News - Warzone 2 "interstellar" Mastery Camo Unlocked. Quick & Easy Tutorial Guide For Leveling/challenges

interstellar mw3

I have unlocked Interstellar Camo, but definitely not as quick as a lot of other content creators out there. Getting it within the first month of the game coming out makes me pretty happy, and now I feel like I can actually go play the game. I'm not even going to lie to you. I jumped in that 12 V12 playlist here today, and it was kind of weird because I wasn't going for a challenge.

I wasn't trying to level up a gun. I wasn't trying to do anything, but I decided to just play the game. It really did feel weird for the first time since its launch. I was actually looking at my Crea class and thinking, Okay, is this a good class? Are these good attachments, like for the first time I'm actually playing the game?

It feels like before that, I was always working on camos, always working on leveling up my guns, always trying to do different kinds of challenges and things like that, and I will say interstellar. It looks fantastic; it's a very good-looking camo; the challenges are relatively easy, but some of these challenges are really buggy and weird, which I will be covering a lot of.

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Here in this article today, we're going to basically have this be a short interstellar guide; nothing crazy; it's not going to be like a 40-minute article breaking down every single challenge because a lot of them are straightforward, but some of them are not, and again, we're going to be covering that.

interstellar mwiii

First things first things first here you have to get your guns leveled up. I see so many people doing this the wrong way when you're making your class or leveling up your guns. It needs to look like this. You have the engineer vest on, which is going to not only allow you to see enemy equipment through walls and things like that, but more importantly, it's going to give you an extra tactical, and it's going to give you faster charge, on your field upgrade so what we're going to do is we're going to equip our decoys with the engineer best we actually get three decoys we can Chuck out every single time we spawn in and then the Dos field upgrade which is incredibly, good I mean I see so many people they're sweating they're trying to low up their guns and whatnot and getting kills is good for sure but especially when you're playing on small Maps like rust or shipment or meat, let your equipment do most of the work for you like while you're getting your kills while you're playing the objective while you're doing all the things that get you score, you're having your decoys getting you so many assist you have the Dos which will not only dos enemy players but it's also going to get rid of all those pesky trophy systems they're trying to eat up your decoys.

interstellar warzone

Basically you're getting DSes like every 30 seconds you're throwing out three decoys every time you spawn in it's the fastest way to level up your guns obviously you also want to do this on a small map if the playlist is available for you again rust Mint or meat which is currently active, those are the best maps for leveling up quickly because they're small and you get a lot more action a lot more kills a lot more assists a lot more score a lot more everything that is the best way to level up your guns right there it's better than zombies it's better than any other nonsense, play on a small map Chuck decoys everywhere use your dos and the reason why I'm saying this is I talked about it in the previous article but it's weird I don't see enough other people doing this to level up their guns it's always me and then for some reason they're like how come he's got twice as much score at the end of the game as everybody else it's because I'm throwing my decoys, every time I spawn in and I'm dosing.

modern warfare 3

Basically, on cool down, that's how you get tons of scores; that's how you level up your guns now. When it comes to the challenges, most of them in this game are very straightforward. I couldn't believe some of them, like the Priceless Challenge. For the cat, the AMR sniper rifle was just getting three suppressed head shots; that was not in one bullet, not in one life, just three in general, and a lot of these challenges are pretty basic, like.

modern warfare 3 interstellar

Go get 10 kills with a laser sight equipped. I'm like, okay, that's not even like a challenge, but I'll take it, but there are some challenges in this game that are really buggy and really weird. The first one we're going to be talking about is going to be the three kills with one magazine. Normally, that's not an issue, but sometimes I'm sure you've noticed it doesn't like the track prop L, and the reason why that is because you're not reloading.

Enough of what I'm actually showing you right here; one of my final challenges was to get three kills in one magazine with the Brewin 100-round magazine light machine gun. I'm like, that's not even hard; it's 100 rounds for crying out loud, but I went through it and I'm getting all these three kill streaks.

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As you guys can see, I'm just killing and killing and killing, and after two games. I only had two of those challenges finished. I'm like, how does that even make any sense? Well, it's because the challenge itself is kind of buggy, so whenever you get your three kills with one mage, just make sure you reload, even when it's the very next life.


Fire one bullet and then reload just to do it so that it thinks that you're on a brand new magazine. I went through two straight games and did not reload even once. And because of that the challenge only counted once, per game which was really frustrating so you have to reload for a new magazine to happen I don't know it's weird, but that's how you go about getting that challenge done you have to do it for a number of weapons here in the game another challenge that gave me a lot of trouble would be the penetration kills for light machine guns as well as sniper rifles, now I'm sure a lot of you guys have heard that you can shoot through chain link fences and that's going to make the challenge relatively simple and that is true, but it's not every chain link fence and even then it doesn't always count it's really frustrating so here are going to be some examples I need to get 15 penetration kills, on the cat AMR sniper rifle well here I am on Skid Row I go right down the middle I shoot through the door.

mw3 challenge tips

Guess what that does not count as an imp penetration kill. Even though I shot the guy clean through the door, it doesn't count. I went to the back of the map. I was getting killed from behind this Chain Lake fence. Again, that also does not count now when it comes to maps like scrapyards and high-rises.

I got Interstellar camo in the MW3 Multiplayer, so I wanted to make this video detailing the best ways to level guns and tackle some of the more annoying challenges in the game.
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