News - Warzone: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Major Meta Changes

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It's not that crazy, but the conversion kit makes it absolutely nuts, but they nerf its close damage and its far damage as well. The only reason that I'm considering leaving this in absolute meta is because of how easy and aggressive it is. Solo recoil, 100 rounds, and great mobility for an LMG Yes, its damage is going to be worse, but I feel like a lot of people are still going to be spamming the pumat in general, and so for that.

I'm going to leave it in absolute meta for now. That's when we got to keep our eye on it, though now this is a nice buff. Admittedly, I'm probably giving the AMR9 a little bit more credit than it initially deserves. Here, it probably should be more towards mediocre or below average before this update, but post-update, it actually got a buff to all of its damage, close, mid, and far damage.

warzone 3 best weapons

That's a really solid update to the AM9. A very lacking SMG G It's definitely in the right category now that it's competitive, and hopefully there's a bit more of a chance to get some other choices, like when you get this in the goog or something and you find the ground loot, it's one. They're like, Okay, great, I'm going to get fried no matter what somebody else has.

Now it can hold its own a little bit more, all right? Post saided Zach here got a shout-out from Tony True Game Data, the man, the myth, and the legend. When he went through and actually tested this, this update to the AR9 did way more than it initially seeded on paper, so the AR9. In a more thorough test, it definitely jumps up much higher.

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This thing is ridiculously good and is definitely a top SMG. Choice moving forward this is one that I'm a little bit bummed with the iso 9 This was by far the best MW2. SMG in the game, and it ended up seeing a decent Nerf across the board; it's close mid and far damage all got nerfed here, so it was really the one option that could compete with the WASP swarm, like it could be borderline absolute meta in all honesty, but now that Nerf is going to knock it down some.

warzone 3 meta

I will say looking at this top tier list. I feel like we probably need to update a good amount of these MW2. Subs, like, for instance, the fenick is probably more of a competitive SMG. Same deal with the ISO 45, same deal with the ISO 9 now, and even the same deal with the Lochman sub and the bass P, if we're being honest, all of these are just compared to some of the other MW3.

warzone 3 meta loadout

Options don't feel like they're holding their own nearly as much as they should be, so that's a bit unfortunate, but kind of the harsh reality of the direction they want the meta right now, MW3. Oriented for sure, speaking of MW3 Subs, the Rival 9 got a recoil buff; its horizontal recoil coil is going to be easier to control now, and that's always a huge W so it's going to be staying in the top tier as a great choice there, and then also, the striker 9 ended up getting a mid-to-long damage buff, so it's going to be better for like sniper support, and in the mid-range there, that also helps make it even more of a top tier SMG, not absolute meta, but still really, really good, and lastly, the cat actually got Nerfs to its meta.

Loadout, they nerfed the velocity on the ammo and the barrel you're usually using, which just makes it a worse version of itself. It's still the only true one-hot sniper that can one-shot knock without using explosive ammo, so it's still the absolute meta sniper, but it's going to be worse than it was before, all right now.

More meta updates ␓ interceptor & swarm nerf

More meta updates ␓ interceptor & swarm nerf

Initially, this was where the article was going to end, but it's actually convenient now because we actually ended up getting the new updates for the Interceptor and the Swarm just a little bit after the initial meta update went out.

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And these are what we were really waiting for, so now we can have an even more accurate list, and it gives me a chance to once again talk about that, Mr. 9 i bumped it up fully into the top tier, as I sort of alluded to earlier, just because its damage is insane now. It is extremely good if you're a decent player and can land those upper-body shots.

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For what it's worth, though, it's also very unforgiving, so just be mindful of that for sure. But then, when it comes to the Interceptor and the Swarm, the Interceptor got its damage nerfed like everywhere. This thing requires more shots to kill. Now keep in mind that it's already super limited on ammo, and its fire rates are not crazy, like, for instance, on the MCW 6.8 or even the enforcers, so for me, this one, the Interceptor, is going down towards competitive.

I will say it's probably borderline top tier still just because players are still going to cling to this thing; that's usually what happens with meta weapons in general, but it's a enough Nerf that there's not really a reason to use the Interceptor. Over anything else in the game right now, whereas before this update obviously if you weren't using the Interceptor, you were at a disadvantage, so that's the much needed Nerf for the Interceptor, in general, the Swarm, now in general also got that slight Nerf to its mid-range and its long range.

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They also nerfed its near-to-mid damage, but that's not its max damage range, so for those ultra-close-range fights, it's still going to be good. It's just not absolute meta, so top tier is going to fall in line with those other great SMG options now, but you got a lot of variety in that SMG category, which is nice to see also the enforcer.

warzone 3 meta update

I bumped that one up; it's probably borderline, top-tier, and competitive as well. I like MCW 6.8 just a little bit more, though I also like the evolver. I've tested this more, like initially when I played with it in Plunder. I was testing the range; it seemed all right, but maybe I was just running into players who weren't fighting back all that well because it was plunder.

But definitely, you know, looking at the stats a bit more on this thing, it's just decent, enough that it's competitive for sure, so we'll drop it in here with the other lmgs. But I think I would take a couple of these other options over it. As of now, it's all right, and you can do well with it, but it's not top-tier, like you know initially jumping in might tell you, but that being said, this meta is definitely a big step in the right direction.

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