News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

Just gotta have, you know, a little bit better sight without actually going for something crazy like, say, people going down here and maybe they'll throw on one of the three or four time sites, which I don't necessarily recommend. I can't find it; there's the Schlager 3.4, and there's also a 4-time site somewhere down here, but maybe it's that anyways; there's just one of a bunch of sites down that aren't really that beneficial to use, so we just pretty much stick to this one, and that gives you more than enough magnification for the Ranger guns to be effective.

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Um, the tune on this is "Give me a negative 1.55 and a negative 1.65." So that's my full build there for the RPK; I hope you enjoy it. And for our final gun here today, we're going to be taking a look at the Vasniv, the 9K, and one of the other favorites here to use in Warzone. This is also a great sniper support slash close range gun that will have a little bit more range to adhere but not as much as the Chimera, so it's a little bit kind of that between the SMG and the Chimera, so it's like a hybrid, you know, close range sniper sport, but first attachment the X10R.

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R40, sound suppression bullet velocity damage range, and recourse moonless fantastic attachment to run the tune on this is giving me a plus point 45 and a plus point 35 after, so we're gonna go up in here and increase the range and throw in the cast dash, one 381. Millimeter, and a Barrel It's almost a bit of a tongue twister right there and it's messed me up a few times but get an increase in damage range hit by accuracy and bullet velocity of course it will slow you down but that's entirely okay because we're not trying to go for like something super crazy but also this barrel would slow you down a lot more so and so that's why we're not choosing it as this is still meant for that close range we want to still be pretty agile the tune on that's going to be a plus Point 32, and a plus Point 22, and then next up we're gonna go in here and run the FSS.

Ole-v laser up between This and, like I was talking about the 7 MW, these two lasers right here are just always really great to be able to run; they do the same thing with just different names, so they're always great options. We're going to go down here now to the bottom and run the 45-round mag here, and of course we've got to increase it from that base 30 to 4 45 by increasing.

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Your overall magazine capacity, from 30 to 45 rounds, makes a huge difference in this gun's effectiveness. Being able to take out more than one person with a 45-round magazine is definitely viable and possible, whereas if you only have 30 rounds, there's a very low likelihood that you're going to be able to take out more than one person with a magazine.

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For our final attachment here, we're going to go through the demo X2 grip for that increase in recoil control. Like I said, this is kind of like a hybrid between, you know, close range and also like that sniper sport. It's that little in between there, so it can be pretty effective at a variety of things, and the tune on this is going to be a negative one, point 61, and negative 0.10, so that is my final on that; that's been my top five.

Also, just remember not to triple-cap and don't be Randy. I'm out peace,

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WARZONE 2 TOP 5 META LOADOUTS after UPDATE! Warzone 2 Best Loadouts | Chuck.
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