News - Is Unlocking The Taq Evolvere Worth Your Time. Warzone 2 Worst To Best Reviews

Modern warfare 3 taq evo worst to best review

Modern warfare 3 taq evo worst to best review

The TAC evolver is a new LMG that's statistically similar to the Peot 762 but has a unique feature where you can use 5.56mm ammunition and completely change how the gun behaves; it's like two weapons in one. Well, this is from worst to best, so I will be sharing my opinion towards the end, but first we're going to deep dive into the important stats and some best-class setups for the TAC Evo.

Along with my opinion, at the end I'll be rating the tack between one and five stars, which you can use to compare the tack to other weapons that I've done articles on.

Stats - damage & range

Let's start off with damage specifically for the 762 version, and we'll circle back to the 5.56 afterwards. What's nice about the Evo tech is that it deals consistent damage; it is a five-shot kill anywhere on the body at any range.

This is the third lmg with a fire rate of 706 rounds per minute and a similar time to kill to four other lmgs, except the TAC Evo has a 30 millisecond open bolt delay, so your practical time to kill with this weapon is 370 milliseconds at any range, now Modern Warfare 3 lmgs as a whole kill slowly in this game, but the tack Evo somehow kills even slower, and you need three head shots to reduce your time to kill, which isn't practical, so you're pretty much stuck with 370 milliseconds and you're going to lose most gunfights that you find yourself in. However, 370 milliseconds is a very nice time to kill to have at long range, and theoretically, the tack will excel in long-range combat on maps like Derail, but you will need to land your shots.

Stats - accuracy & bullet velocity

Stats - accuracy & bullet velocity

The TAC has some pretty deceptive recoil. At first, I thought this weapon was easy to handle, but as you can see, it has a very strong vertical climb, just like the TAC Eradicator does.

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It has a considerable amount of horizontal deviation too. It may not look like it at first, but if you squeeze that height down, the attack bounces side to side a lot, especially when you are sustaining fire. Its initial shots are reasonably accurate, so personally, I feel like if I don't get a kill within the first 10 shots, we'll say I'm spraying and preying with this weapon.

Its bullet velocity is below average for LMGs at 8805 milliseconds, but that's relatively high and fine for multiplayer. I don't usually talk about this stat, but the tech oddly has significantly Less Target Flinch dealt to your enemies Most full auto weapons in this game have a Flinch stat of 7 or 8, even the SMGs share this; the lmgs have a bit more at 0.9, but the tack EV Vol. Is 5 i'm not entirely sure how much of an impact that makes on the enemy you're firing at, but it surely is an interesting difference in stats.

Stats - handling & mobility

Stats - handling & mobility

As for handling and mobility, the ads and Sprint 2 Fire speeds are spot on average at 385 and 245, milliseconds, respectively; strafe in movement speeds are middle of the pack for lmgs, although Sprint speeds tend to be a bit on the faster side; and lastly, the tack has a slow 6.8 second reload, although you do have a 100-round mag, so you aren't reloading as often with this weapon.

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You can get an even larger magazine size with 556 rounds, which we're going to dive into right now.

Stats - 556 ammo conversion

To convert the TAC Evo into the 5.56 version, you just need to equip one of the two 5.56 magazine options, and this will significantly change how the tack works, but not necessarily for the best.


Your damage is reduced, so it's no longer a five-shot kill anywhere in any range; it becomes a five- to six-shot kill within its maximum damage range of 0 to 32 M, which means it can take up to 455 milliseconds to kill, which is extremely slow, especially if you're point blank with another enemy. You also need to land your shots to the chest to get that five-shot kill, which isn't very forgiving.

After 32 m, your damage falls off, and it becomes a six-shot kill anywhere in the body. At 37 m. Beyond the 5.56 version is a 627-shot kill; it can take over 500 milliseconds to kill someone with that open bolt delay factored in, and the 5.56 version obviously isn't great for damage, but it does help the tack in all other important areas.

Your recoil control is greatly improved; it actually significantly reduces the t's vertical climb, which just makes it easier to use in all different sorts of scenarios. Your bullet velocity is also boosted to 91 M/s, so even though the 556 version kills slower on paper, it does become much easier to use at long range with these improvements.

You also get a slight boost to your ads Sprint to Fire and Mobility speeds with the 556 rounds, and even with the 200-round mag option, you still get faster handling in movement speeds at the cost of an Ever So slight penalty to your reload speed, so that's cool. I will say the 5.56 version of the tack feels more consistent in my opinion, and it is fun to use with that 200-round mag, but there's not much of a reason to use 5.56 outside of the increased accuracy, which may come in handy for modes like war zone, but if you are wanting to try it, here's the class setup I use in this article.

Class setup suggestions

Class setup suggestions

These attachments will increase your bullet velocity range and recoil control, and they will put your movement and handling speeds somewhere between the default 556 and 762. As for the normal Tac Evo, I've tried to optimize a class that uses attachments that will penalize range since your range is infinite.

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I just really couldn't find anything that I was happy with, so this probably isn't the best class setup, and it isn't what I use in the gamepl for this article, but this is what I settled on if you want to try it. It cuts down on recoil significantly, which I think is a big downside to this weapon, and I like to use that Zoom optic so it can help me land more shots.

Taq evolvere rating

best attachments

That brings us to the TAC evil rating out of five stars. Hopefully you weren't able to tell so far in this article because I tried to keep it pretty emotionless up until this point, but I absolutely hate this weapon. It felt horrible to use at the start. I looked at its stats. I did some testing, and I can confirm that, in fact, this is a horrible weapon.

It feels sluggish. It feels slow. I don't feel the open bolt delay for most. I shouldn't say I don't feel the open bolt delay, but it isn't much of a factor for a lot of weapons, but you combo that open bolt delay with the slow ads, the Slow Time to Kill. I just feel like, more often than not, I can't win a gunfight to save my life with this weapon.

The weapon is incredibly inconsistent, and I feel like that's due to it having wonky recoil and it taking an additional shot to kill than the puat does, because that increases the odds of you missing a bullet and then increases your time to kill by nearly 100 milliseconds and then getting outgun like I feel like I'm doing all the time with this weapon.

Review of the new TAQ Evolvere Light Machine Gun in Call of Duty Modern Warfare III Multiplayer. This video includes all the important stats, attachments and optimal class setups I've created after unlocking Interstellar camo for you to try.
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