News - Easy Infinite Money & Weapon Xp Glitch - How To Get Free Stuff Warzone 2

call of duty

First, before getting started with this glitch, you're going to need to use a controller. If you're on Xbox or Playstation, you wouldn't have to worry about this part, but if you're on PC, what you could do is get a cord and plug your controller into your PC, and then for all platforms, you're going to need to be in your controller settings already and go all the way to the bottom where it says interact, slash reload behavior, or this setting right here, and you're going to need to have it on tap to reload.

This makes it the easiest to reload. You're going to need to have it on hand to reload. This makes it the easiest to reload. You're going to have to reload. The first thing you're going to need to do when you get into a match you're going to need to find a stack of cash as loot. This will not work with enemy cash drops or your own cash drops, so once you've found a stack of cash, you're going to need to hover over the cash like this, where it says "take." You're going to need to push and hold down on the d-pad and press and hold square all at the same time.

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I tried to do it just now, but it didn't work, so I'm going to drop the cash because you can still do it after you drop it. And now it worked again, and there we go, now it's fifteen thousand. Remember, this was just from 500, so we're going to do the square and hold down on the d-pad right now. There we go; now we have 2,500.


You can keep repeating this process for as long as you want. There we go, now it's three thousand, three thousand five hundred. That was four thousand, four thousand five hundred, and now we have five thousand. We went from five hundred dollars to five thousand just like that because of this glitch.

We're going to go around collecting more cash, all right, so here we go. We got a stack of cash that's three thousand five hundred dollars right now on pickup 3.5. Remember, holding down on the square and down on the d-pad didn't work, so it's going to retry. Dropping the cash didn't work again.

And there we go; now we have 7,001 just from holding down on the d-pad and square at the same time. We're going to redo the process, and now we've got 10,000. Just keep repeating this as much as possible, and remember, if it doesn't work, one thing to notice is that if you try to do the money glitch outside of the place where you found it, it will not work.

infinite money glitch

So now that I'm back in the room, I also dropped the money, and now it'll work. Keep redoing that process, and there we go, 18K. 21K, 23K, and now we have 23.9K. I believe this started off at 1.5K or 3.5 K and now we're all the way at 39K. This glitch also works for items, so it doesn't always have to be straight-up money, basically.

This gold bar is worth eight thousand dollars. Now you guys see I have three gold bars, so all you have to do is drop one again. The same thing didn't work, so I'm going to redo it. The first thing you're going to need to do once you get to the boss station is sell all your valuables, and then make sure you have the weapon out that you want to level up.

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Still at the boss station, go to gear, and then buy as many armor plates as possible. And remember, if you're on console, to speed the process up with the keyboard, just have the pistol out of gear and then, with the keyboard, just hold space; it's going to quickly buy all the armor plates super fast, and it's way less effort, so just keep holding until you use up the money at the bus station.

infinite money glitch mw2

Remember, you're going to level up with the pistol or weapon that you have out. And it just keeps going, with no pause breaks, and we have fully purchased all these armor plates. Then, once you're done buying all the armor plates, it's best to X-Fill so you can get all your progress saved. It will be greatly appreciated.

Yeah, man, other than that, it's me and my boy Cam, and I'm out he,

WARZONE 2 XP GLITCH ; BEST GLITCHES IN WARZONE 2. In this video, ill be showin you the Infinite Money Glitch in Warzone 2.
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