News - Warzone: New Long Range Meta Loadouts After Major Update. Warzone Best Setups

Initially, I am going for the Spirit fire suppressor, which is pretty standard here. Right now, I go for the lower 9 heavy barrel, which helps out with range velocity and control. It's a pretty standard barrel setup here because it's so easy to use. I do actually foro and under barrel, and instead I go for the MO 40 stock.


This is going to give me some control here. It really helps out with that visual control and a little bit of horizontal and vertical. But then also, it gives me some better movement speed based on movement speed and speed strafe speed. There are some nice bonuses to have here, and if you can get by with using this and you're comfortable with this recoil pattern, it's really beneficial to use this over something like a brewing heavy under Barrel, which will just slow you down some.

On top of that, I also got the 2.5-time Eagle ey optic, and honestly, the main downside of this weapon is the 4-round magmax. It's got a fast fire rate, so going through 45 rounds happens pretty quickly. Luckily, because it's so easy to use, you can be very effective with those 45 shots before you get a reload, but if this were to have a 50 or a 60, it would be just absolutely insane, but for what it is, it works really well , and then we get to our lmgs.

Warzone best dg-58 lsw loadout after update

Warzone best dg-58 lsw loadout after update

And this category still utterly dominates the long range.

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There's so many good options here, including what's largely just the face cam of the DG58. LSW this thing is so easy to use, it absolutely fries, it's so low recoil, and it's got a crazy good ttk, so initially here I got the spirit fire suppressor, yet again I go for the woody long barrel, which helps out with some stability, some range, some velocity, and some control, which really makes the gun easier to use, ruin heavy support.

I don't use any extended mag here; 60 rounds works just fine for this fire rate, and it's pretty agile for an LMG, all things considered. 2.5 times Eagle Eye yet again, and then I go for the rubber butt plate. It sounds funny, and it works well because it's actually increasing your movement speed here, your strafe speed, and your ad speed, which makes it a little bit more aggressive, and because the gun is so easy to use, you can get by with something like that pretty effectively, right?

new meta

So I love the versatility of this as an LMG. It's really fun, and it fries, like I said.

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Now Brewin is also putting in the work. This is what I would probably consider to be the new number one LMG in the game. I mean, this thing is pretty low recoil, and it's ttk over long range is basically best in game now for fully auto guns like this, so you can't go wrong with it, right?

very reminiscent of that OG Brewing back in War Zone 1, surprise surprise, spe fire suppressor, and the Brewing heavy support on here. I kind of go back and forth between the Horizon Barrel, which offers velocity and control, and then also the Ferocity Barrel, which offers velocity and range if you're playing Resurgence.


I'd go for ferocity if you're playing BR. I'd go for Horizon just because the longer range gunfights you want have added control, but this thing honestly is pretty easy to use regardless. Again, 2.5 times Eagle eye optics, you can tell I like this one, then I go for the 60-round mag, which really speeds this thing up and makes it more of an AR-LMG hybrid, and it just dominates over pretty much any range, but especially the long range and.

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Warzone best holger 26 loadout for season 2

Then we also got: This thing is incredibly good now over long range as well, beating out things like the peum yach and the eraticator, and it's right there with the Bruin and the DG as well, while also being incredibly easy to use.

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Like I said, the lmgs are just kind of unfair; they have the best ttk stats, and they're all basically laser beams at the same time too. Again, the Spirit fire suppressor, the Brew, and heavy support. Here we have the factory barrel; this is the added range, velocity, and control. In this case. I also go for the 2.5-time Eagle ey here, no accent mag just because, again, 60 rounds is totally sufficient for most gunfights you're getting into, and then we got the coolest sounding stock of the day, the Ascent Lord stock, which gives us better stability, which is huge in and of itself.

warzone 3

Fire aim stability. This thing's going to beam. It also gives us better gun kit control and basic vertical and horizontal control, so this setup is arguably the easiest to use in the entire game. It really works.

Warzone 3 best stb 556 loadout after update

Well, we do actually have an MW2 weapon that I feel like thrives pretty well in the long-range meta, the stb, 556.

I will say it's super limited because you only have that 42-round mag that's kind of a bummer, and it's got a faster fire rate, so you run out of ammo a lot, but it's ttk is actually very competitive, over the mid- to long range, so it's worth using if you're looking for something maybe a little bit different.

warzone 3 best loadout

I'm still using the 2.5-time Eagle here and the Brew and Heavy Support and the Spirit Fire suppressor, though, so while the gun feels different, the setup's not all that unique. I also go for the rear guard; it's a rarely used weapon; it's a really low recoil weapon, so just getting better velocity and better range out of this is totally sufficient, especially when we have the spirit fire helping with control the brew and heavy helping with control, and this being relatively easy to use by default, it's a solid MW2 weapon; you're probably sleeping on it, but it gets the job done nicely, and then lastly here I have the MCW 6.8; this thing is basically an aggressive interceptor.

Warzone best mcw 6.8 loadout for season 2

Warzone best mcw 6.8 loadout for season 2

It's not going to be like a two-shot knock or anything, but it's got a crazy ttk if you can be deadly accurate with it over range. It's got a lot of ammo, so you can spam it even though it's sniper ammo, and it's pretty limited. You have a plethora of that because we're running a 60-round drum, which really every other Marksman doesn't have, so that's a big standout for me personally in terms of what the true best Marksman is.

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Is right now the right time to ruin heavy support and spirit fire yet again? Who would have guessed 2.5 times? Eagle Eye optics here, though I am going for the assault stock. This just helps out with general control. It's really convenient that it's going to make it even easier to use over range, especially when this is sort of like using your own fire rate to determine how bad the recoil is because it is semi-auto.

warzone 3 best loadouts

You can spam this thing and it's going to have a little bit more kick, or you can kind of just tap it and it'll be really easy to use as well, especially with the range that Bruin Heavy offers, so you can really laser beam with this over long range if you're good with semi-auto guns.

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