News - Warzone: The Next Meta Update. Weapon Changes

The next major meta update previewed!

The next major meta update previewed!

ladies and gentlemen. Within War Zone already, we've seen a few meta updates go out, mainly to address some more broken things like, you know, Instagram. MTZ Interceptor, or the bass B that was dominating it quite literally every single range in the game, are obviously the snake shots, which were breaking the close range meta.

We've also seen a few other more minor meta adjustments to, you know, change a few other weapons, but we know for a fact we're going to see some more significant meta updates here in the relatively near future, especially as we approach season 1 reloaded in mid-January. Being that it's a seasonal update, a major title update, we know for a fact that it's going to include a meta update in it and likely a bunch of changes.

Sledgehammers have already confirmed that, on their end, they're already looking to do some very fine-tuning. With season one reloaded and changing very specific things to balance out the meta more, Raven is likely going to follow suit within the war zone meta in particular. It's also quite possible that we see some other surprise meta updates go out in the days that the developers are returning from their holiday break just because, as it stands right now in the game, there are still a few standout options in terms of meta weapons, and today I wanted to sort of preview and break down what to expect with our next major meta update and weapons that are probably going to be at the focus of any potential weapon changes.

Bas-b is still very dominate, especially as sniper support

Bas-b is still very dominate, especially as sniper support

A favor Drop a like on it; it's always really appreciated, and it does help the channel grow. If you're new here, you want to guarantee that every single day you're on top of everything you need to know about Call of Duty, whether it's news updates or meta breakdowns. So initially, here, just based on sort of collected data, what weapons still stand out in current ways that they maybe shouldn't, and what you obviously still see a ton of in game in terms of pick-in usage, the bass B Even though this was already obviously nerfed once for its close range and its long range, it's still an incredibly viable option, and I think it's much more balanced now for long range.

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It's certainly a really good choice there. It does have a bit more recoil than a lot of the other MW3 options, so it's a little bit of a higher skill. Gap weapon for, you know, 50, 60, 70, and 80-meter fights, but where I think this still is a bit of a problem is like the sniper support in close-range areas, even though they did Nerf it for these specific types of engagements. It's still much better than the vast majority of options in the game for the close range so it kind of negates being able to use things like SMGs, for Sniper supports or any other weapon that's not maybe the ram 7 that's its only true comp there in that sort of mid-range area or close to mid-range area so the bass B for you know mid-range and sniper support style play, probably needs to be nerfed yet again to really balance it out and bring other options into the meta so that's definitely one I still have my eye on if you haven't leveled that one up yet you might want to get that done and Max it out so you don't have to deal with it if they do end up nerfing it there and then also side by side with the bass B even though it has also been nerfed, the MTZ.

The mtz interceptor still has serious potential over range

The mtz interceptor still has serious potential over range

Interceptor it's still pretty ridiculous for higher-skilled players; it's not as broken as it was, that's for sure; you definitely don't see it spammed on every single load out from every player in a lobby, but it's still like a three to five shot kill for the vast majority of players keep in mind to get a three shot kill you need to hit at least two head shot and then like an upper body shot which is Not Practical for the majority of players but it's definitely still possible, and then like it's a consistent four shot kill otherwise if you're just hitting you know upper body shots and upper torso shots in general which is very dominant, especially over longer ranges.

meta update

If you're a very accurate player, that one also likely still needs to be adjusted there and brought back a little bit more in line. Obviously, certain weapons should have good upsides, especially if they're more difficult to use in this case, though it's still just a little bit too easy. That entry barrier is not all that much for a weapon that has a huge upside in potential fights —one that's sort of risen in popularity.

The cor-45 conversion kit is crazy powerful in close range

Recently, for the close range, is actually the Core 45 Conversion Kit. This is a bit of a surprise. Obviously, a Kimbo pistol is usually what's pretty broken for close range, but in this case, the Core 45 conversion basically makes this like a burst pistol; it fires once when you shoot and then fires again when you release the trigger or you release your mouse, so it's like it's a two-shot burst pistol, and this basically makes it so that it has a ridiculous time to kill up close.

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That's better than all the SMGs. The shotguns even have some problems if you're missing one or two shots or if the other person is just able to spam the core 45. So this is definitely a problem for the close range. Luckily, the fact that it's a pistol probably deters a lot of players from using it to begin with, but there's no denying this thing is a problem, and in the right hands, it kind of ruins the close range meta.

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This is one that I feel absolutely does cause some issues here, and I think the easiest way to negate it is just that if you do the conversion kit, it does hurt the damage a decent amount, so you're getting like twice the fire rate but maybe half the damage, which obviously balances it out quite a bit there and just makes it so that you don't have to spam as many shots to get that true ttk, which probably the base core would be closer to, but that one, if you haven't used it yet, you might want to get on that because it's definitely pretty crazy for the close range.

The mcw is strangely underpowered in warzone

The mcw is strangely underpowered in warzone

A weapon that to me absolutely needs a buff because it's just so strange how far away it is from everything else is the MCW. For the most part, a lot of the MW3 rifles are pretty competitive; the Ram 7 definitely stands out the most, but like the Hoger SVA, they're all pretty solid and pretty consistent, even the burst rifles as well, and then you have the MCW.

Which is just so much worse in terms of time to kill than every other rifle. It's honestly even worse than a lot of the MW2 guns. That's a gun that I feel is one of their main focuses in terms of popularity. I mean, it's the ACR. It's an icon and it's just not really usable in The Meta right now, so for one of the more popular guns to be that far away from the rest of the competition.

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