News - Sledgehammer Games Is Doing An Amazing Job With Warzone 2 Multiplayer

What they are doing right

What they are doing right

So I know I've been very negative about a lot of things throughout Call of Duty in the past few years. In terms of zombies content, campaigns, well, most of the campaigns, not all of them, and even the multiplayers, there's been a lot of stuff I just really haven't been enjoying, but there's one thing that I think is so fantastic this year that just deserves so much praise, and that is of course Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer.

I haven't really made many articles talking about it, and honestly, it has nothing to do with how I feel about the game; it's just simply the fact that I haven't had much time to really put a lot of hours into it, and therefore I wasn't able to make that many articles on it, but whenever I do get a chance to play it, it is genuinely one of the best multiplayer experiences.


Call of Duty's ever had, at least definitely within the past 5 years. Sledgehammer Games has been doing an absolutely fantastic job with this year's multiplayer, like it's insane how good they're doing, and especially when you compare it to what the campaign and zombie modes are, like it's a night and day difference.

The campaign this year was terrible, and in my opinion, the zombies are not very good either. I know a lot of people like zombies this year, and I'm glad they do. Personally i'm not a big fan, but the multiplayer has so many amazing things going for it right now, and it all has to do with Sledgehammer Games just being so fantastic, community feedback, listening to what people want and just delivering on it, and they're delivering a ton of content all the while, and I just want to spend this article going over those few things, and we're also going to talk about the few things I don't like about the multiplayer currently right now, the things that I think are plaguing it, but there are so many amazing things.


Let's start off with just the gameplay. Of course, ever since the beginning of this game came out, it's been amazing with the Slow Time to Kill and the fast movement, and just generally speaking, every basic gameplay element of this game is solid. You have really good mechanics all around. It's a massive improvement over last year's game.

I don't think it's the best mechanic we've ever seen in Call of Duty. I would still take Black Ops 3. Black Ops 4: Cold War: I would take most of those games over this in terms of the gameplay mechanics, but I still think the mechanics themselves are very great and very solid all around. The maps are fantastic, and that was one of my biggest negatives with the game at launch.

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I didn't like the fact that we only had Modern Warfare 2 remasters, not because I hate the Modern Warfare 2 remasters. It's just the maps. I've already played them before. You know. I've already played those maps so many times, so I felt immediately disinterested in the fact that we're just going to have a bunch of remasters from 2009 back, and some of those maps aren't that great either, so it was just all around not a good map pool, but then throughout the DLC.

black ops cold war

Sledgehammer has hit us with so many new maps it's insane, so first of all, of course they did carry over some of the monare for two maps from the previous year, and some of those maps are really good. I love Crown Raceway Marcato Los Alas Farm 18; a couple of those maps actually work really well in this game, and I'm very happy to see them.

And then, of course, Leed Hammer has been dropping a bunch of brand new original 6v6 maps, and they've been dropping a lot. At this point in the life cycle, we're only like five or six months in; there's still, you know, a whole six months left of it. At this point, we already have nine brand new original maps made by Sledgehammer Games, and guess what?

black ops cold war zombies

Greenhouse, which is a remake of one of the maps from Vanguard, and then of course you have DOS House coming back from Vanguard as well, which is really cool, and something so cool they've been doing with these new maps is that they're actually adding a lot of very small maps. Now this is one of my biggest issues with Call of Duty in the past few years: essentially, we just keep getting these shipment playlists 24/7, and that's all people ever want to play, and I kept saying we either need to remove the playlist and only have it available at some points in the life cycle or just add in more maps that are similar in size to the shipment, so at least when you play those 247 playlists, it's not just shipment all the time and sludgehammer.

I actually did that this year; there's a small map playlist. 24/7, And it has a bunch of small maps. Currently, there are six small maps in there: you have a shipment, you have rust, you have a DOS house, you have a stash house, you have meat, and now you have the new emergency map. They're all not necessarily as small as a shipment, but they're all relatively small enough for them to really work well in a 24/7 playlist that allows you to play these really small maps to just grind your guns and if you want to get a lot of kills in a single game.


I personally prefer playing on those smaller maps. I know a lot of people don't, and they act like these maps are brainless. There's like no strategy behind them, and I don't really agree with that. I agree with that in games like Moder Warfare 2019 and Moder Warfare 2 because those games have mechanics like the fast time to kill and the slower movement.

It just doesn't really work well with those small maps, but when you do have a slower time to kill, especially when this p is more important than anything. I think these small maps actually do have a sense of control over them, and I actually do find myself really enjoying and finding different strategies you can do on these maps, and I think it's just more fun than the other maps.


I still play the other maps from time to time, but I prefer playing the small map playlist, and I'm not forced to just play Shipment again and again. Now I have six different maps to choose from, and I'm assuming they're going to keep adding more. We're probably going to have at least 10 maps in this small map playlist by the end of the year, which is absolutely.

Awesome! I also love how there's so much to unlock and work towards in this game in terms of grinds. I've always said grinds are great, but they can't be the only thing to do in the game, and thankfully, that's not really the case here. The game itself is really fun, just at a base level, but yeah, you have tons of things to grind for there's so many camos.

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