News - Warzone 2 Sniper Rifles Ranked Worst To Best

Modern warfare ii worst to best introduction

Modern warfare ii worst to best introduction

You're about to know how all these snipers stack up against each other and all their unique stats because you clicked on a Modern Warfare 2 Wars 2 best a series where I rank all guns within a weapon class after I unlock Platinum camo and have a considerable amount of experience with each weapon, and this article is all about those sniper rifles.

Now, before we get started, I just want to explicitly say that this article will include the four launch snipers and not any new DLC weapons like the Invictus XMR. We're on the road to 50,000 subscribers.

4th place sniper (worst!)

Any support is appreciated, so , with that out of the way, let's jump into the worst sniper at the number four spot, a weapon that is clearly lagging behind the rest.


weapon is the signal 50. The good thing about this weapon is that its damage is on par with other sniper rifles. It's a one-shot from the waist up, including the upper arms; it will then decrease to a chest-up one shot at 66 meters. It as well as the other four snipers in this game will take no more than two shots to kill in multiplayer, so if you happen to need a second shot on your target, the signal is the easiest to hit follow-up shots with and will kill over twice as fast as any other sniper can since it is a semi-auto.

This is also the only sniper that has access to it, which, from what I can tell, will make this a one-shot kill anywhere in the body unless If your enemy has the bomb squad perked on, then it becomes a two-hit situation no matter what, and you have no chance of getting a one-shot kill plus you lose all bullet penetration, so the explosive rounds aren't something you want to be running all the time.

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I typically don't do this, but I'm going to move on to gameplay with another sniper rifle. While I finish reviewing the signal. I have some cool stuff I want to show and not much else for the signal since it's such a struggle to use; it's a struggle because it has the slowest bullet velocity in class that you can feel when sniping at range, which really limits its attachment options, as well as the slowest reloading class and the slowest aim down sight in class.

You're not going to be quick at scoping with this weapon, which is expected for this type of sniper rifle, but its worst offender by far is its fire rate. The article is a direct comparison to the other snipers in Modern Warfare 2, but when we look outside of this game, the signal fires about a third slower than previous high-power semi-autos, like the Gorenko.

Vanguard, or the classic Barrett 50 cal from Modern Warfare 2 to 2009, which is pretty disappointing because I really wanted to like this weapon. It's one of my favorite types of snipers. It needs a buff to either its aim-down sight speed or its fire rate. But until then, these downsides really hold the signal back.

It's going to lack the strengths that made this archetype good in past games as a competitive sniper in Modern Warfare 2. That's why it's clearly the worst in my eyes; it's the one sniper I recommend avoiding, using.

3rd place sniper

3rd place sniper

Coming in at the number three spot, we have the McPR, 300. This bolt action has the standard waist-up and upper-arm one-shot profile. It will then fall off to the waist only from 57 to 86 meters and then fall off to one shot in the chest at 86 meters, which is notably far.

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This is actually the longest range for launch snipers exclusively, and the MPCR also has a convenient 10 rounds in the magazine with a five-round option that significantly increases your handling speeds as well as a slightly faster than average aim down sight speed. When you couple that with the abundance of attachment options for the mcpr, like iron sights, which are unique for this web weapon, you can actually get its aim-down sights to be on par with these snipers at the one and two spots in this article.

The downsides to the MPCR are not really downsides. I guess I'll just call it a drawback. It's just that the other two snipers are just straight up better. They have more forgiving damage with the same if not better handling stats, and if we look ahead to the next article, the Victus XMR becomes the King of Rage, so the McPR doesn't offer much value there either.

It's more of a "jack of all trades" weapon. It's not bad. It may feel wonky at first, but when you unlock attachments, you can make it competitive within the sniper category. There are simply better options. I don't see why you would use the McPR over the following snipers as well as the Victus; that's why it sits at the number three spot.

2nd place sniper

2nd place sniper

The runner-up for the second-best sniper rifle in Modern Warfare 2 goes to the Lab 330. Straight off the bat, this weapon has the most forgiving damage. If you don't like hitting markers, you won't be getting many with the LED's one-shot potential, which is the waist up plus the entire arm; it is very forgiving, but it will then fall off to the waist up and upper arms at 50 meters, the waist up only, and the chest up only at maximum range, just like all the other sniper rifles additionally.

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The lab has a faster fire rate when you compare it to the McPR A. Snappy three-second reloads, as well as a default variable scope if you opt out of using something like the VLK 4.0 optic for faster aim-down sight speeds The variable scope is nice because it has a wider field of view that's good for closer, quick scope-like engagements, and then you can toggle it to a higher magnification for traditional sniping.

The reason you see me using the VLK is because these lighter scopes are the best for improving your aim and downsight speeds. The vok itself shaves off three to four frames, whereas other attachments that improve your aim, like barrels and stocks, will average about one frame each. That's why the iron sights on the mcpr and the reflex optics on the signal are not worthy attachments because they're both faster than the vlk, which is already really, really fast.

That doesn't help the signal much, but that's really all there is to say about the lab. Other stats, like ads, are average at worst, and there aren't many drawbacks. It has a better one-shot potential than the McPR, and the signal is a solid sniper but not as solid as the sniper at the number one spot now.

1st place sniper (best!)

1st place sniper (best!)

It helps out a ton. Down is the SPX; don't even think about clicking off yet; you've got to see how good this thing is for yourself. The SPX actually shares a lot of the lab stats; it has that forgiving waist and full arms.

Ranking all Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Sniper Rifles based on their stats AND my experience from unlocking Platinum Camo in multiplayer! This video includes the MCPR-300, Signal 50, LA-B 330, and SP-X 80 for both traditional sniping and quickscoping.
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