News - Warzone: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

Another big one here is HRM. 9 got a close damage Nerf, a mid damage Nerf, and a max range Nerf, so it's closest damage range got nerfed as well. Now, this is not a Nerf that is going to make it completely obsolete. I still think a lot of people are going to run HRM 9, but this is now more of a competitive SMG than anything else, like this is a decent Nerf to this thing that definitely knocks it out.

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You know, borderline, top five. I would say it's usable for sure, and if you build it out for mobility, it's going to have crazy good ads and Sprint of Fire, which will allow it to outgun other SMGs in its first damage range, but it's pretty much limited to now just that first damage range, whereas before it was super versatile.

So for ultra-close range, I would say this is still a viable option, but it's definitely not something I'd be running over a lot of the other subs right now. Now the Ram 9 did end up getting a recoil Nerf here too, and quite frankly, it's ttk is not anything all that crazy. I feel like competitive is probably a bit more of an appropriate ranking for it, similar to the HRM 9 in a lot of ways, just a tad bit slower in terms of mobility, so that's a decent Nerf to balance that out too.

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Now the Rival 9 did catch some buffs—some long-overdue buffs. I would say it got a close damage buff, a close range buff, and then also a hand arm and lower torso multiplier. Buffs, its TTK is still not going to be right up there with the better option, but it's getting there for sure. I think it needs maybe one or two more adjustments, and it'll be up there with like the strikers and the WASP 9 and whatnot for now, though it's going to stay as a competitive SMG just because its close range damage is still just a tad bit lacking, but it's getting there.

That's good, by the way, as we are going through all the weapon adjustments here today. Next up, the WASP 9 ended up getting a Sprint of Fire buff, which is huge because this thing's open bolt delay was always limiting it some with the Sprint of Fire factored in, but now this thing, even with the open bolt delay, is so aggressive and so fast, and quite frankly.

warzone 3 best weapons

I would consider this to be an absolute meta SMG right now. This thing's ttk is phenomenal; it's got good mobility, easy to use, it's checking all the right boxes, the striker also got some updates; it got a mid-range buff and a long-range damage buff as well, which is pretty surprising; this thing is incredibly versatile for an SMG.

And honestly I would say that this one has a chance to be an absolute meta sub as well it's probably the most Fringe, absolute meta top tier SMG here but I'm feeling generous today I think there's a good case for this being a great sniper support SMG and overall just really dominant and even though it wasn't directly adjusted with this update some of the Nerfs to things like the HRM 9 and whatnot make the striker 9 even more appealing here and that personally I think is one of the better SMGs as well personally and statistically I should add, great ttk pretty easy to use fantastic, movement these are the big three now when it comes to the SMG meta we did see one shotgun adjustment the Riveter got an ads spread, buff basically an ads spread decrease so it'll be a little bit more accurate not going to really change it all that much though now the dg58.

warzone 3 meta

I ended up getting a torso hand and arm multiplier buff, which is huge, and I think this thing is absolutely a long-range meta option right now. This thing is so good, arguably the best lmg in the game; it's low recoil, heavy hitting, and the feel of that thing now, unlike the Bruin, which previously was the number one lmg, and it has been for quite some time.

I definitely saw some decent nerfs here, so I ended up getting a close damage nerf, then a leg and lower torso multiplier nerf as well, and quite frankly, it drops it down a decent amount here; it's close to mid-range, which is not really anything all that great, and even its long range now suffers a bit too, so I'm saying this is a little bit more in line with like the peat conversion kit; it's still competitive; you could use it, but there are certainly many better lmg options.

warzone 3 meta loadout

Just across the board, whether you're focusing on the mid-range or the long-range, the erratic Ended up getting an ads and a Sprint of fire buff that's solid because this thing's really good in the close in the mid-range for an lmg so that's just sort of enhancing that even more now as I'm recording this these changes apparently aren't Fully live but it's also not going to have a huge impact on the meta but the stalker, the cat and the Moors all ended up getting some velocity Nerfs the Mo's also got a slight ads Nerf as well but with this they're all still The Meta snipers the one shot snipers that we have you know across the board so they're going to stay in absolute meta you just have to focus a little bit more on upping that vo if you really want them to be easier over those longer distances, now the wasp stinger ended up getting a torso multiplier buff that's cool the akima WASP Stingers on paper have a crazy broken ttk.

warzone 3 meta loadouts

An application though which just doesn't really translate all that much so still more of like a mediocre, maybe competitive pistol but it's nice that it's a little bit better now then also the akimbo Damon pistol got some Buffs just across the board to make them a little bit more friendly, not really something I'd recommend running all that much though they're definitely mid I think that's the most fitting definition for them and as it stands that's how the meta plays out here post season 3 pre- reloaded, definitely a little bit healthier across the board nice to see that we have a good mix of close range mid-range and long range options in the absolute meta category, top tier offers several great choices, as well and there's plenty of competitive guns that you can mess around with maybe they won't be the best but they can hold their own in certain situations.

Peace out,

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