News - Warzone 2 Is Better Than Modern Warfare 3

I know that sounds kind of strange; I just talked about it, you know. Now something else I want to go ahead and talk about is map fluidity. Again, I know I just talked about the spawns, but the maps themselves, I think they flow great with this cod. Now that I spoke about this in one of the betas, and I did anticipate things to change, they didn't, which honestly is a massive W.

This is the first Call of Duty game, but again. I do believe it's because we actually have good maps this year that you can safely get around the map without feeling like you're gridlocked and trapped at a certain point. I can get around Highrise FLA, Skro, without a problem; hell, I can even get around on rust without a problem.

modern warfare 3 beta

Yes, people like to camp up top, and it's incredibly effective to do so, but I never found myself having to literally go into a corner and hit some crazy angle with the scoped weapon to take somebody else off of a PowerPoint. I never had to do that with Call of Duty in the beta, and overall, I think that is a massive W and something that they should applaud themselves for.

These maps flow phenomenally, and I hope this is the case for all of the other remaining Modern Warfare 2 maps we're going to be getting when the game does originally release, so hopefully this stays the way it does the map. Flow, amazing this game is. Movement, amazing this Call of Duty Things are looking good, and that's something that I really do love about Moder Warfare 3, and I think we can all agree that just the flow of the game is topnotch again.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

Do you guys enjoy how the game feels? You guys enjoy how the game flows minus a ttk, which you may or may not like, but that's something we can honestly just get used to. I think the game is running well. You know, from my personal experience, now I want to go ahead and talk about the perk system, a.k.a., the gloves, and the vest system, honestly speaking.

Now, I know this might come as a shock. I love this system. I think this is probably one of the best systems we've ever had. I hope they keep it, or at least they just change the name of it but keep the whole idea of it. I love this so much. I think this is the perfect balance. On how you can create a class set that caters to how you personally want to play, if you want to go ahead and get nuke high gun streaks, you can run the Gunner vest, you can run two perks, and overall dominate.

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I mean, they are literally allowing you to essentially have four five-per-class setups with this new vest glove combination boots combination. I absolutely love it. There really isn't anything that's restricting you from doing what you want to do, and I think that's absolutely phenomenal. Now again, this kind of goes.

modern warfare 3 honest review

Hand in hand with how Modern Warfare 2 in 2009 played and how everything was kind of overpowered. I do think that the best system could be considered overpowered because, literally, we can rock. Bandelier overkill, fast hands, and sitre pro from Modern Warfare 2009. AKA, you know, being able to hear footsteps, swap weapons faster, and have all that in the same class.

You can rock ghost-fast hands, and you can do a lot of combinations in Call of Duty, but I feel they're trying to go ahead and hit home to the old days when everything was good and you really weren't restricted to what type of class you could just create you could just create it and go crazy. I absolutely love the perk system we have right now, and I hope they do not go ahead and make changes.

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This is the most freedom I feel like we've had in a very long time. Yes, the P-10 system was good as well, but for me personally, this system is phenomenal, and I do not want them to make any changes to it. Modare 3 is obviously one of those games where they're catering to what the OG fans are trying to give us, literally, everything we wanted for the past 3 years, and I think that is a massive W, and overall.

modern warfare 3 multiplayer

I think that's going to help this game's life cycle and overall enjoyment factor, and you know, allowing people to kind of experience what we have missed, these past Call of Duty games, and honestly. I'm all for it, man. I'm really all for it. I have high hopes and high expectations for Modern Warfare 3.

I have not said that in a very, very long time. I got my hopes up with Vanguard, but at the same time. I really do think Modern Warfare 3 is going to be a game that we all can enjoy throughout this entire year's life cycle because, honestly, this is a game that I don't really feel was supposed to release on its own.

Original title, but because of the sudden backlash Modern Warfare 2 received as well as War Zone 2, they were forced to go ahead and release another title, and for the most part. RS, and any and all news and updates catch you guys in the next

Modern Warfare 2 is BETTER than Modern Warfare 3. Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Gameplay Review after the MW3 Beta Weekend 2.
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