News - Warzone 2i Feels Like An Overcorrection - Beta Opinions

beta review

Hey there, this is the boom, and this return to YouTube is going to be pretty unsanctimonious, yeah. I have some new styles of editing and stuff I want to try out throughout the launch of Modern Warfare 3 and the rest of this year, but I decided to go easy on myself and to go easy on you guys, easing you guys back into the world of nonsense.

I'm just, you know, going to talk, and there's going to be gameplay, so strap in; it's boring. Modern War 3's beta was interesting for me. I didn't get to play as much as I normally would with the beta, but I feel like I got the gist of it. It's so interesting and yet so boring to talk about. Let me get one of my opinions out of the way real fast, just so you guys know where I'm coming from.

I am excited for this game. I think that having my favorite roster of FPS Maps the OG MW2. I don't think nostalgia is manipulating me. I don't think anything is nefarious here; I don't think any of it's a scam, and the game is not a $70 DLC for Modern Warfare 2, so. I don't know, it's just a lot of good things; it's sort of a perfect storm for me personally.

cod mwiii

It's not about you; it's not about objective quality here; it's really about me personally. So now that you know that frame of reference, you know that I'm excited and that I'm a stupid little fan girl that shouldn't be listened to. Let's continue to put ourselves in the shoes of Sledgehammer Games.

You are in charge of making the next COD, and it's pretty daunting, right? Cod is so much of the same old formula as well; simultaneously, it is entirely different every year. The previous entry had so much scrutiny towards movement time to kill pacing, and Infinity Word didn't do much about it; it didn't really listen to its fan base; it didn't really listen to the feedback that was being thrown at them consistently; and Hell even repeated some of the same mistakes from their previous entry in Modern Warfare, 2019.

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So now you have to design the next game as the direct sequel to the previous one, so it' be probably best to accommodate the players that were left feeling so unheard. Over the last 12 months, what have you done to make animations faster and actions snappier? You could lower headshot multipliers or add stacking multipliers to headshots, so you have to land consecutive headshots to get proper multipliers.

cod rant

You could reduce the downsides of attachments; you know why reasonable changes There are lots of small things you could do. You could add red dots back to the mini map. You could add a proper ghost perk and dead silence. You could do a lot of the things that people were asking Infinity War to do all the way back in 2019.

You could implement those, and You' be probably right on your way to making a damn near-perfect Call of Duty game, especially when you combine. What I just described, with the beautiful remasters, of the OG MW2 maps, which I believe is one of the best, complete FPS map rosters in any AAA game, but no, you're Sledgehammer, so we're going to overcorrect, and we're going to make movement.

cod rants

Lightning Fast, we're going to make Juke and Jing part of the meta part of the marketing. Of the game we're going to then raise the time to kill on average we're going to bring it more in line with Cold War is time to kill take it away from the 100 millisecond range bump it up to 300 millisecond range while trying to maintain the look and feel and tone of the previous Modern Warfare titles now when you fire your gun you will show up on the mini map if it is unsuppressed, and the ghost perk does not hide you permanently it only hides you when you're moving and move you can strafing sliding slide cancelling T sprinting around, you're going to be fast you're going to be much quicker than you were in MW2.

Penalties will be removed from attachments, the game will feel snappier, and you're going to be mantling. 6' high boxes in a quarter of a millisecond, it's going to feel inhuman how fast you move, and it's going to be inhuman how people start trying to juke and jive away from your bull bullets, which now, essentially, do less effective damage.

cod review

So what happens when you fire an unsuppressed gun? You show up on the mini map, and in Call of Duty, obviously, people are going to move towards your red dot or aim in that direction. What happens in Call of Duty? When you fight multiple opponents, you're likely going to lose because the time to kill is so fast, and if there are two guns on you, how will you get out of it?

Well, that's going to increase in difficulty if the average time to kill is increased. Two people versus you is going to be a much harder fight than it usually is, and while that lightning-fast time to kill is a core component of Call of Duty's identity. The ability to walk into a room with four enemies and potentially take out two or three of them with one magazine is something that makes Cod feel like Cod, and people want to ignore that because they don't like getting melted, but melted, you will.

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The difference between getting a kill in 100 milliseconds and 300 milliseconds is kind of night and day. The difference between dying in 300 milliseconds and 100 milliseconds perceptually is not that big of a deal because something happening to you is always going to feel faster than something you're doing to other people.


W is on record of saying that one of the core components of their map design philosophy was to make these sort of non-objectives, which are buildings height advantages, power positions, and locations that are important to hold down choke points, and that having larger, more complicated maps with a lot of variety meant that felt more natural and more occurring in your trade.

With your sort of balanced competitive feel for something a little bit more flowy and natural, you can't really go in the direction of variety and intrigue and maintain perfect balance and predictability. So there are trade-offs there that are good and bad that we could get into in a different article.

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Either way, Infinity War decided that there needed to be locations where you had reasons to be in structures and locations that you wanted to hold and maintain. This is the design philosophy behind Cod 4 MW2. MW3. OG MW2 maps were not designed to be competitive; they weren't designed to be predictable; they were designed to be novel and interesting.

gameplay commentary

So how is that going to work with modern players that want faster, more well-paced, balanced competitive gameplay? Well, make the spawns random and circular; that'll work. I mean, these maps were designed to spawn traps, hold power positions, and maintain control over the environment. That's the point of these maps; that's how they were designed, and yet sledgehammers opted for a rotational spawn system that is so chaotic and so random that it turns even large asymmetrical maps, like states, into clusters.

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