News - Bp50 Strafe Class Setup. Tactical Stance. Unbeatable Fun. Warzone 2 Worst To Best Review



The BP50 assault rifle opens up play styles that have not been possible before. With this class setup that I'll be sharing later in this article, the BP50 moves faster in tax stance than when normally walking, which is the opposite of how weapons tend to function in this game. This is a really strong, really fun weapon to use, and I'm excited to share its stats and two class setups that I am thoroughly enjoying.

Stats: handling & mobility

I want to start off chatting about the BP 50s handling in Mobility which is the most unique thing about this weapon, the bp50 has the fastest Sprint 2 Fire speed in class and it's tied for the fastest aim down sight speed in class now this is not quite SMG level speeds but it is very close and very impressive for an assault rifle in my opinion this is the first true assault rifle SMG hybrid that we're getting in Modern Warfare 3 especially when you consider the mobility, movement speeds for the bp50 are standard for assault rifles but it's aim down sight straight speed is incredibly, faster we're talking SMG caliber quickness here what's even better is that the exclusive attachments available for the bp50 so we're talking the barrels the stocks even the magazines, give amazing benefits with minimal downsides, and it's these attachments that allow you to make the bp50, the fastest strafing weapon in the entire game and let you pull off wild plays like you're seeing in my game play there's only a few weapons that can get near the bp50 strafe speed when fully kitted out but those weapons have horrible recoil as you can see and they're nowhere as effective as the bp50 .

Stats: accuracy & bullet velocity

Stats: accuracy & bullet velocity

Is accuracy is another strength of this weapon; its recoil is incredibly low and on par with the MCW, which is famous for having low recoil and being easy to use. Something to be aware of, though, for the BP50 is that its recoil ramps up halfway through the magazine. You should be able to notice this in the spray pattern; there's a larger gap between the shots on the top half compared to the bottom, without optimal attachments.

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This is something that you may feel in the game, but you won't need to worry about it with my class setups.

Tactical stance is overpowered

the attack stand for this weapon is incredibly powerful as well. Hopefully, you've come to the same conclusion by now at this point in the article. This is not something that I regularly discuss in my articles, but the BP50 has the tightest stance spread in the entire game.

As I mentioned at the start, it's possible to move faster than normal walking speed when you are in stance, and you can amplify that even more with the stalker boots perk, which I know everyone loves their covert Sneakers, but I highly encourage you to try stalker boots on with this class, and you can pair that easily with the new ninja vest that's in the game if you want quieter footsteps.

But I started off flicking into Tax Dan with this BP50, and eventually I just transitioned into using Tax Dan. By default, with this weapon, you can reliably hit your targets at mid-range, and they're going to struggle to keep up with you when you're strafing from side to side as quick as you are with this weapon, and then if you want to transition to normal ad speed at any point, it's just as simple as a click of a button, so again.

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I highly recommend you try out tax stance with this. If you're uncomfortable with it or think tax stance is a clunky mechanic and you don't use it, you're probably using the wrong settings. This is a mechanic that you should be regularly using.

Stats: damage & range

Stats: damage & range

Now obviously, the BP50 must pack some decent damage to warrant using it, and that is true, but you do need to be careful with how you use it because it's not going to always be great. It will start off as a five-shot kill to anywhere in the body, then drop off to a five- to six-shot kill between 14 and 19 M, and you'll need to land your shots to the upper chest for that faster time to kill, and that faster time to kill is 200 in 80 milliseconds.

Now technically, you can drop this down even faster, but you will need to land all four shots to the head to get a four-shot kill with this, and that's not that practical to do, but 280 milliseconds is very solid. It's competitive with a lot of the SMGs currently in this game, and in terms of assault rifles, there's two Modern Warfare 2 assault rifles that can beat the BP50.

assault rifle

But those weapons by IM Mobility are notably slower than what you're getting with the BP50. This weapon will then drop to a six-shot kill anywhere on the body between 19 and 35 M, and then it will fall to a seven-shot kill. Beyond 35 M, which is a very short minimum damage range and a lot of the assault rifles will outgun you and even when you get to the 20 M range that's when the bp50 starts to fall behind most of the assault rifles in this game and this is something that I do feel in game when I use this weapon, a fun fact actually the bp50 has the same exact time to kill values as the striker 9 SMG, and it has very similar range drop offs as well so if you're familiar with how SMGs feel at long range, that is how the BP50 feels.

However, the BP50 is way more accurate and has better bullet velocity than most SMGs, which makes it much more practical to use at those ranges, and then at extreme ranges, where we're talking about around 50 m, where all assault rifles are dealing their minimum damage, the BP50 is pretty decent. It's not the fastest-killing assault rifle; it's not the slowest-killing assault rifle.

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It's kind of somewhere in the middle of the pack, so that wraps it up for stats. Let's dive into the class setups you've seen me using in the game.

Class setup 1: tac stance

Class setup 1: tac stance

The first of the two here is my tack and strafe build, which consists of the Mo 40 stock, the LHT, 200 barrel, and the XRK BW4. Hand stop and these three attachments are primarily boosting your ad strafe and movement speeds, as well as your handling and recoil control, at the cost of a little bit of range and velocity.

I then have the CQC, the Tack tape, which will boost your sprint to fire speed, the Tack spance spread, and lastly, the ULO 66 laser, which will improve your HTI fire and tax spread. Now, if you want absolute maximum straight speed, you could swap this laser for the 20-round mag, which will give you the fastest straight speed possible, but I do find 20 rounds to be too little to use, and I'd prefer a better tack stand spread with the laser because that's how you'll primarily be using this weapon, and you've seen the game play with this class setup, which gives you insane mobility.

You have a sub-200 millisecond aim down sight speed, great sprint to fire, hip fire, and tack stand, and you retain a decent bullet velocity and recoil that make this build usable like an assault rifle at mid- to long-ranges. But this does specialize in close to mid-range combat, and it's essentially a no-downsides build.

The new BP50 F2000 Assault Rifle is insane with the right attachments and Tac-Stance! In this Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 WORST to BEST, I review the important stats, attachments, and share 2 optimal class setups I've created for you to try.
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