News - Warzone 2: The Next Major Meta Update

Warzone 2 sniper changes

cod mw2

I would say, but then also one last thing that I'm super curious about and we've talked about it a handful of times already. For snipers, we know for a fact that sniping in Warzone 2 is an awkward meta because you can't one-shot, and this is something that I expect the devs to experiment with and see if there is a place in the meta for snipers that can one-shot maybe at a certain distance.

Of course, back in Warzone 1, we had things where, like, snipers could one-shot within 75 meters, or whatever the case was for iron trials, or whatever they were doing, something similar alerts them to that here in War Zone 2. I feel like it could prove to be pretty interesting. To sort of test things out and actually see if it works, obviously you could always change the values back if it became wildly broken or super overpowered, or something like that, but I definitely feel like there's not much of a place for the sniper meta right now, although there certainly could be with a few tweaks and a few adjustments here and there.

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That being said, those are the main things that I'm expecting for this next meta update, whenever it does end up happening. Peace out.

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