News - Warzone: All "operation Nightmare" Challenges Fully Explained. Soul Eater Event Free Rewards

warzone 2 haunting event

You're good to go; you're going to have that one completed. This one really relies on you not getting third partied it's definitely tricky when there are other teams in the mix trying to kill you while you have this orb in your hand and you can't shoot back trying to deliver that next up we have the Pharaoh and this guy has some health 10, 000 years of Health basically so for this one it takes place up at the Oasis in the tombs and the catacombs up there when you enter the catacombs and you enter the whole mummy area there's going to be a lot of AI Bots you have to go through and kill these they're going to occasionally drop these red skulls, you then have to pick up those and go into the area where the sarcophagus is located and place 10 red skulls on the tomb it itself after you place all 10 the Pharaoh is going to spawn in and you just simply have to take him out like I said he has an, absolute.

warzone 2 operation nightmare

tons of health, so bring some ammo boxes. Bring some munition boxes; you're going to need them. It takes a minute to get this guy killed, and again, you have to worry about the third parties, so definitely be mindful. After that, we have the swamp creature. This one takes place in the marshlands.

When you go into the marshlands, there's going to be a bunch of different egg pods. You basically just have to open these up by shooting them, and once you actually destroy one, there's going to be a tiara. You pick up said tiara, and then you go through and actually deposit this at one of the glowing orb stations.

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There's going to be a big glowing orange thing there. You deposit the Tiara, and it spawns a swamp creature. This guy has a lot of water. You shoot him and take him out. Once you destroy the swamp creature, you'll have this one completed. Once more, if you want him to come out of the water, you shoot the orbs he gets angry at, or the pods, whatever you want to call them.

warzone 2 operation nightmare challenges

He gets angry when he's hiding in the water. If you shoot those, he'll come out, and you can deal some more damage to him, and then lastly, you have the butcher, who is by far the craziest. You can do this on Von Del or on Alaza. There's going to be the Lilith statues. Basically, you go through and spawn these.

There's going to be five different, five or six different statues. You have to start the trial on these. Basically, it's going to charge up, and it'll spawn some zombies. You shoot the zombies as the basic ring is being filled. After you do all five or six of those, a portal opens up. Now here's the tricky part: your team can enter the portal, as can anyone else, and when you enter this portal, it's going to teleport you into a Diablo, where you have a full-on boss fight with the butcher himself.

warzone 2 the haunting

Alongside a bunch of zombies, the boss fight itself is pretty straightforward. You just try and do as much damage as you can to butcher while not getting meleed by him, so it's like in zombies; you're basically running a train there. However, like I said, other people can spawn into this portal in third-party you and you can fight other players in this Diablo area, so it becomes very tricky when the entire Lobby knows that you are there, but it is really cool that it's actually that in-depth, to the point where you can go through and teleport to a whole new area, just to fight The Butcher, and all these basically, in their own regard, are like a little boss fight outside of the ghost train, which is very easy, and then of course the evil spirits, and then when it comes down to it, you only have to do five of these if you care about the blueprint.

Each of these obviously does give you a new calling card, so if you're interested in that, you might want to go through and complete every single one of them, but if you're just simply going for the blue BL print, the ghost train and evil spirits are by far the two easiest, and the UFO requires no third parties.

warzone 2.0

The pharaoh requires a lot of ammo and no third parties, as do swamp creatures and butchers, so I don't think there's the true easiest one there. However, if you want to try third parties, doing the UFO and the butcher is third parties is a little bit easier than starting them from scratch for what it's worth, but you're going to have to do five, leave one out, whatever one is in an area of the map you don't love, or, you know, choose the zone.

If you have a really good zone for the butcher spawn or a really good zone for the UFO down south or the Pharaoh up north, go off of those for sure, but that's essentially The main components of the haunting event are definitely very cool. Obviously, we also have, you know, alaza. At night, we're going to have Von Dead coming, and we're going to have zombie royale as well, so there's a lot of cool stuff to look forward to with the haunting event in general and the Soul Eater event, with more to come next week too.

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That being said, that's going to wrap things up for this one. Hopefully, it was helpful for you guys. Peace.

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