News - Warzone 2 "interstellar" Mastery Camo Unlocked. Quick & Easy Tutorial Guide For Leveling/challenges

And, time commitment, right I think what they've done here is they've actually they've given us a challenge that does take a decent amount of time you have to actually go for this and really work towards it but at the same time it's not completely, wasting your time you know when I was sitting there in last year's game Modern Warfare 2 trying to line up freaking long shots on my submachine guns in Hardcore team deathmatch just bored out of my mind like I really felt like my time was being wasted I didn't feel like they valued my time as a customer, and I would say so many times ranting in articles or on Twitter I'm like I want to see, one Infinity War Dev grinding for Orion camo sitting there in hardcore deem Deathmatch holding down a sight line with a submachine gun going boy this is really fun and engaging.


Like it was a waste of your time, like most of the time it just felt like they were disrespecting the entire player base with how tedious and boring those challenges were, and we have a couple of those, let's be honest, here within Modern Warfare 3, but in general. I think sled chamber games made the entire challenge process a lot more streamlined and a lot more engaging.

I mean, say what you want about going for enemies affected by tactical and whatnot, but at least you're running around, as compared to sitting there going for long shots with every single weapon in the game. You know what I mean, so I think it did a pretty good job here. That is all for this article here today.

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It's just weird, man, like I'm going back into Modern Warfare 3, and for the first time, I feel like I'm actually playing the game, like I haven't even tried Search and Destroy out in this game. I haven't played anything like free-for-all. I'm interested in giving War Zone another shot, you know.

And I hope you guys all. Have a wonderful day

mwiii interstellar guide

I got Interstellar camo in the MW3 Multiplayer, so I wanted to make this video detailing the best ways to level guns and tackle some of the more annoying challenges in the game.
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