News - Warzone 2. 0 - First Impressions. Mwii Battle Royale Review

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I'm not exactly sure how it's going to be in the long run if you want to get a lot of diversity in the places you land because I feel like I land at the same place in every game. I just don't know; there are only a couple interesting locations that I really enjoy. I also feel like the time to kill might be a little too quick; it's not bad, and it's definitely not way too quick; it kind of feels like how it was when Warzone first came out, but obviously over time Warzone did increase the time to kill, and I do think where War Zone is currently is the original War Zone.

I think it's the perfect time to kill. I really, really love how the original War Zone plays. I was just playing for the past couple days, and I was having a blast. I do feel like in this game it's a little bit too fast, and you are getting into some situations where somebody just lasers you from a pretty far distance.

You really can't fight against it, so I don't enjoy those engagements; those are definitely not fun deaths to have, but it's still not terrible. It's just that I wish it could change a little bit, but I'm not sure how. I despise the inclusion of bots in any battle royale. Every time a battle royale adds bots, I groan.


I was so happy that Warzone never really did that until obviously later on in the life cycle. They added little things here and there with bots, but they're never too serious. They're never a big nuisance to the gameplay. But so far in Warzone 2, I've had maybe like three encounters with bots, and they're never really fun to have because, first of all, the bots in this game are pretty good.

You can never really tell if it's a bot or an actual enemy, and I don't like that feeling of not knowing and knowing it's not, and it doesn't have an enjoyable gameplay flow to it because I definitely treat my situation very differently when I'm going against bots versus going against an enemy. I completely treat it differently, like if I see an enemy, I want to kill that enemy.


I'm going to go after them as hard as I can, but if it's a bot, I don't really care. I don't really care to get that kill because it's not going to add to the scoreboard anyways, so I just don't want to get involved in that gun fight; there have been many times where I'll see someone and assume it's a bot because there was another bot in the area, but it ends up not being a bot and it's an enemy, and they take me out because I didn't take the situation that seriously because, yeah, bots are decent in this game, but they're not obviously as good as the players that I'm usually getting in my lobbies; I know they only appear at strongholds, but sometimes you can't even tell where strongholds.

I know they have that logo, but there are some areas that did not have the stronghold logo, did not have the stronghold logo, and there were still bots there, so I don't really understand how that works. I'm not sure; you know how that works. If they were only in strongholds. I would be like, Okay.

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I'll deal with it, but apparently, that's not really how it works because I know for a fact I came across them when it wasn't even an official stronghold location, so that didn't make much sense to me. Like I said, I would prefer no bots at all, but if they're going to have them, definitely lower the amount of bots and just keep them in the strongholds.


And the last thing I want to talk about is the 2v2 Gulag. I would much prefer the 1v1 Gulag without any bots in there. I just don't like the reliance on another random player to win a Gulag. Also kind of dumb because if you're not that good and you just get demolished in the gulag, then your teammate, if he's decent, could still get you back in the battle anyways, like you didn't deserve to get back in the fight there, you didn't at all, and to make matters worse, if you just get paired up with a bad teammate, you now have to rely on this person to be decent for you to actually win because obviously.

If he suckers and he gets killed right away, well, now it's a 1v2 And I'm not sure if there's something like skill-based matchmaking in the gulag. I don't know if they like team balance or something. I'm assuming it's just random based on whoever's in your lobby. It's, just not it's just not a good gameplay flow in my opinion, and the whole "bot" thing in there means that no one really works together to fight against the bot.


I've never seen it happen; maybe it does happen, but I personally have never seen it happen. I've tried to plead with the voice proximity chat: To the enemy team. I'm like, please, can we just work together and take out the bot? But nobody wants to do it because they just don't trust anyone. If no one trusts anyone, why would they trust me?

They have no reason to, so I don't know. I think they can definitely rework it; it can definitely be different, and I think it would be a lot better than what it currently is, and that's going to do it for my first impressions and my review overall. I'm enjoying it; I think it's definitely got a lot of promise, and I'm really excited for the rest of the year in this mode.

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I think there's a lot they can add to it. I'm really hoping for some resurgence maps. I would love to see rebirth or fortunes keep returning, or they could do a whole new map. It doesn't have to be those ones; I would be completely fine with that. I think what they could do is take the ground war maps and make those Resurgence Maps.


That would make sense to me. Like, just take the little sections of each groundwork map and just have those be separate Resurgence Maps. That'd be sh*t awesome.

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