News - The Haunting. Bossfights Dmz Are Amazing. Warzone 2 & Warzone Event Review & Guide



Ladies and gentlemen The Haunting event for Modern Warfare 2 War Zone and DMZ has just been released, and there's actually a lot of cool stuff in this update. I was quite surprised by it, but today I want to specifically talk about what they added to DMZ, and this is, of course, the boss fights.

They actually added zombie-level boss fights to DMZ. There's a total of four boss fights; there's also a train sequence that's kind of like a mission, but it's not necessarily a boss fight; I wouldn't classify it as a boss fight; and then the sixth thing is not really a boss or a mission; it's just kind of like a little objective you can do, and if you do all six of these, you get rewarded with the bass P, bloody mess.

Variant of the Basp, which, like blueprint, is the better word for it, not variant. We're going to go over all of these different objectives and bosses and just talk about how to complete them and how much I enjoyed them as an experience, because these are some really cool things. This is the coolest thing DMZ has ever done; it's not a mode.

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I really played that much during its life cycle, but from what I kept up with, this is by far the coolest thing that added to it, and honestly, it's kind of a glimpse, or I guess a tease, of what Monare 3 Zombies will likely be like. So all these different bosses and objectives have different areas on Alaza that you have to go to in order to do them, and you essentially just have to do a little quest in order to start it up for each of them, so we're going to go through each and every one of them, starting with the swamp creature, which honestly is probably the most disappointing.

Swamp creature

Swamp creature

Of all the boss fights, the swamp creature looks really cool; it's insanely awesome. But it's probably the least interesting of all of these. The location for the swamp creature is really cool, and they do have unique locations that they added for Alaza just for this event, and it is amazing looking, especially the atmosphere, for this swamp monster, but what you have to do is find a tiara, and essentially, you have to find it in one of these pods that are around the map.

You just kind of search around—not around the map, but around this little area. You search in them, and you find the Tiara. You place it down by this alter thing, and it spawns in the swamp creatures. Now it's actually multiple swamp creatures, not just one; a couple of them will spawn in, but you only have to kill one of them for it to actually work, so just do that once you do it, you're done, or you can stay and kill the other swamp creatures as well.


It's really up to you, but it's just so easy to kill them they die really die, they die really fast, so it's just that it's not that interesting. It's definitely the weakest of all of these boss fights, but of course, if you want to do it , you can still do it.

The pharaoh

Next up is the Phah, which is actually one of the coolest ones in terms of the location.

There are actually almost Egyptian tombs that you get to go through, and it is so cool exploring a lot of these assets. I really hope they reuse someday zombie content, maybe a round-based map in Modern Warfare 3 or a round-based map in COD 2024. There's definitely an asset here they're probably going to reuse, and the tombs here look really awesome.

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I definitely could see this existing in some sort of Egyptian map, but the Pharaoh itself, the way you do it, is there's a bunch of these soldiers that have these like purple skulls they like getting like glowing skulls out of their skulls. I don't know how that works, but regardless, if you kill them, they drop the skull.

You have to collect 10 of those skulls, and you put them all under the tomb. When you do that, the pharoh comes out and attacks you, and he's actually really vicious. It's probably one of the harder boss fights just because he has a lot of health. There's no health bar; you just have to guess how much damage you're how much damage you're doing, and if he likes you, if you let him too close to you, he will instantly kill you, which is pretty cool.

He actually does this really unique animation for it; it's actually like a finisher animation. It basically sucks your soul out, kills you, and just instantly downs you. So definitely keep your distance from this guy, but it's a pretty fun boss fight, and I'd say it's one of the better ones here, so yeah.



That's the pharaoh, and next we have the spaceland. UFO, and obviously, as a Spaceland fanboy, I was so happy to see this. Just seeing them reuse an asset from Infinite Warfare is just insane to me.

It makes me wonder: are they going to use this again for some other map? Are we going to see a Spaceland remake or some sort of Spaceland sequel? I don't know. I think that would be really awesome, but I'm not going to hold out too much hope for that. But regardless, this UFO boss fight is pretty cool.

You come to this area, and this area looks amazing. It's just like in the ocean, and somehow the water has kind of pushed away from this little area. I don't really know what you would call that, but it's really awesome. You shoot this little ball into the sky. I guess you can call it an anomaly or something, and then it splits up into three different anomalies, and you shoot all three of them enough, and then eventually it will just turn into the UFO, or the UFO will just spawn in and attack you and the UFO.

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So cool it is so cool, man. This thing is just so amazing. You have to put a lot of damage into it and eventually destroy it. Pick up the ball and put it into a portal, and you will get that challenge completed. It's definitely one of the better ones as well. It's just very hectic. A lot of players love going here. Every time I come here, there's always enemies here, and they're kind of ruining it just because, you know, that's how enemies are, so it's just kind of frustrating, but it's a fun boss fight, and lastly, for the boss fights, we have the butcher, which apparently is from Diablo 4.

The butcher

The butcher

I've never played that game before, but apparently it's something from that, and this is definitely the best one here.

You have to do this little ritual thing where you have to, like, press X on these different altars while zombies spawn. You have to attack the zombies while they're, you know, trying to wait for this thing to actually give you the portal, and when you go into the portal, I'm so shocked by this. It actually brings you to a unique Boss Fight Arena, which is so cool.

So cool that the fact that they actually made a unique arena for this is like, I got to just, you know, clap my hands for Raven software. I'm assuming Raven's the one who put all this together; it's awesome stuff. I just absolutely adore what we saw here, and it's definitely the funniest boss fight as well.

How to Beat all 5 DMZWarzone The Haunting Bosses in Modern Warfare II MW2! Gameplay of all the bosses.
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