News - Warzone 2: New Close Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

Maybe a little bit more forgiving so you got some good rifles. SMG hybrid options are here for sure now on the 74U; first up, we're going for the demo X2 grip. This one is based around control rather than True Tech, which is for mobility, and here at iTune, for the better mobility for the better Sprint to Fire and for the better ads, the 45-round extended mag here is nice and reliable, and obviously if you're fighting in squad engagements you want to have that extra ammo.

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Olay, Laser on here as well for those better ads, and Sprint to fire. I go for the B209 barrel, which is going to be for better movement speed and ad speed, so this thing is still going to feel nice and snappy and nice and aggressive even though technically it is a rifle, and I tune this for basically max ad speed, then slightly better recoil steadiness, and lastly, better accuracy.

I go for the Echolus Eddie suppressor, which we tuned for basically Max velocity and nearly Max AD speed as well, so this is one that we've talked about several times, but it's still nice and consistent. It did get a nerf with this last update, but for close range it is still obviously ridiculous. Good, relatively straightforward to use as well; again, long range, you're not going to be using this necessarily, as much as I think if you had to fight at a distance like that with this gun, this might be a bit more reliable than the Chimera, but overall, you know you're trying to stay within 30 to 35 meters mostly now.

Best lachmann sub (mp5) loadout in warzone 2

Best lachmann sub (mp5) loadout in warzone 2

The lockman, aka the MP5, is another super consistent option for close range here. This thing actually has the benefit of being one of the easier to use weapons in the game in terms of control, so it's already got the good close range ttk, the good mobility, and it's relatively straightforward to use as well, so first up, here I go for the tcg10.

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Rear grip or better control, and I tune this for that better mobility here, so the better the Sprint to fire, the better the ads, as well, so you're getting a lot of nice pros out of that 40-round extended mag. pretty basic there. I do go for the shark fin under the barrel here again because I want a tune for that better Strife speed and better AdSpeed, and now I actually end up basically replacing the Olay laser, the seven milliwatt laser in this case, with the shark fin.

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You could go either way and see which feels the most consistent to you are getting obviously. the most stability out of the shark fin under barely here, but I believe you get slightly faster results out of it, so take that as you will, and build this again to how you want the weapon to feel. Suppressor, on there once more for the better velocity or better stability if you want that, then I go for the better ads and speed as well, and then lastly I go for the 12 inch barrel, which is going to slow you down a little bit but it's also going to help out with the range and the controls, so even for some mid-range sniper support area here, this is still going to be really consistent if we tune this for slightly better steadiness, or if you wanted to, you could go down for strafe and then also for the faster ads.

speed as well, so overall, this thing is, like I said, super easy to use. You can see the control here, which is relatively straightforward and close in range. Good TTK long range even if you wanted to doesn't really shake too much; obviously the damage is super, you know, minimal over long range, but it's straightforward, about as easy as it gets in terms of subs.

Best vaznev loadout in warzone 2

Best vaznev loadout in warzone 2

Recently, I've also been loving the Voz Nev. This thing is fast. This thing kills quickly.

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It's just an all-around phenomenal SMG. I've really been enjoying using this lately, and it's been one of my go-tos in general, so here first up we got the True Tech rear, grip for those better ads, and Sprint fire tuned for even faster ads and an even faster Sprint to fire as well. We also got the Olay laser on here, so no surprises there are no changes with why it's on the setup in general, shark fin under barrel again, as well tuned for the faster ads and the slightly faster straight speed.

You'll notice I don't have the 45-round magazine on hand, and while I'm comfortable with the 30s, my reload is abysmal. So for close range. I really did not enjoy using that whatsoever, so that's why I don't use an exit-loading MAG in case you're wondering; it kind of stinks, but 30 just seems like it's less obnoxious than 45.

cod warzone 2 meta

I got the RR40 suppressor on here yet again tuned for better velocity and a slightly better ad speed, then I also went for the cast-one barrel for the better range and velocity, and I went ahead and tuned that for better strafe speed and a slightly better ad speed as well, so you're getting a lot of extra added.

There are pros on there too, and like I said, this thing is fast. Snappy like that, it's pretty solid for a sub, and it has super low recoil as well in close range. I mean, this thing absolutely fries.

Best mx9 loadout in warzone 2.0

Best mx9 loadout in warzone 2.0

And then lastly , we got the MX9, which actually got a pretty significant speed buff with this last update if you are using the 32-round mag, which you pretty much have to use here because that's the maximum capacity; even this is too small, you know, 45 or 50. This might be the best gun in the game because it is so easy to use, it's got mobility, it's got a decent TTK, and it has no recoil whatsoever.

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Right, so I do go for the 32-round magazine on this one, but there is one attachment that I'd go back and forth with in a way, and that's the Q900 grip. This does help out with your ads and your sprint to fire, and this is going to be tuned for a better sprint to fire and a slightly better recoil setting.

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This now the thing is here, this is an iron sight build, and sometimes I'm like, "Okay, the iron slides I can live with, other times I just do not feel like," so I'll have to drop the q900, grip, and throw on something like a Chrono Mini Pro or a Chrono Mini Red Dot here and tune that obviously for the furthest die position.

This is an easier build to use, in my opinion. If you throw on the q900 grip, it's slightly more, and you know there's a larger skill. Gap with this weapon. You could also go for a better strafe though if you wanted to throw it about three quarters down, then also get the better ads speed on there as well, and then also the RR40, yet again tuned for faster ads and faster velocity too, so you'll see here.

I mean a blue dot. Nice and clean, and, like, look at that recoil. It doesn't move obviously because I'm controlling it, but still, the thing is just so easy to use, even over long range, where it's barely moving at all. So this thing is nice and consistent as well, and it's one of the most straightforward guns in the game.

So yeah, all that being said, that is the close-range meta here in War Zone 2 right now, and that's going to wrap things up for today. Peace

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