News - Warzone 2: New Long Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

studying this and helping out with your overall recoil pattern, but I've actually gone over to the phase 3 grip a little bit in testing and tuned this for slightly better stabilization and then also slightly better idle stability, and this, as we'll go into the firing range in just a second, also shoots really straight, so I like both of those under barrels, and you can see which one feels the best for you previously.

I was also using the Polar Fire. Yes. I've now also switched over to the Custovia on here, and we of course tune this one for a slightly faster speed to the point where it's about making a decent impact, then we go for better velocity, and we can go all the way up on that because it doesn't really change too much there.

modern warfare 2

Excuse me, go to the firing range; you can see pretty. In all honesty. I am controlling this; there's a bit of bounce here, but that's most guns in this game over long range, and it's TTK when you do land those shots, which is really nice. I love this thing; it's been my go-to long-range choice pretty much since day one, by the way.

Warzone 2.0 best taq-56 loadout

Warzone 2.0 best taq-56 loadout

Another favorite of mine is the TAC 56. The scar of this game is that this rifle in particular feels so good, obviously in comparison to some of the other options that we've already covered, like the RPK. It's going to be a little bit more aggressive because it's not as heavy as those; it's a bit more lightweight.

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It's still a bit heavier for a rifle, but in comparison to some of the other long-range rifles, this one is definitely a little bit more versatile, which is always nice to see. So this one is for close range, medium range, and long range, and you could honestly get away with using it anywhere there, but for long range, especially in terms of rifles, this is again a top-tier choice.

modern warfare ii

I got the AMOOP V4 optic; we go ahead and tune this for that farthest time position and again, slightly faster ads. Keep that in mind as you're going through, and if you're trying to tune like mine, you're probably not going to land on the exact value because these tuning sliders are so touchy. But you just want to be in that relative ballpark, right?

We also go for the 40-round mag just for the basic extended mag here. nice little safety net We got the ripper under barrel yet again for that better stabilization. tuned for even better idle stability and even better recoil stabilization. As well, we got the ECOS 80 muzzle here unfortunately; there is no Custovia option; if there was, that'd be the go-to.

I think there's one muzzle here that's actually glitched, yes, the silent fire, which would be great for better control here and that's basically the equivalent of the Custodia, but it's locked for whatever reason, which kind of sucks. But here on the Ecos, we tuned for maximum velocity and then a little bit better accuracy, and lastly, we got the Tundra Pro barrel for better range and velocity.


We tuned this for max range and then basically max steadiness, as well as to make it a bit easier to shoot, and as we drop into the firing range with this one. I mean, that's about as easy as it gets in terms of control, less bouncy than some of the other options, and still a phenomenal tick as well. I love this thing.

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Best raal mg loadout for warzone 2

Another top-tier LMG that is phenomenal for long range and arguably the strongest long-range gun in the game is the Rel This thing is very heavy, it is very slow, and it recoils a little bit bouncy, sort of similar to the RPK or our final option here that we'll get to in a minute, but its power is unmatched.

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This thing's TTKO over range is unreal; I mean, it's just going to absolutely melt through players when you are consistently landing your shots, so learn that recoil pattern, get the overall feel of this weapon down, and you are going to reap the rewards because this thing is a beast. So first up here, I got the Step 40 grip for better control.

We go ahead and tune this for better idle stability and slightly better steadiness aimob. V4 on here yet again, rinse, and repeat if you want to go for a schlogger if you want to go for a red dot, do whatever makes you most comfortable with tuning it for slightly faster ads, and then that furthest eye position yet again.


I got the Dune under Barrel on here for that better steadiness, which is all general recoil control basically tuned, for slightly better stability and a little bit better stabilization, and the Nilsound 90 suppressor here. Better range, better velocity, and very minimal cons here, which is why I chose it over, you know the agent why I choose it over the Talon 16 again, where there was a Custovia option for even better control, but this is what we got to work with.

We tuned this one for slightly better velocity and slightly faster ads, and then lastly, we got the demo field Pro Barrel, which is for better range and better velocity again to make it feel even better over long range. We tuned for better range. We tuned it for better recoil. Setting this on this thing is like, "I said this thing is slow." I'm running around here.

warzone 2

It's not something you're going to be running around with as your primary. You have a pistol. You have a secondary sub for that. But then you know you get into ads, and I mean, this thing is just absurd, and honestly, even with the amount of V4 and here, the recoil is a bit bouncy but it's super controllable, right, and you have so much ammo here you can just spray and pray, and when you are landing those shots, those enemies won't know what to do.

Best kastov 762 loadout in warzone 2

Best kastov 762 loadout in warzone 2

Then, finally, we got the number 762. Another rifle, although this one is one of the slower options we have in that category. It's a heavy rifle, but that's because it hits hard. This thing is also bringing power, very similar to the RPK in terms of the feeling all around. It's a little bit more aggressive because it doesn't have that 75-round magazine on there, but it's definitely most comparable to that, I would say.

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So if you're looking for one, try out both of them and see which one you feel most confident with. This setup is very similar to the RPK case. We got the Schlager 3.4 on here yet again tuned for that furthest die position in those faster ads, and we got the demo X2 on here yet again for that better control and slightly better steadiness and slightly better idle stability.

warzone 2 best loadout

40 rounds of Mag. 30 are obviously not enough for duos, trios, and quads when you get into those multi-person engagements. You want to make sure you have enough ammo there; 40 works well for this fire rate; we've got the phase 3 barrel here as well for that better stabilization, tuned for better velocity and better ads; on there for better velocity better ads, on that tuning, you might notice we're not using a barrel here, and that's because all these are basically hurting you in a way outside of the 584 that I'm not a huge fan of, so you don't really need it in this case.

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