News - Warzone 2. 0 - First Impressions. Mwii Battle Royale Review



I'm going to be giving you a quick First Impressions review of Warzone 2.0.


First of all, getting into the positives, I would say overall the map is pretty good. The map of all Mazura I'm enjoying it because it has a lot of good points of interest that are pretty interesting. They have five locations from older Call of Duty games that have returned; there might be some more that I've just missed out on, but the ones I've been able to see for myself are the high-rise terminal and Dome.

Showdown, as well as Quarry, so it's really cool to see those old locations back. I do enjoy exploring them, and there are a lot of other locations that are pretty fun as well. I think the whole city area is probably one of the better areas of the map, but I will get into the negative and say some other things about the map that I don't like, but as a whole.

al mazrah

I do enjoy the map more than I don't. The game overall feels really good, like it's really, really crisp in terms of the connection, and most of the time I had one game where the connection was all over the place, but most of the time the connection's really crisp, the detection is really smooth, the guns feel and sound great, and the audio is crisp.

It is more like Zone 1, but way better, in my opinion. That's kind of how it feels so far, with a lot of improvements compared to the first war zone. For example, we now have the FOV slider, which is huge and makes a lot of other quality-of-life improvements that I quite enjoy. And the mechanics in terms of things like looting and how the armor plates work, I think all of it is an improvement over a war zone one.


It's a little bit confusing at first, and it's hard to get used to how the new looting system works because they have this backpack system where you can like store things that you don't currently use, so for example, you're only allowed to have up to three armor plates at maximum, which is very different than the war zone one, obviously, where you can get five and more than one, eight if you have the armor plate.

The thing, the thing that likes, the thing that like, the thing that like, the thing, the thing, the thing, the thing, the armor plates, and, this one's going to have three, but if you want to hold more, you can, but you have to store it in your backpack, and your backpack can only hold a couple of items, so you can store anything there really.

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If you want to store some more grenades or some tacticals—whatever you want to store in there—you can store it there, and you can use it later once you run out on your main character. So I think it's an interesting system. It definitely can seem a little bit confusing at first and just takes a little bit to get used to, but once you get used to it, it's even better than how it was in the first war zone.


There's also a lot of new mechanics that are pretty interesting, like the interrogation mechanic, where you can interrogate a player who is downed, and it reveals pretty much the location of every single enemy player. I really like this feature; it's kind of cool, and another feature they added that I think is really awesome but unfortunately is not really going to be used that often for many people, but it actually comes in handy in some places for some different reasons, and that is voice proximity chat now.

I really love this because it's kind of cool how if you want to, say, talk to your teammates, you have to be near them. It's an extra layer of realism that's not really necessary, but it's kind of fun and kind of cool. Of course, it's not really that useful because, first of all, you're just pointing yourself out to the enemy team; if they're nearby, they're going to hear you and be like, "I know someone's in the area," and, also, most people use party chat anyway, like when I play with my friends.

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I'm sure we're going to use party chat because it's just better quality and easier to use, so there's really no reason for voice proximity. But it's kind of fun when I'm playing solo and I just want to quickly say something to my teammates, and I have to be near them so I can say something. Also, it's pretty useful in the gulag because talking to the enemies is actually more useful than you would think because the new gulag has a system, which I'll talk about in the negatives because I actually don't like how the gulag runs.

It is useful to use voice proximity because you can kind of talk to the enemies and try to get them to work as a team so you can fight the bots together because there's like one bot in there. The gulag says that if you all fight them together, you can kill the bot, and then you can all come out alive.

You've got to talk to them, kind of like negotiating; it's silly and interesting, but it's not like that at the end of the day. It's just a cool addition, and lastly, for the positives, I do like how you can buy guns from the stores. I think that's a cool change. It's interesting, it's not anything too special, it's just a cool little thing to do, and now with the negatives.



I have quite a few negatives, and they're not huge because I do expect things to change substantially; that's the one thing about battle royales that's pretty constant; they change a lot over time.

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It's very uncommon for a battle royale to release and never change at all in terms of its mechanics, its map, and all that stuff. So first of all, I want to talk about the map. Like I said, I love the map overall, but there are a couple locations that just feel really boring, like the color scheme, and some of the areas just get kind of old.

There's a bunch of just villas; there's a lot of villages right; there's a lot of like those, you know, older style There are villages and a lot of these different locations on this map, and they're just not very interesting to look at when you're exploring them; they don't have any uniqueness. I just don't really enjoy those locations; they kind of bore me a little bit, and I would prefer a little bit more.

black ops cold war

I guess, which you're not going to get from this map. I know it's trying to go for a realistic approach, but I don't know. I think there's definitely some more things you could have done with some of these locations because right now, it's just. I don't know, some of the areas just kind of met, and when you compare it to places like Caldera.

Fortune's Keep, and Rebirth, and even for dance in some ways, even though I didn't love her dance. I just feel like you're not getting as many interesting locations, but the ones that are really great, so that's why, as a whole. I'm enjoying the map. I think the layout is pretty good; it's definitely better than Verdansk.

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