News - Top 5 New Overpowered Guns "after Update" Warzone 2. Best Class Setup" Warzone 2 (season 2)


Today we're going to be looking at the top five most overpowered guns in Modern Warfare 3. After the update, these are the guns that you definitely want to be using. I'm going to say that we have three ARS, one SMG, and one battle rifle to look at today, and you guys are going to like every single one that we have all right, so these guns have previously been nerfed, previously been buffed, all that kind of stuff, and in this season they're just overall the best guns that you need to be using on multiplayer, on War Zone, whatever you're playing, you're going to go off with these Let's start off the list at the number one spot, and that is going to be the battle rifle.

I kind of want to get it out of the way. It's the bass B. Get it out of the way first, and then we move into the funnier guns. So the Bass B is one of the most overpowered guns. We know that, and I'm going to share the class with you guys right now. So basically, this is it right here. We have a whole bunch of attachments to go through.

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We got the Jack BFB, the short 8 in Brewing the Schagger Tango, the 30-round mag, and the Cronin mini-dot. I will move my face in case you guys want to take a screenshot of this class right here. This is it. You go ahead and take it. I'm going to put my face right back up, and overall, it's probably one of the best bass classes I've actually made.

If I go into the firing range to show you guys what it does here, it does pretty well. Let me put my headset on because I want to kind of hear when I shoot. It feels weird if I shoot my gun and don't listen. Now I'm going to take the shots. It is a straight shooter, as you guys can see, and it just doesn't miss.

best class

It's just really nice, and yeah, so pretty much the reason why I chose some of these attachments is because I feel like yeah, there are attachments that you definitely want to be using on this gun, like the Jack BFB. This gives you gun kick control; it gives you vertical recoil and horizontal recoil, and it gives you quite a bit as well.

Okay, so you're going to get gun kick control at 55%; Boost, you're going to get horizontal recoil at 20 and vertical recoil at 35, so definitely throw it on. It makes this gun better, and I just really love it. Then we got the barrel, which is the short 8 in Bruan SZ, 45. Barrel for Sprint of Fire Speed, which is great because not only are you getting Sprint of Fire Speed, but you're also getting recoil control.

best class setup

And gun kick control with it now you're losing some range and all that kind of stuff, but honestly, don't even worry about that. This gun is already so good that you saw it in the firing range; it's nice 4% recoil gun kick control horizontal 8 and vertical 7even, and then you're getting Sprint to fire.

At nine, you're not actually losing any, so I like that a lot. The Schoger Tango for hip fire spread, recoil control, and aim walking settings, basically, we're using this because there's not many cons on it and we're getting that recoil up, so I kind of like that as well as the 30 round mags because, well, you kind of need it.

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20 is just not enough, 45 is a little too heavy, and then there's the Cronin mini dot because, well, it's nicer than the iron sight. The iron sight's kind of ugly, so we do want that now, guys. I'm going to give you a little disclaimer right now. I'm making this article before I actually try to update it, and the reason I'm doing that is because I already know that these guns and these classes are so good that I'm going to say you're going to want to use them right away.

best gun

A lot of people might switch up and try to use different guns and stuff. Don't do that. All right, use these ones. These are the ones I'm about to share with you guys, and you will go off now, my favorite class. Is the MTZ, and I want to share this one with you guys because this class absolutely shreds, and you guys came back and told me that you loved my MTZ class and stuff and that you guys were getting the best game plays you've ever had before, and in all honesty, this site is ugly.

It's really ugly, but look at that lack of recoil boys. Look at that. Look at that right there. This thing is just a monster, and I'm missing because I'm kind of turning and stuff. I didn't even realize I was moving there, but yo. I use this on multiplayer, and it's just that it's a straight shooter you want to use this for sure so here's all the attachments again I'll move my face just so you guys can kind of get a get an idea of what this gun is go ahead take your screenshots do what you got to do I'm coming back, so 3 2 1 Kaboom, here I am, all right.

best guns

We got the VT7. Spirit Fire for the muzzle, the Brewin heavy support grip for the underbarrel, the MTZ heavy long barrel for the 50 round drums, which might seem heavy, but it does the job, and then, weirdly enough, the NER model, 20123. Which is such a weird sight. It looks like it's going to snap right off the gun, but it's nice.

It does the job, so this one right here, as you guys can see, is going to be undetectable by radar, which means that yeah, it's a suppressor. We're getting recoil control, bullet velocity, and damage range, so this gun is going to be really easy to control in terms of recoil, and it's also going to have effective damage, so it's going to do more damage at longer distances.

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Pretty much, now you're losing 20 ads, but it's an AR. It doesn't matter if we lose too many ads. I don't think the ads are too important. Then, for the barrel again, we're getting even more distance and even more recoil control. You guys can already see that this gun is built for distance. It's such a great weapon, like it's just it's sick; it's it's.

best mcw ranked class

I would recommend using it at all times. And then we got the Brewin heavy support under Barrel, which again is going to be mostly for recoil control. We're losing another 8% of ads, but I mean, you just got to try this class out before you kind of knock it, like don't knock it till you try it honestly.

It is such a good class. We got the NER model 2023, here and then the 50-round drum, which is obviously going to take way more ads, Sprint to Fire, and all that, but you get way more bullets than 30 so it's kind of worth it. At the same time, I'm going to say this is my favorite class in the game right now.

You have to use this class right now because the MTZ 556 is broken, and with this class, it's just so much better. I would recommend this exact same class on War Zone except change the optic to something maybe with a little more zoom to it, but overall great class. Let's move on to another weapon on this list, and then we're going to go over to my AR9.

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