News - Warzone: The Season 2 Meta Update. Best Weapons After Meta Changes

There's still other SMG changes that we got to talk about but so many of these you could use and they're really good I do think the Rival 9 probably deserves a spot being dropped down because I don't think it's on the same level but for the most part all these SMGs, are right there neck and neck with one another and there is no clear number one option that deserves in my opinion to be an absolute meta they are all just great choices so if you're wondering why that is hopefully that clarifies, that a little bit speaking of other SMG changes this is one that I'm also a big fan of the WASP 9 one of my favorites to begin with actually got way better with this update the max damage range got buffed so it now has a further initial damage range they also buffed its mid-range range and its ads speed is faster now so this thing is now even better as a sniper support SM.

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And it's more aggressive. I love that it already had a very competitive TTK, and it just got even better now. This is a pretty significant change to the Lockwood 680; its mid damage got nerfed pretty severely. All Things Considered, and on top of that, they also nerfed the meta build for it with the heavy, long barrel; its Sprint of Fire is atrocious.

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Now, well, it's still an all-right shotgun. I don't think it's all that competitive compared to where it was before; it's definitely a bit more in line with some of these other shies. Post update here we did see a couple of other updates to some MW2, shies The Bryson 890 got a mid-range Nerf so that's going to be a tad bit worse but not crazy so that it's going to drop all the way down into a different category here, then also the Lockwood 300 it's dragon's breath got nerfed but that's not really the meta option on the Lockwood 300 to begin with so that's not a huge deal and on the MX Guardian it's dragon's breath got nerfed as well but it's already a mediocre so no real changes need to be made there it's a sad one for me because it's probably my favorite gun in the game but the pamat 762 conversion kit actually saw some pretty decent Nerfs here they added a new range and damage in the mid-range, and they Nerf the long range damage here and it's enough to really drop it you know away from some of those other lmgs.

So in my opinion, this is something that brings this down more into the top-tier category, and it's definitely not the number one option for LMGs anymore. You know, the bruan really shines, the DG really shines, and honestly. I probably should bump up into here as well, because that's a great choice too, even though it wasn't touched with this update right there in terms of ttk.

warzone 3 meta

So there are a lot of options in the lmg category, and now the pmat conversion definitely is not going to be as lethal as it was before, though hey, everyone quickly wanted to give a shout out to my friends over at gfuel. And speaking of making lmgs more viable, the evolver actually got a pretty significant buff with this update; they ended up buffing its close damage and long damage, but they nerfed its max damage range.

This, though, makes it a lot more competitive with these other LMGs, while also being one of the easiest guns to use in the game because it has super low recoil. Very effective now if you're looking for something that is just you pick it up you know you're going to do well with it it's a reliable, choice for sure so significant buff there that actually makes that usable, competitive was a generous ranking for that beforehand it was pretty underwhelming all things considered so glad to see that got a really big buff they also nerfed The Eradicator Sprint to fire not really a huge deal because that's not a stat you're really caring about too much if you're using an lmg.

warzone 3 meta loadout

A couple of different MW2 lmgs got some updates; the Icarus got a Sprint of Fire buff, not really going to do all that much for it; the Raal got a Sprint of Fire and an ad buff, nice but still not a game changer by any means; the RPK also got an ad speed buff as well overall, though those need more damage updates than anything else if they're actually going to move categories.

Now the kbd enforcer saw a slight headshot multiplier. Nerf, that's a decent Nerf for what it is; honestly, it probably could have been top-tier before this update. I would say it probably is more competitive now that's a little bit more balanced across the board, which is nice to see the Interceptor got a few extra Nerfs here, the Sprint of Fire, the ad speeds both of those got nerfed, and then also the neck multiplier got nerfed, so that's even a little bit worse now, which is nice to see considering how broken it was for so long, right the MCW 6.

warzone 3 meta loadouts

8 personally, that's my go-to Marksman rifle I love this thing they actually buffed the ads speed which is nice however they did Nerf the hip fire spread and the velocity a tad bit you can gain that back with attachments though so in my opinion it's still staying top tier another bit of an overdue one but the LMS probably should have been out of below average some time ago they buffed the idol sway on this so it's even more accurate now I'm saying this is definitely a competitive Marksman, battle rifle it's kind of limited in ammo and it's definitely a higher skill Gap with its fire rate but man it puts out damage like crazy now the crossbow actually got a buff which I guess is nice to see it's one shot capabilities are now extended to the neck and the head so that's cool but it's still a super Niche weapon and then this is one that I'm very happy about the xrk stalker, can now one shot in its first damage range which is anywhere from like 50 to 70ish, met, depending on the attachments you use on it it's an absolute meta sniper now because it can One-Shot with no ammo restrictions.

warzone 3 meta season 2

Especially for Resurgence, this is the number one go-to sniper in my opinion the cat obviously can still one shot at any range, as well so between Resurgence and regular BR that's a great choice so the stalker gets a huge upgrade, with this patch I love to see that now the Longbow actually got an update as well they buffed the ads speed but they actually nerfed its long range damage so not really doing all that much it's definitely more of a quick scope gimmicky type of weapon can't wearly one shot to the head unless there's super low armor or super low health so going to stay in mediocre there but it did get some interesting changes there they also nerfed the signal here as well they nerfed its mid-range.

Problem is it's got a Crazy Fire rate, not really good control in a super small magazine, so that's like the you know concoction of all the bad things mixed into one while it does have nice damage now everything else about it is not all that great, so going to stay mediocre, but it's a little bit better if you know how to hit well with it, and then lastly the 50gs, which is just awful.

warzone 3 meta update

It got a damage buff, which is nice, but it's still the 50g, though it stinks to use probably one of the worst starting game weapons when you get that in like Resurgence or something. It's like, okay, I need any gun that's not this ASAP. Right, it's a damage buff, but it's not going to make it that much better, and then also, the Basilisk is getting some updates.

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