News - Warzone 2 Is Now Pointless

Mwii maps coming to mwiii

Mwii maps coming to mwiii

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is going to go down in history as the most pointless Call of Duty to ever exist, and if you're wondering why this is the case, well, recently we've just gotten some new information about what is going to be happening with the Modern Warfare 2 maps. You know, the recent Modern Warfare 2, apparently some of them are actually going to be coming over to the new Modern Warfare 3.

Obviously, we already knew we were getting a bunch of remastered maps, all of them, of course, from the original. Modern Warfare 2, but now we are also getting some of the maps, from the more recent Modern Warfare to so-called Duty themselves say in a blog post that before season 1, actually they don't specify it's before season 1, but the way they word it makes it sound like they're going to be coming per Four In Season 1, they say that four maps from Modern Warfare 2 will be added to Modern Warfare 3, and these maps are Farm 18 Marcato and Shoot House.


For some reason, they left out that fourth map, but I think we can all probably assume that is going to be a shipment. It would make sense that they would throw it together with those maps; those are probably the most loved maps in that game, and maybe I would say they're proba and most loved ones.

I'm not too sure exactly how people feel about Marcato and the Farmy Team, but personally. I think they're some of the better maps in the game, so they're basically just taking the most well-loved maps in the game and throwing them in the game literally shortly after launch, like we're talking a few weeks after launch, and then they also say that more maps from Modern Warfare 2 will be coming throughout the live seasons, but it's very important to note that these maps do not count towards the over 12 6v6 maps that are planned to come during the live season, so they're not going to be replaced.


New maps or other remastered maps from other cult games, it's going to be a completely separate thing, which just means even more content for DLC now, of course. Is it content that's really that worthwhile? Not really, because we just played these maps last year, and it's probably as easy as just poring them over for the studios.

I don't think they have to actually do much work to change up the maps; maybe just make slight changes to make it fit the game better, but I don't think anything is too major. I believe the maps are going to look exactly the same as well, so yeah, there's not really much they're doing with them, and their wording is a bit weird here because they say that the maps will be available in a dedicated playlist.

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When they're launched, but I'm not sure if that means they're only going to be in that playlist or if they're going to be in a separate playlist and then also in the main map rotation, and I kind of think that would be interesting if they were only in a separate playlist, so if we played the main playlists, we're just going to be getting the launch maps of the, you know.

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Moder Warfare 2 maps, and if you want to play the other Moder Warfare 2 maps, it's so confusing. I hate that they call both the games mod Warfare 2 because it's so confusing going back and forth between the names, but if we're talking about the newest Modern Warfare 2, like, we'll only be able to play those maps in a separate playlist. I'm not too sure how that's going to work, but I guess we'll have to wait and see now if this is a good thing.

Is this a good thing?

Is this a good thing?

Obviously, that comes down to personal opinions, and I honestly don't really have an issue with this; it's just extra content for the game, and as long as it's only the good maps from Modern Warfare 2, it's not going to include maps like border crossing.

Embassy. LSO, or Tac. Those are maps I just really don't like from Modern Warfare 2. I don't want to see black gold either. I don't want to see the Hatchery map, like there's a lot of maps in that game. I do not like and I do not want to see a return, but if it's the good maps only, which obviously these four maps are good maps, in my opinion.

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I don't think I mean obviously we have our issues with shipment. I personally am sick of the 24/7 playlists, but the map itself is obviously not a bad map. I'm totally fine with the shipment, so it's again fine. Marcato you know shoot house and farm 18; they're good maps, and I think what's also important to keep in mind is that we've only ever played these maps in Modern Warfare 2, or, of course, shoot house and shipment; we played those before as well, but we've never seen how those will play in Modern Warfare 3, so chances are these maps could play a lot better in Modern Warfare 3, and I'm actually genuinely very curious to see how they're going to play in Modern Warfare 3 with the faster movement, the slower time to kill I think all of that is just going to make it play, possibly a lot better than what Modern Warfare 2 was, so I'm curious to see that, and like I said, other maps I wouldn't mind seeing, like Von Del Waterfront.

I really like that map. I would love to see that come back in season 6. Maps were pretty good as well, and I wouldn't mind seeing some of those maps return. Are they going to also return all the remakes from that game, like Dome and Showdown? Maybe, I mean, I'm not opposed to that. Again, if they already have them there, they might as well port them over, but I do not want them to port over the bad maps.

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I think the only way this is going to be a good thing is if they only bring over the good maps and leave the bad maps there, which of course is up to opinion what's good and bad, but hopefully they can kind of tell how the community feels about certain maps and just keep the ones that people like. It makes sense since they're already bringing over all the guns from Modern Warfare 2 and a lot of other things from that game.

You might as well bring over some of the maps as well, but what's just going to be crazy is that this is going to be the most content-heavy Call of Duty of all time. When you really think about it, even just during season one, it's going to probably have the most amount of content we've seen from a Call of Duty ever, and then you go to seasons 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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It's just going to be insane how much stuff's going to be in this game, even if a lot of it's remade stuff and poured over stuff and remasters. It's still going to be the most we've ever had. I would love to see a lot of new stuff. Obviously, my biggest concern with this game currently is the fact that there aren't many new maps down the pipeline.

I know they're saying 12 new DLC maps, but I'm not sure if that includes remasters. I really hope it doesn't. We know it doesn't include the Modern Warfare 2 maps, but I'm just saying, will it include other remasters? I have no idea, but hopefully not, because I would love to see 12 new maps coming for DLC , but then this brings up the original point of this article.

Call of Duty MWII has basically been made pointless due to its maps coming to MWIII some would argue it was already pointless though.
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