and gun kick control as you would.


With the Brun heavy support grip, next is the 100-round drum. I absolutely love using this drum. The only time I probably wouldn't use this drum is if I'm playing solos. I probably use the 50-rout mag, but for quads and trios, I would stick with the 100-round drum just because I believe it's worth it.

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