News - Warzone: New Best Off-meta Loadouts To Use. Warzone 3 Most Underrated Weapons

Warzone 3 best cor-45 loadout

Warzone 3 best cor-45 loadout

Next up, another one that you might not have seen coming is actually an MW3 option, the Core 45 Pistol, with the conversion kit on it.

Pistols don't really get all that much attention in war zones, obviously, especially this year where Overkill is on by default, so you always have, you know, a rifle or an LMG, and then an SMG as a secondary or something, or a sniper as a secondary; pistols are often times overlooked. But technically speaking, the Core 45, with the conversion kit on it, has one of the best close-range TTKs.

In the entire game, it's not the easiest thing to use, but if you can just land some shots consistently, it actually will just erase players in close range, so obviously we are using that V2 conversion kit, which gives it a binary trigger. It shoots once when you press and once when you release, so you can really spam this thing very quickly.

mw3 meta

I go for the 30-round exin mag; if you wanted to jump up to 40, it's going to be a tad bit slower, but it's also viable. It's just a matter of whether you value mobility all that much. I do go for Dr. 6 stop speeds things up across the board per usual there I don't love the irons here especially when you are spamming so I just go for an MK3 reflector a basic ELO sight, then I also go for the light stock here helps out with control some firing aim stability doesn't slow you down all that much plus we've already gained some nice Mobility elsewhere so overall as a pistol setup this thing can actually hold its own pretty well in the close range it's just not necessarily, as easy as an SMG would be but you can see like that's actually a pretty crazy fire rate and as I go through and I press the trigger hold down once it shoots once as I release it shoots again so if you just Spam you actually get some pretty fast fire rates If you have a decent trigger finger now, of course, the faster you shoot, the worse.

Warzone best so-14 loadout

Warzone best so-14 loadout

The recoil, but if you can get used to that, if you just push the close range, it's going to be pretty effective, and lastly, here I've got theo4, another battle rifle that has so much potential again, a bit of a higher skill. Gap weapon being semi-auto means you have to have a decent trigger finger to reach any kind of competitive ttk, and it's also harder to stay on target when you're constantly spamming a trigger, but if you can do both of those decently consistently, this thing's got a very high upside; it's got a really competitive ttk, especially in the mid-range and the early long range here, so again, if you're a bit more aggressive and you've got that decent trigger finger, you can actually dominate players with this thing.


It's just much harder than say a standard battle rifle like the bassb or the subverter, or, you know, a standard Marksman like the Interceptor was back at launch, but it's still very competitive for sure. Again, we got the eagle eye optics on here, which are very basic. I like the fact that we got an onic camag here, so when we're in semi-auto and we're spraying and preying, we're trying to get that fast fire rate and that quick ttk.

We're not going to have to worry too much about Ammo, All Things Considered. I also go for the brew and heavy support. This is pretty clutch on semi-auto guns for that aiming Idol Sway and firing aim stability benefit that it has. It's going to make the reentering more accurate and more snappy, so as you're spamming, it's going to be easier to consistently stay on target.

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We got bored. Master Barrel helps out with range velocity and control, so just increasing that efficiency where we're using it the most in the mid- to long range, then I go for the spirit fire suppressor, which is relatively basic here and keeps me off the map, and again, it's that 3 in 1 combo, just again increasing that efficiency where we are using it the most, but it's a sleeping gun.

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I got to say absolutely.

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