News - Top 5 New Overpowered Guns "after Update" Warzone 2. Best Ranked Play Class Setup" Warzone 2


Today we're going to be looking at the top five best-ranked play-class setups in Modern Warfare 3. If you guys want the upper hand, the other people will start getting these classes and getting their hands on them. You've come to the right article. Today we're going to be looking at five weapons, actually four weapons, but one of them there's two classes for, just because yeah, it's the best weapon in ranked at the moment, but we're going to go ahead and look at all these classes, and these are the classes that a lot of pro players have created a lot of stuff like that, and just overall, the best classes to use for certain play styles and rank.

You're not going to be a person who has a four-man squad of everybody running SMGs; it's just not going to work that way; you got to have some ARS, some SMGs, maybe a sniper here and there; it all depends, but yeah, the first class I want to talk about is the MCW. That would be awesome. I was one game away one game away from Crimson, but then the season ended, man.

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I only played the last two weeks of ranked on that season one, and then I never played it again, either way. This is what we got right here for the MCW; we got the casis break. I think that's how you pronounce it. I really hope that's how you pronounce it, and this one right here is really good because you're getting horizontal recoil control.

best class

For the little loss of those ads, you're getting 12.7 for horizontal recoil, while you lose 6.6%. The ads are honestly not that bad. I'm going to show you guys the way this the way this gun shoots in a second. You're going to see how good it is. The underbarrel is the Phantom 5 hand stop, the x10 Phantom 5.

This one's going to give you vertical recoil control. We just got horizontal, so getting vertical on this one's good, but you also get gun kick control, sprint to fire speed, and ad speed, so it's actually pretty awesome right there. 3.99%; for recoil gun kick control, 4.6; for vertical, we lose 1.1 horizontal.

I don't know why, but it's 1.1; it's really nothing. We're getting those ads that we lost before at 7.6. And 7.5 sprints of fire, so that's actually really nice right there, then we got the 16in. MCW. Cyclone Long Barrel: This one's great because you're getting a lot of effective Diamond Range minimum Diamond Range bullet velocity and all that kind of stuff, and really what you're only going to be losing out on is a little bit of Sprint of Fire speed and ad movement speed.

best class setup

The accuracy stuff right here is all hipfire; it doesn't really matter all that much; we're talking about range and stuff, so it's really worth having on the MK3 reflector. Why not and then for the stock, we're going to run the RB. I was going to say IB, the RB Regal heavy stock; this one's good for recoil control and all that you're going to get.

237, recoil gun kick 17.3, horizontal, and 16.6, vertical. You guys are going to see right here that H shoots straight; this is a straight shooter for sure, so we're going to go ahead and shoot this pannequin. You guys can see close range, mid-range, and then we'll go for long range as well, and every single shot hits.

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We still have 14 bullets in the mag; it's really nice, really good class overall now if this is not your style. You want to run an SMG. Maybe here's the one I recommend. We got another SMG after this, but here's the one that I recommend running all right, so we go to the gunsmith, and this is the Rival 9.

best gun

Rival 9 is probably going to be the most used SMG in ranked, and this is probably going to be one of the most popular classes in ranked as well, at least up there with the most popular ones. So on this muzzle, you're going to want to put the purifier muzzle break. This gives you horizontal recoil control and firing aim stability, which gives you quite a bit.

It gives you 13.1% horizontal recoil, which is really nice; we do not need a barrel. Some people might run a barrel on this; we do not need one. We're going to go to the underbarrel, and we're going to put on the Bruin pivot vertical grip for even more gun kick control. Vertical recoil aiming, idle sway firing, aim stability Quite a lot of recoil gun kick control at 15.6 and vertical recoil at 14, then we got the 9 mm High Velocity rounds, which put your bullet velocity up by 30%, taking away a little bit of recoil and all that kind of stuff, but really worth having on.

best guns

Then we got the Rival. Vice-assault grip I'm losing my voice. I don't know why, man; it is what it is. This one right here gives you gun kick control, firing aim stability, and recoil control as well. It gives you quite a bit, so 108 and 8.4 for recoil gun kick control are horizontal and then vertical, respectively.

Really nice, really awesome, and then finally we got the stock, which is the MTZ Marauder stock. This gives you gun kick control as well, which is a nice amount, so you get 10%. For horizontal recoil, you get 3.3, and for vertical recoil, you get 4.9. You lose 2.1 sprints of fire, but honestly, I'm going to show you guys how fast this class is.

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Look at that sprint and then fire; it's almost instant. You don't even notice that you lose any, like you're running, you're running, you're running, and then you can shoot right away, so it's actually really nice. Now is this a straight shooter, sure close range, mid-range? It's awesome long range; it might struggle a little bit, but you should eventually get the kill.

best mcw ranked class

If I had a full mag there. I would have definitely gotten that kill, and if I was focusing a little more. I probably would have been in the middle of a game and stuff like that, and I'd probably win that gun fight. But yeah, overall, decent class. Going on to class number three, we got the striker 9, probably another gun that's going to be pretty good.

Now this is my class; this is my own personal class. You might want to change this stock out for something else. Maybe you want to run the striker right here, the factory stock, or the MK2 stock. I don't know personally, but I like this one on the striker. Okay, the striker plays really weird. I'm going to show you guys this right here.

It has a lot of bounce to it, a lot of bounce. This one shoots pretty straight, but then when you go to those long-range shots, it shoots straight, but it has a lot of weird recoil. It goes left, it goes right, it goes left, it goes right, so I think the average player is not going to use the striker 9 as much, but overall, if you're skilled with it and you could do really well with it, it's a smart gun to use.

best ranked play class

Now, I don't think it's going to be the most popular. I think the Rival 9 is going to be that, but anyway, for this one, we got the striker Elite long barrel stock bullet velocity and tee idle sway recoil control and damage range right there, so we got 12%, 12.5 for effective damage range. 12.5 for me, or minimum, I was going to say medium minimum Diamond range and bullet velocity up by 15%, lots of recoil control.

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