News - Warzone: New Long Range Meta Loadouts After Major Update. Warzone Best Setups

Warzone new long range meta after season 2 update

Warzone new long range meta after season 2 update

ladies and gentlemen. Season 2 is honestly pretty competitive; we've got some new contenders in here; we've got some updated setups on some previous weapons that were already pretty solid, and so with that, today I wanted to give you guys all the best long-range options here post-season 2 updates, so we're starting first with a pretty standard one since the launch.

Warzone best bas-b loadout after update

honestly, the bass B this thing caught some Nerfs of season 2, but they really just affected its close range. Its long range is still just as lethal; setups are going to be a little bit different, though, mainly because they did end up nerfing the Jack BFB. So, with the decreased velocity, I feel like that's the biggest penalty it was given with season 2, not really worth it for the long range on some guns anymore, so instead.

I'm just going for the Cassis break, which really attacks the stability and then also the horizontal control, which makes the overall pattern here a lot more predictable, and you're going to still be laser accurate with something like the bass B, and it's going to melt over the mid- to long range right now while running the Breu and Venom long barrel here.

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Better range, better velocity, and better control of that 3 in1 combo. We got the brewing and heavy support on here again, helping out that horizontal control, so this pattern is going to be largely vertical and very predictable because of that, which is a huge benefit to have on there. We're going for the 45-round basic extended mag here, and lastly, the 2.5-time Eagle eye optics.

You're going to see this on a whole lot of setups here today, but hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. This bass B setup is relatively consistent with what we were using before, and it's still going to be a fantastic choice.

Warzone 3 best sva 545 loadout after update

Warzone 3 best sva 545 loadout after update

Now, when it comes to rifles, admittedly, there's not many really doing it in the long-range meta. Right now, there's just not a ton of crazy competitive assault rifles for longer ranges outside of the SVA. This thing's a laser beam; quite literally, it's one of the easiest guns to use in the game at super low recoil, and it's got a fairly competitive ttk in the mid to long range here, so again, a relatively standard setup.

modern warfare 3

All Things Considered I go for a suppressor in this case just because it is so easy to use and spirit fire is going to extend that range increase the velocity give you better control, pretty clutch there all things considered, the Precision Barrel again is better range velocity and control so you're really stacking that up on the this setup ruin heavy support yet again same reasons as before the 60 round mag in this case works fine for this fire rate it's totally enough ammo for really any squad size and yet again we got that 2.5, times Eagle optic when it comes to you know just aggressive guns this is one of my favorites in the game it's just so easy to use anyone can pick up this thing and just fry with it right away now we got to Talk to some snipers.

Warzone best katt amr loadout for season 2

Plural Yes, you heard that right, snipers, for The Longrange Meta here in season 2. The first obvious one is the cat. This has been the go-to longrange meta sniper since launch, and One-Shot knocks to the head at any range with any ammo type you want to use. So initially, here I'm going for the knight's fall suppressor.

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This gives us a 15% increase to Velocity and doesn't hurt your ad speed as much as some of the other options, so I'm just sort of balancing that out there. Increased up to over a thousand by the time we have all these attachments on there works really, really well in my opinion. I also go for the Zang Barrel again, really just focused on that velocity increase here, and I go for High Velocity, ammo it hurts that range ATT Tad it, but it's giving you 20% to the velocity, which is why this is up over 1, 000, which is great for long range sniping obviously, so that'll work great for that then.

I go for the tack pad stock; this is just simply a better ad speed, so at least you're a little bit more snappy, and lastly. I go for the quick pull just behind the face cam here; this is going to allow me to get shots off faster in between firings, so it's just quicker to get those knocks or to get those secondary shots if you don't get that one shot down.

It's really convenient there if you want the screenshot. Go for it, but yeah, no real changes to the cat with season 2, so obviously. This is still in the long-range metaverse.

Warzone best xrk stalker loadout in season 2

Warzone best xrk stalker loadout in season 2

Now I was kind of debating putting the stalker in the long-range meta, but when it comes down to it, I mean the close-range metas for shies, SMGs, and whatnot. You're not using a sniper in those fights, right? But keep in mind that this can only take one shot in its first damage range, so what I've done with this setup in particular is make it as good a damage range as we can have.

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What you're focused on here is that effective damage range category in the advanced stats, and you can see I'm up to 83. M, which is pretty decent. That's pretty generous for a one-shot range right now. The ad speed here is not going to be as fast as it could be, but you've got the best long-range option here for that first damage range in general, so you're kind of trading off the ad speed for a better one-shot possibility, so the Mammoth suppressor here will give you that best damage range out of the muzzle category.

Vision 60 Barrel: 24%; increase to that effective damage range as well. High-grain ammo is also going to extend that damage range, and it helps out with velocity too, so that's kind of a win-win. Then outside of that. I do go for no stock so I can have those snappier ads, and then again, just behind the face cam there.

I've got the light bolt on there, which is again just a faster rechambering speed, so it's quicker to get those shots off back to back. It's nice that we actually have multiple snipers in The Meta for one since that obviously was not a thing.

Warzone 3 best bp50 long range loadout

Warzone 3 best bp50 long range loadout

By the way, we're going through all the setups here in the long-range meta. And if you're new to the channel, you want to guarantee you're always up to date with all things going on in COD.

But next up here, we have the brand new BP50. This thing overrange is actually one of the best rifles in terms of true TTK. So that's really like a nice bonus to have in general; it actually does hit over longer ranges, but also, it's got crazy low recoil, so actually hitting those shots over long ranges, something you can't always do with some of those other top TTK options, is much easier here, so that's a win-win in my book for sure.

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