News - Warzone: The Season 2 Meta Update. Best Weapons After Meta Changes

New warzone season 2 meta update fully explained

New warzone season 2 meta update fully explained

Ladies and gentlemen.

New warzone season 2 weapons ␓ bp50 & ram-9 ranked

But like I said, we of course have two new weapons, and that means before we can go through any of the patch notes and other changes, we got to rank these, and quite frankly, the bp50 and the ram 9 are both right up there. The BP50 is a little bit of a trickier one for me, balancing between top-tier and competitive damage-wise.

I feel like it's definitely in the top-tier area, but the problem is that its magazine capacity is not incredible. It's got a faster fire rate and only 45 rounds Max is somewhat limiting but the hoger I mean we've got that top tier and it's a pretty solid rifle so we'll say the bp50 is deserving, and then this is an Easy Choice the ram 9 also going right up there with all the other best SMGs in the game as a top tier Choice as well each of these weapons are very good personally I prefer the ram 9 a little bit more but they're both very easy to use and they fry, when it comes down to it now outside of just our new weapons I also have the patch notes for all the other weapon updates and other weapon changes that were made so if you see me looking over here that's why, starting first with well the ram 7even this was actually nerfed with its mid and long range damage its long range damage got the you know bulk of the changes, there.

All warzone season 2 weapon updates detailed

All warzone season 2 weapon updates detailed

However, it's still phenomenal, in the mid-range then somewhat in the mid-range as well; it's just not going to be that do-it-all rifle anymore, so for that reason, it's going to drop down into the top-tier category with some of these other rifles right, but it's still a fantastic choice, especially for Sniper support, or even if you're just playing aggressive on like Resurgence or really limiting your gunfights to 40 m and closer in general gameplay, it's still going to be a great choice, obviously very easy to use, so it got a Nerf, but it's still a very good option, as we also saw.

modern warfare 3

An MCW update that, quite frankly, is not one I understand; it's just basically a copy and paste of the multiplayer change; they nerfed its ad speed and its sprint to fire speed; its damage is pretty mediocre All Things Considered; it's conversion hits very well in my opinion for Sniper support; but overall, a weird change that's not going to really update it too much up or down, but it just seemed a little unnecessary.

Now the hoger also got a slight ad Nerf, nothing too crazy, because we're using that for long range, and ads aren't the main factor. There is an interesting one here, the G. This is the start of a lot of MW2 weapon updates that we saw throughout the patch notes; they actually nerfed its headshot multiplier.

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However, they made the upper torso arm and hands multiplier better, so essentially, if you're hitting body shots, the gun's going to feel a tad bit better, but if you're hitting head shots, it won't feel like it's doing as much as a reward for having crazy good aim and hitting head shots right, but it's still overall a decent rifle.


It's ttk though is not going to be drastically different with this update it's going to stay Inc competitive, but it's an option you could get by using I do find this in ground loot a lot and it's like okay you know I'll use this if I find something better great if I don't this will suffice for the time being right the bass B also got some interesting updates, they nerfed its Clos range damage its Sprint of fire and its ads speed, really what this does is take away the bass B snipers, support build that we've talked about a lot it's now instead of you know being a Do-it all battle rifle that could be built for close range mid-range or long range, really just going to be a mid to long range weapon now it's still very good for that but it's close range you know capabilities now are going to be limited.

Probably where they should have been, a battle rifle probably shouldn't have an SMG alternative that's better than most other SMGs and close range rifles in the game, so Balan it out some, but for the mid- to long range. I would still consider this to be absolute meta. Just one of your viable builds is no longer all that viable.

new meta

This is another bit of a surprise, honestly, the MTZ, 762. We've talked about how broken its ttk is in semi-auto mode. Well, they just fixed that by completely removing the semi-auto damage profile, so now it's all the same whether you're using full auto or semi-auto. It's really not much of a purpose to use semi-auto anymore; it's still a banger, though we'll be talking about this one a bit more in depth in the future because this thing fries.

This is one; it's probably a little bit overdue, but I kind of liked the meme of leaving The Sidewinder in garbage, but they did buff its velocity a little bit; it's still really underwhelming for like a mid- to long-range gun; its velocity just cannot hang with the meta build on it, but they also did buff its recoil a decent amount too, so it's been a little bit overdue, like I said, but the Sidewinder.

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I think it does make it all the way up into the mediocre category here. I mean, it's not a crazy popular category, and most of what's in here is not that great, but hey, Side Winder is a bit more usable now, for sure. The velocity is going to be the main thing you notice, though, when you are shooting, as you're going to say.


Hey, wait a minute, it feels like I'm aiming right at these guys and it's just not hitting, and that's exactly what's happening because, even in some mid-range fights, it just is not great there, and it's a pretty unforgiving weapon, but it is a little bit more usable now that Thunder lmg Kit's pretty fun, a bit more gimmicky, but it definitely is usable, and I feel like that's a good definition of mediocre, now the HRM.

warzone 3

9 they actually nerfed this one in a strange way they just reduced its Max damage range that's it so instead of having like a 13 M damage range for its first damage profile it's just going to be like 10 m now it is a bit of a Nerf but its damage is still phenomenal in that first damage range then even as it drops off it's still really good for an SMG so it's going to be right up here in top tier you're probably wondering Zack wait a minute the HRM is great the amr9, is great the ram 9 you said is great why aren't these absolute meta to me I don't feel like any of these SMGs should be absolute meta because this correctly depicts what the SMG category is in my opinion and that is ultra competitive.

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