News - Marksman Rifles Ranked Worst To Best. Warzone 2


Stop using the attack M, because it's the worst Marksman rifle in Modern Warfare 2. This is the first in a series where I rank all weapons within a weapon class after I've unlocked Platinum camo and have a considerable amount of experience with each weapon. By the end of this article, you should have a general idea of which Martian rifles are worth using and which ones you should avoid.

And with that said, I wasn't joking at the beginning when I started us off at the six spot. The worst Martian rifle in Modern Warfare 2 is the Attack M. Now the attack is not a terrible weapon but definitely a standout worse among the marksman rifles, and that's what it all comes down to. One of its stats is its fire rate.

The attack has the slowest fire rate, which means it has the slowest time to kill in class, or at least between these semi-auto marksman rifles. It does have the ability to take one shot to the head like all marksman rifles do; it can do this up to 64 meters, but otherwise, it's going to be a two-to-three shot kill, and that two-to-three shot kill is 80 to 150 milliseconds slower than the other semi-auto margin rifles, meaning the attack is going to be getting outgunned.


By all the other Marshall rifles, not just the Martian Marvel's outcome, but by most of the other weapons in close to mid-range combat. Other important statistics are all about average. I mean, it has ARS handling, which is kind of nice, but it's not standout. It also has a faster reload for a martian rifle, but again, that's not that standout.

I mean, all this doesn't make the attack a hard weapon to use; it's just very slow to kill, and you're going to be better off with any of the remaining marksman rifles, runner. Up At the number five spot is the EBR-14, which makes sense because it's almost identical to the attack M with two key differences.

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The first is that it has a faster fire rate, which means it has a faster time to kill. It's still a bit slow, but I'd call this competitive with some of the other weapons in the game. Keep in mind that EVR can also take one shot to the head, so it has that going for it. The other key difference is that it has a slower sprint-to-fire time that's more in line with the other marksman rifles.

best marksman rifle

Again, it kills a bit faster but has a slower sprint to fire time, and that's really all there is to say. Fundamentally, the EVR 14 is just a better version of the attack, so if you like the attack Marksman rifle and how it feels, you're much better off using the EBR if you haven't tried it yet at the number four spot, where I have the SPAR 208, which is a bolt action rifle with a fairly forgiving one-shot kill range.

It can do a one-shot kill up to 30 meters from the chest up, including the upper arms, which is very nice. It will then drop off to the chest only at its second damage profile, and then it will be a two-shot kill. Beyond 56 meters, if you're accurate enough, the SR-208 can one-shot a headshot at any range; there isn't a cap on that, so it has tons of stopping power, unfortunately.

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That's all the good stuff the SP has going for it. It has the slowest aimed-on speed in class by a fairly large margin, the slowest Sprint 2 fire speed in class by a fairly large margin, and the slowest reload speed with no fast mag option available. Plus, it defaults with five rounds in the magazine, whereas the other bolt-action and semi-autos have 10 rounds in the magazine.

best marksman rifle in mw2

It's actually not that great of a weapon when you take a step back and look at it. I contemplated swapping the spr for the ebr's placement, but I settled on the spr at number four because its one-shot damage is pretty forgiving and a lot of the spr's value relies on it. On that one-shot damage, if you find yourself needing two shots to kill with the SP, you're probably going to be better off with a sniper rifle because its two-shot kill is the slowest in class for the Martian rifles.

The two-shot time to kill is only 100 milliseconds, which is faster than a couple of these snipers' two-shot kills. I know that towards the beginning of the game, the spr's notorious four-to-one shot quick scope play style was dominating a lot of lobbying, and a lot of people gravitated towards it and called it op.

best mr

I just want to say again, in case it hasn't clicked yet, that there are better options than the SPR currently in the game, and I feel that the SPR had all that momentum around it because everyone needed it to use it to unlock two sniper rifles and an upcoming Martian rifle with the new weapon platform system, so at the time it was obviously a standout weapon because people didn't have access to the other stuff nowadays.

Not so much if you like the style yourself. Stick around, because the good news is that there's a much better option that you can use. I actually don't see myself using any of the marksman rifles we've reviewed from this point forward; the remaining three are just so much more viable than the first half of the list.

Moving on to the number three spot, we have the LMS Martian rifle. This is yet another semi-auto in my personal semi-auto collection. If I want to use that gameplay style, the LMS is very lethal, with the fastest two-shot kill among the Martian rifles. You're looking at 180 milliseconds up to 70 meters from the waist up; that's very, very impressive.

best to worst

The only downside is that, beyond 70 meters, it's going to be a three-shot kill anywhere in the body. This is the only Marksman rifle without a two-shot kill potential at those extreme ranges, but in my eyes, that doesn't really matter. It's just hard to land chest shots, plus it's just hard to land shots at these ranges to get that two-shot kill with the other weapons, plus it's just going to be hard to land shots in general, so the one extra shot at extremely long range is a fine trade-off for much faster close-to-mid-range lethality, where 95 percent of your engagements will be anyway, and don't forget this has that one-shot headshot potential up to 48 meters.

The other stats it's aimed at are average. Its sprint to fire time is on the faster side, like the attack, which is really cool. The only standout downside is downsides. isdownsides, To the LMS, this means that it has a slower reload speed and does have a little bit of recoil. Just bounce a little bit, but it is pretty easy to learn, and once you do get used to it, the LMS is consistent and easy to use.

bolt action

It's easy to get one shot to kill or to follow up with a quick second shot if need be. I think it just gives you the most bang for your buck when it comes to Martian rifles if you have these skills to use them. That's why it's at the number three spot and my personal recommendation if you prefer semi-autos.

Ranking all Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Marksman Rifles based on their stats AND my experience from unlocking Platinum Camo in multiplayer! This video includes the EBR-14, SP-R 208, Lockwood Mk2, LM-S, SA-B 50 and TAQ-M.
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