News - Warzone: The New Best Loadouts After Update Shake Things Up A Bit. Best Classes After Update

The best dg-58 lsw loadout in warzone season 1

The best dg-58 lsw loadout in warzone season 1

Then, just to round out the lmgs here, let's just get it out of the way: Dg5617. Reduction butt plate for more recoil control and gun kick control; you don't need to take a magazine. You don't need to take a rear grip; you don't get the same effect in terms of control as you would in the stock, so for that, that's what I'd end up recommending again, kitting it more for control than anything else.

The best mtz interceptor loadout in warzone season 1

Beyond that, the MTZ Interceptor is still in the conversation; it has obviously dropped down from number one as we saw the past week here to where we are now with it. The MTZ Interceptor is still very good for highly accurate players. It's just one of those things that, with the Nerf that we got yesterday, it takes one additional shot to land, so I think it is still a two-hit head shot down, but again, that's harder to do for most players.

best loadouts

A lot of times you're going to end up seeing three shots to down at this point, maybe four shots, but again, as such, it's still very much so in the conversation for this, but for that build. I end up running the Eagle 2.5x. Optic the MTZ long shot Pro Barrel the Spitfire suppressor, the ftac Ripper 56 grip is what I run here for this one it just controls that vertical recoil, a little bit more than the Brun heavy support grip though again entirely up to you it's a very minimal difference with a different couple of trade-offs actually with the ftac Ripper so it really comes down to if you want more trade-offs for that little bit of vertical recoil control versus not so up to you but then also the 20 round mag to round out that build so you have more than 10 shots You can take multiple engagements without having to reload and, of course, keep in the fight a little longer as a result.

The best wsp swarm loadout in warzone season 1

The best wsp swarm loadout in warzone season 1

Now that is your sort of long-range meta here with this or medium-range meta for your primary weapons that I'd recommend will touch on these snipers and give a sniper build at the very end here of this to round out as 10 of 10, but next let's talk a little bit about the close-range meta. Before I round everything out for this, I'd end up running the WSP Swarm as the main SMG.

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Just the fire rate and the damage potential that it has—it's just something you want to run as a secondary. I would recommend again that if you actually think you have a chance against the snake-shot meta, this will absolutely. I think, be the best SMG outside of the snake-shot meta when that's either inevitable or not.

best smg

Nerfed removed whatever the case whenever things get back to normal with the snake shots. Then I think this will be the top SMG or top dog in the close quarter. For this. I end up running the Reckless 90-long barrel, the Lera compensator for horizontal recoil control gun kick control and vertical recoil control the brewing and heavy support under Barrel the 50 round magazine, and the Fortress heavy stock for added control there as well very mobile weapon, a very fast-firing weapon, and it will just shred through enemies up close but again.

Just know what you're going up against in terms of that Close Quarters meta. Currently, keep it in the back of your mind and have it in your back pocket, perhaps, but that's the second-best Close Quarters weapon.

The best rival 9 loadout in warzone season 1

The best rival 9 loadout in warzone season 1

I think the Rival 9 is still up there, with a slightly different build from what we talked about last time with the clear shot. Barrel the lerta compensator, again Bruin heavy support under Barrel the 50-round magazine, and then just for a bit of more handling and mobility, you got the brunin flash V4 stock with the aim-down sight movement speed and Sprint speed increases.

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So adding a little bit for control and a little bit for mobility is a secondary that gets weighed down a little bit by the 50-round magazine, but that's what I'd recommend for that build, and finally, the last thing we'll talk about is, of course, our sniper build.

The best katt amr loadout in warzone season 1

We touched on this before, and you don't necessarily need anything in regards to any changes.


It's the same one: the Zang 34 barrel, the XRC Nightfall suppressor, and the 50-cal SP Point ammunition. Again, just for a little bit more in terms of that bullet velocity, we are maxing out bullet velocity where we can while also adding a bit more control and mobility in regards to the Phantom grip and the tactical stock pad.

The best (support) bas-b loadout in warzone season 1

Now for this. I did actually switch over to a Bassy, support build here at this, which does differ a bit from what we talked about earlier in the article, so just kitting it out for close quarters rather than medium range. I'll end up running the slagger peq. Box laser for added aim-down sight speed; no discernible cons with the skeletal vertical grip, the 45-round magazine, the 20-tack grip, and the Bruin flash V8 light stock again—all of these things really work out for mobility.


You're still going to have that base damage profile for decent close to medium range, and that's where you really want to focus on with that build, so for that, that is going to round out our top 10, or. I guess, with the secondary build of the bass B. The top 11 loadouts here after the update for War Zone that you should be using, again, snake shots busted, are going to absolutely dominate the close range meta, so just be aware of that, but that's what I'd recommend, so that is where we're going to wrap it up, but before we do, make sure you got my friends over at Gamer Advantage once again the best blue glasses on the market.

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