News - Does It Suck. Honest Impressions Of Mw3's Multiplayer. Warzone 2i Beta


Before we get started, let me just say this is a beta; it's a very early version of the game and a very limited one at that the beta will evolve over time as we go into weekend 2 and as more players get access to it once Xbox and PC get their turn but right now we have a very limited build of Modern Warfare 3 there are only 20 total weapons in the game like two submachine guns, the third one's not available unless you pre-ordered, and then on top of that, you have like three rifles.

There's a very limited number of perks and attachments, and even then. As well, me personally I never use a PlayStation controller literally ever I use it for the betas every year and every year I think to myself why don't I use this controller more I'm tired of being so bad with it I'm telling you what it's very frustrating to go from 15 years on an Xbox controller to using a PlayStation controller it just it feels weird and I don't like it and I'm old and I'm set my ways but that being said, these are my very early First Impressions and let's just jump right into it I think that Modern Warfare 3 has a ton of potential the maps themselves are very nostalgic, and it's great to see them again though I will say over time the more I play on them those roast tinted glasses are starting to come off the same feeling I got on the first day of the beta when I saw flla, again I saw skid R when I saw estate.

cod modern warfare 3

I don't get that same feeling on day two; it's already the nostalgia that's already started to wear off on me as I've played the same three maps over and over and over. I think it's natural that eventually you get burned out on playing them, especially considering you already knew the maps to begin with if you played the original Modern Warfare 2.

So I wonder if that's going to affect players going forward as we get into the full launch of the game when we have all 16 of the original Modern Warfare 2 maps back. I wonder how long it's going to take for fans to kind of get a little burned out on them. I personally am excited to see all the maps and play on them once again, but they don't play the same as they used to.

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I mean, not only is the game fundamentally different with the New Movement mechanics being able to mantle over certain things with certain geometry changes that Sledgehammer decided to make for one reason or another, the maps definitely feel different, and they play different than they did back in the day, even for the community here in 2023.

modern warfare 3

Compared to 2009 and 2010, it's a very different experience on these maps. I have really been enjoying that, and they have also said there will be 12 plus 12 original maps. Maps are coming to Modern Warfare 3 throughout the DLC seasons, and on top of that, they're going to be adding a couple of fan favorites in remakes as well.

One of the biggest questions I have is: will they bring back the old map packs for Modern Warfare 2 as well, or maybe just select ones like Trailer Park or Storm? Maybe you know there's a whole bunch of the OG Modern Warfare 2 DLC maps that apparently are not in the game plan for Modern Warfare 3, but we never know what can happen post-launch.

modern warfare 3 honest impressions

Moving along from the maps, the time to kill takes a lot of getting used to, my goodness, when we first heard that there was going to be 150. Health in Modern Warfare 3: I think a lot of us presumed that it would feel like the Black Ops 4 time to kill, but it's not that it's somewhere in between. A game like the newer Modern Warfare 2, and Black Ops 4 maybe picture it as something like Black Ops Cold War but a little bit slower like Black Ops Cold War.

If every player had like one piece of War Zone armor on, that's kind of how it feels with the limited number of weapons and attachments that are available. This means that weapon balance has not been great so far. I'll say it again: I'm not comfortable with my controller; my gun skill is garbage on the PlayStation.

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I just don't do that well, but at the same time, I'm just noticing in general certain guns like the ACR, or what's it called in this game, the mCW, or some. I don't even know why they can't just keep the names of guns. You think a multi-billion-dollar company could pay for the rights to gun names, but I don't think they want to do that because of political strife and all the stuff happening in the world.

modern warfare 3 honest review

I kind of get it, but at the same time, it's annoying how every gun has a different name, like the ACR. Gun i cannot make that gun good; I just can't right now, man. I don't know. Every time I use it, I just get demolished by acrs, umps, and literally any other gun in the game. It just seems bad to me.

modern warfare 3 review

I don't know. But at the same time the true power of a gun cannot be properly, assessed until all attachments are unlocked and we don't have access to all of them right now in the beta we have access to a number of them but I imagine even more attachments are going to be available in the full game so it's tough to tell how weapon balance is truly going to be in Modern Warfare 3 but right now it doesn't feel like it's very good but I think we're only a couple of days into the Beta again these are early First Impressions but it seems like certain weapons are shining, and other weapons are kind of left in the dust but at the same time you have to level up your guns you have to get all the attachments you have to try out new things and without a proper firing range or anything in the beta you just have to jump into a match with these attachments and see okay how's this feeling how's it working I think that's the whole point of the beta right I think it's for us to figure out these guns try out these things and truth be told like I'm going let you guys in on a secret here.

I don't believe it. I've ever, really, Liked a beta for COD, like really liked it. I'm talking like, holy, this is the greatest game ever. Every time we play a beta, it's like you're jumping into a brand new game, and you have to learn the maps you have to learn the time to kill you have to learn the attachments, the guns, the rush routes, the equipment, the score streaks, and all that stuff, and you have to try to cram all that into a very tight weekend.

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