News - Warzone 2. 0: Top 5 Lowest Recoil Loadouts To Use. Warzone 2 Best Setups

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Obviously, here in war zone 2, long-range gunfights and even some mid-range gunfights are not nearly as simple as they were back in war zone 1. Just because weapons in this game actually have recoil, there's some personality and some feel to these weapons. So today I wanted to focus on some weapons.

The top five weapons that have the easiest recoil are going to require the least effort to use, essentially, so we're starting off with the m13b. This is a very simple weapon to use. The recoil pattern for this one is just vertical with a slight up and to the left curve, if you will, so for the most part it's very simple.

You're pulling down into the right whether you're on keyboard and mouse or controller; obviously, to counter this recoil, it's one of the easier visual recoil weapons in the game as well; there's not much visual kick or anything like that. This one is very straightforward to use. It also just so happens to be a very solid mid- to long-range option here in Warzone, and it's also an MP for what it's worth just because it's solo recoil, so even though it doesn't have the best damage, its realistic ttk, as opposed to some other higher recoil weapons, is actually a little bit better.

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So first up here, I am using the Schlager, 3.4, Times font. Now there's a bunch of different optics you can use in this case the vlk four times, which is not bad if you want more of a mid-range You can go for the Corona Mini Red Dot. You know, one of the basic reflex sights I've also seen people use, as my optics are going everywhere here.

I've also seen people using The Far Side optic, which is what I was using in that recoil test and which actually has a four-time zoom but also an eight-time zoom, and you wouldn't use the eight-time zoom ever, but the four-time zoom scope's not bad at all for me personally, though the schlager 3.4 times it's the best optic in the game, and what's important here, especially for recoil, is changing the eye position to the farthest in the tuning here?

modern warfare 2

I do have the 40-round mag on there just because the fire rate's a bit faster here, but the damage per mag is the big downside of this weapon phase. Three grips are going to help out with stabilization, which is going to be for basic recoil, but I also go ahead and tune this for slightly better stabilization and then for Max Stability because you can tune that without seeing any harsh cons or anything; this is the optimal tuning in my opinion, though keep in mind you don't always want to go all the way in one direction, as we've talked about and as several creators have talked about recently.

I also got the Ecos Eddie suppressor on here; this will help out with velocity and range recoil. Smoothness, which is some of that you like muzzle smoke and whatnot; I tune it for a little bit, and I tune it for a slightly faster ad because doing any more smoothness there is unnecessary, and then Max velocity, which is not hurting the gun either, and then lastly I got the Echelon Barrel better control, better velocity, and better range as well, so it's going to be nice and easy to shoot over long range tuned, for slightly better damage range, and then a little bit better steadiness on there as well.

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Obviously, if you want the exact values, they're underneath the face cam, so you can just go through and tune to as close to that as possible, but m13b. Absolutely, one of the best choices here for low recoil.

Warzone 2.0 best lachmann 5.56 loadout

Warzone 2.0 best lachmann 5.56 loadout

Next up, we got the lockman (556). This is, to me, the closest thing we have to the growl here in War Zone 2, and this pattern is also very simple. It's basically a vertical kick, and then there's a slight S curve at the end, which if you are consistently firing, like tapping fire your first 15 bullets or burst firing your first 15 bullets, is going to lead to in a lot of cases the easiest recoil without having to worry about the random deviation or bloom.

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Like you know about the outbursts that some weapons have, as we've talked about also in recent articles, this is going to be a super easy weapon to use, so the recoil pattern here again is very simple to learn and easy for a controller or keyboard and mouse really on any FOV, so again we got the schlager 3.4 times tuned for that furthest eye position here.

mw2 loadout

I'm going for the high-velocity rounds, and I'm going to go ahead and tune this for maximum range and maximum velocity. This doesn't really hurt your control that much; even if you go to Max, you're not seeing any major drawbacks. In terms of that control stat there also. I got the pineapple under barrel here, which is one of the better ones for recoil control and games, so it's obviously going to make this incredibly easy to use, helping out that steadiness, which again is all basic recoil control.

Unfortunately, the tuning on this one doesn't really help out much more with recoil, but I do tune it for a slightly better walking speed, so you're just a little bit faster than a faster rifle because it is a little bit slower, which can never really hurt you with any suppressor yet again on there.

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Tune for that faster ad once more and a little bit better bullet velocity to the point where I'm not really seeing any major cons on that graph, and then I go for the wrap. This barrel has better control velocity and range yet again, and we tune this one for slightly better steadiness and then a little bit better range as well.

This one again does a little bit less damage, but because it's so easy to shoot, you're going to end up with a really, really good, realistic By the way, we are breaking this all down today. It really helps the channel grow. Let's try and aim for 3 000 likes on this one.

Warzone 2 best stb 556 low recoil loadout

Warzone 2 best stb 556 low recoil loadout

Another weapon that I've really been enjoying here is the STB556, which actually appears to have broken the menu preview icon for it. This is a mid-range weapon at Max I wouldn't really use this for long range just because its damage does drop off pretty harshly, but for mid-range, this thing is super, super simple.

The recoil here again is going to be primarily vertical, and it goes slightly up and to the right after a few shots as well, so it's relatively straightforward. This is very similar to the M4A1 back in MW 2019. So, the setup here is that I'm actually using the Chrono Mini Pro. This is your basic blue dot.


I don't tune it for ads or flench because it's not going to make a huge difference, but again, we're going for the furthest eye position there with the 42. Run mag just because the 30 round basic mag I'm not a huge fan of that; it doesn't seem like it's enough for this gun in particular. High Velocity Yet again, for the maximum range and velocity, you don't really see any major drawbacks.

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